Talented Genius

Chapter 1250: Mask youth

Chapter 1250: Masked Youth

Ye Tianlong recognized the other party at a glance, Huo Ziguang, Huo Zicai's younger brother, and Lin Shaoqing's crazy suitor.

He did not expect that Huo Ziguang would attack Lin Shaoqing.

Lin Shaoqing was not surprised, but was very angry: "Huo Ziguang, it's you!"

"Lin Shaoqing, I told you that if I can't get you, I will destroy you."

Huo Ziguang knelt on the ground, staring at Lin Shaoqing with a grin: "You can only belong to me in this life, you can only belong to me."

After the roar, he took out another needle from his pocket and plunged it into his arm. The needle swished into his arm.


Almost just after the fight, Huo Ziguang stood up, as if Ye Tianlong's foot was no longer a serious problem, and then he roared and rushed towards Ye Tianlong.

by! What stuff did it come from?

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a while, as if he didn't expect that Huo Ziguang would have this one. When his thoughts turned, Huo Ziguang had already jumped over and blasted Ye Tianlong with a punch.

Lin Shaoqing shouted: "Tianlong, be careful!"

Ye Tianlong, who hadn't figured out the situation, didn't face Huo Ziguang hard, just turned around to avoid it, and at the same time stretched out his foot and hooked quickly.


Huo Ziguang fell to the ground with serious injuries, but there was no pain on his face, and he turned over again and kicked Ye Tianlong who was protecting Lin Shaoqing.

Ye Tianlong swiftly avoided again. Huo Ziguang kicked a tree with this foot. He only heard a bang, the trunk shook, and there was an extra footprint.

"Damn, so much strength?"

Ye Tianlong was amazed at Huo Ziguang's changes, and then concentrated more on dealing with him.

"Stop! Stop!"

At this time, the two campus security guards had arrived, and without a word, they grabbed Huo Ziguang with one hand!

Seeing so many people surrounding him, Huo Ziguang was not afraid at all. Instead, he laughed and kicked left and right.

Then they grabbed their wrists and slammed upwards, and the two security guards were thrown out like big stupid chickens, knocking over a companion who rushed over.

The three fell to the ground in embarrassment.

"Catch him, catch him!"

A security guard smashed Huo Ziguang with a glue stick. Huo Ziguang laughed in a frantic manner and swept out with one arm.

There was a muffled sound, the glue stick dropped to the ground, making a sound, and the security snorted, clutching his chest and backing four steps, with a trace of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Take it down!"

Seeing that his companion was injured, the three security guards who rushed over rushed forward, and the glue sticks rushed towards each other fiercely.

Huo Ziguang laughed loudly, fisted and kicked, and knocked the three of them to the ground, but he didn't care about his injuries.

The security guards who fell on the ground coughed one by one, their faces were so bitter that they could not scream.

An experienced security guard found a gap, and a glue stick slammed Huo Ziguang's back.


With a muffled sound, Huo Ziguang left a stick mark on his back, but his body was not knocked out. After shaking it twice, he recovered his calmness.

Huo Ziguang laughed extremely angrily, grabbed the glue stick that was too late to evacuate with his backhand, and then thundered with a punch.


The security guard vomited blood and flew seven or eight meters before stopping.

Lin Shaoqing's pretty face paled: "Why is he so powerful?"

She also wanted to hold Ye Tianlong to prevent him from going up, but Ye Tianlong had already stepped forward, bending his toes against Huo Zi's bare legs.


With a loud noise, Huo Ziguang's center of gravity was unstable and fell to the ground, groaning, trying to struggle, but his calves trembled, unable to support his burly body.

He turned his head and stared at Ye Tianlong, his mouth full of blood and shouted, "Bad son!"

"It looks really crazy, and keeping it is a curse."

Ye Tianlong could see that Huo Ziguang had gone mad, and he was going to abolish the opponent two steps forward. To deal with this kind of lunatic, beating the disabled is the best way.

If you can't walk with your hands and legs, it will not hurt people.

"Tianlong, don't touch him!"

At this time, Lin Shaoqing hurriedly stepped forward to hold Ye Tianlong, and gently shook his head to signal him not to take action: "I'm fine, there is no need for this to make a big deal."

Then he shouted to Huo Ziguang: "I tell you, because you were good to me before, I will let you go today."

"Next time you dare to hurt me, I'll call the police and catch you. Get out!"

Huo Ziguang licked the corner of his mouth, stood up shaking, and pointed his finger at the people around him to deter them not to approach.

Ye Tianlong was startled when he heard the words: "He almost disfigured you and injured so many people, just let him go like this?"

Lin Shaoqing said softly: "He has mental problems, he has no reason to do things, and you hit him, you will go to jail."

At the scene there were seven or eight students who heard the movement and approached. Ye Tianlong really beat Huo Ziguang, fearing that the police would arrest him with excessive defense.

Moreover, the Huo family is wealthy and powerful, and it is true that Ye Tianlong will die, 100% will cause him trouble, the Lin family will not help Ye Tianlong out of interest.

Lin Shaoqing, who knows the routines of the rich, naturally does not want Ye Tianlong to become a victim, so she pulled Ye Tianlong softly and pleaded:

"Tianlong, don't be familiar with him, let him go."

The suffering lord begged so, Ye Tianlong had to open his fists and smile bitterly: "Okay, I let him go, but you don't even need to call the police?"

"The alarm is almost useless to him."

Lin Shaoqing looked at Huo Ziguang who staggered away, took out her mobile phone and said in a low voice, "I will put pressure on the family so that the Huo family will look at him."

"I think the Huo family knows that he is pouring sulfuric acid, and he will definitely stare at him in the future. I think the Huo family will compensate the security guard for his injuries."

Lin Shaoqing quickly dialed the number and briefly described what happened just now...

Ye Tianlong could only smile at this: "I hope so."

After Lin Shaoqing finished the call, she looked at the crowd approaching around her, and immediately pulled Ye Tianlong and ran away.

Lin Shaoqing took Ye Tianlong directly to her bachelor apartment, which covers an area of ​​more than 50 square meters, with one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom.

There are many dolls in the room, as well as handmade works. There are also a few sketches on the walls, except for the shadow of musical instruments.

"I have four classes a week, so I come back once a week."

After Lin Shaoqing closed the door, she brought Ye Tianlong a bottle of soda, and invited him to sit down on the lazy couch, and once again apologized to Ye Tianlong:

"I really thank you just now. If it weren't for you, I would be disfigured by Huo Ziguang."

Ye Tianlong retracted his gaze from the surroundings and leaned on the sofa and asked curiously: "Isn't Huo Ziguang you diehard? How did you become so crazy?"

"After he returned from Mingjiang, his temperament has changed a lot. He is still good to me, but that kind of goodness is already a burden."

Lin Shaoqing also took a bottle of water, kicked off his shoes and sat next to Ye Tianlong: "He confessed to me three times in a row, but was declined."

"The last time was at my birthday party. He showed his love to me in front of more than 300 people and gave me a sports car worth more than 5 million."

Lin Shaoqing's pretty face flicked helplessly: "I really don't have any feeling for him, so I bit the bullet and rejected him."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Because of love becomes hate?"

Lin Shaoqing sighed faintly: "After that time, he started to go crazy. Not only did he follow me every day, he also hated the friends around me."

"I was a foreign teacher who taught me to play the piano and was hit by a car when he left the studio."

She opened the glamorously and generously: "He also accidentally injured my distant cousin."

"When I saw that I was out of control, I asked the family to put pressure on him and let the Huo family take care of him."

"It was safe for a month, but soon began to follow me again, and wanted to force a bow on my Overlord. Fortunately, the bodyguards stopped him."

Lin Shaoqing told Ye Tianlong: "I can't help it, so I called the police to apply for an injunction order to prevent him from approaching me."

"This time it is useful to report to the police. He is on the safe side to this day, but he didn't expect to make another move this time and directly pour sulfuric acid."

"I called my home just now, and I must resolve the matter. If there is no satisfactory solution, I will call the police tomorrow."

There was a firm look in her eyes: "I won't give the Huo family face anymore."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "So, I wonder, how could he become like this, it turned out to be hate because of love."

Then he revealed a touch of doubt, what was Huo Ziguang injected? Body power suddenly becomes so terrifying?

At almost the same moment, Huo Ziguang stumbled into a small restaurant outside the campus that was closed, and then fell to the ground.

He gasped for breath, the burst and strength just now receded like a tide...

"Tianyao No.1 is really good."

When Huo Ziguang passed out in a coma, a young man wearing a silver mask walked out of the room, leaned over to look at Huo Ziguang's situation, and smiled indifferently:

"A little bit of edge fusion can make the waste so crazy."

"It's a pity that I didn't have any luck and I met Ye Tianlong again."

He expressed regret: "Otherwise, Lin Shaoqing will be ruined, how interesting this port city should be..."

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