Talented Genius

Chapter 1277: Stop messing up (four more)

When Tang Jiajun was shocked by the dead bullet and sweated all over, the shark gang was again dangerous.

At eight o'clock in the morning, a fire broke out in the ward where Tang Shenghui was located. Two quilts were burned. If the guards came in time, Tang Shenghui was going to be a roast pig.

Regardless of this, Tang Shenghui was shocked, because he saw Liang Zikuan's grim smile in the chaotic crowd.

At nine o'clock in the morning that day, at a nightclub under Tiger Shark's banner, Sang Kun and the gang sent by Tang Jiajun to power were blocked in the room and attacked frantically.

The shark gang leader who had just fallen asleep on the dozen was hacked to death almost without resistance, and Sang Kun even had his head cut off.

At the same time, at the entrance of the bull shark's hall, five airborne backbones were hanged at the gate, and the kid who opened the door fainted on the spot.

A line of blood was also left at the scene, indicating that a bull shark's former cronies would be the entrance to the hall, or else they would kill one by one by airborne.

At half past nine, four megalodon widows in the Megalodon villa found their new owner, who had brutally abused them last night, and were drowned in an electric bathtub.

His lifeblood was severely cut, and a whole bathtub of hot water was stained red.

At ten o'clock that day, more than a dozen diehard devil sharks just came out of the funeral home and vowed to kill Ye Tianlong before their blood fell. They were hit by a truck.

More than a dozen people, like the paper-struck people, fell tens of meters away, seven dead and six wounded, five of them were severely disabled...

When these things happened, Ye Tianlong was in the Wanghai Hall of the Repulse Bay Clubhouse. This clubhouse was full of power and power, and the beauty, food, and beauty were one.

Ye Tianlong sat at a resting table, waiting for Ding Liuyue while answering the news.

Because of Ye Tianlong's billion, Sun Sizhu's alliance, Qi Ba's focus of negotiations, Tang Jiajun's burnout, Ding Liuyue's life is much better.

So she called Ye Tianlong in the morning, inviting him to come to this club to rest and eat together at noon by the way.

It is rare for Ding Liuyue to have time to accompany herself, so Ye Tianlong naturally came here early and left an alibi for herself.

"Ye Shao, Tang Jiajun airborne the backbone of the three halls, almost all of them were removed by us."

When the clock was pointing to half past ten, Han Qinhu's laughter came from Ye Tianlong's earplugs: "His son is about to be scared of mental illness."

Ye Tianlong laughed when he heard the words: "Very well, I counted so many times, it's time to fight back, and I should give Tiger Shark a little confidence."

"The effect should be good."

Han Qinhu smiled: "Tang Jiajun is probably half to death, but he's just a little puzzled. Why not kill him with two more bullets?"

For Han Qinhu, as long as two more bullets are fired, Tang Jiajun will be headshot 80%. When he dies, the entire shark gang will become a mess.

In that situation without a leader, it is easier to fight sharks to help.

"It's easy to kill him, but if he is dead, Ding Liuyue's innocence is in trouble."

Ye Tianlong sighed: "Without Tang Jiajun's whitewashing of Ding Liuyue, even if Ding Liuyue does not have to be on the police blacklist, her reputation will be ruined."

"Involving this kind of high-risk matter, whether it is credible or not, most people will choose to believe it."

Han Qinhu nodded: "Understood."

Ye Tianlong chatted with Han Qinhu about the Shark Gang for a while, then turned around and asked, "Did Qi Ba and Qi Ji react?"

He took a sip of his coffee, and then glanced to the side. He found several men and women in Hong Kong, looking at him intentionally or unintentionally, but quickly moved away.

Then another pair of men and women glanced at him and nodded politely.

Ye Tianlong felt that they were a bit familiar, and he quickly remembered that he was the person he had met in the negotiation hall last night, and he couldn't help but laugh secretly that he was also somewhat famous.

But Ye Tianlong didn't care, and just continued to ask Han Qinhu: "Are there any signs of revenge for Qi Ba?"

"Qi Ba is very strange, there is no reaction at all."

Han Qinhu said in a low voice: "Not only did he not get angry and gathered manpower to retaliate, he also attended the donation ceremony of the Wong Tai Sin Temple normally."

"The runaway willow blossoms, the death of Jiang Yunshen, and the death of Jiang Yunshen, all seem to have nothing to do with him, and they don't seem to care."

He told the situation: "He didn't even arrive at his son's hospital. Either his brain is short-circuited, or the city mansion is too deep, I can't see him a bit."

Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes when he heard the words, seemingly surprised Qi Ba's calmness, and sighed for a long time: "It seems that he is really a character."

Han Qinhu fully agreed: "It is indeed a character."

"It's the first time I've been beaten up by us like this when replaced by someone else.

"I have never dealt with Qi Ba before, but judging from these incidents, we must be careful with him."

"The same stone hit the pool with a bang, and it made a frightening movement. When it hit the pond, the water splashed and the movement was not small."

Han Qinhu gave an example: "But when he hit a deep pool, there was no movement with a bang. Qi Ba is such a deep pool."

"If we are not careful, we can easily drown silently by it."

Ye Tianlong laughed loudly when he heard the words: "It makes sense. You let the oriole stare at Qi Ba specifically and know his movements at any time."

Han Qinhu nodded: "Understood, brother."

Ye Tianlong asked again: "Where is Qi Ji? How is it?"

Han Qinhu took the topic: "He was treated in the hospital and his ears had just been operated on. It is estimated that he will need to stay for a few days. His movements are bigger than Qi Ba."

"There are constant people coming in and out of the ward, and there are many South Asian faces among them. It is estimated that he will come in a big wave."

He went on to add: "His defense is still very tight, and he even asked the police for a protection team. He seems to know that we are going to attack."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "I hope he stays safe, otherwise, next time I will really blow his head."

"You tell the oriole, send a few more people from the hall to stare at, Qi Ji is also a powerful character."

Han Qinhu nodded again: "Understood."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Tianlong stretched and stretched his paralyzed legs.


At this moment, a fragrant wind rushed from the side, Ye Tianlong sniffed lightly, and looked sideways, a gorgeous lady was surrounded by others.

The glamorous lady is jeweled and precious, with thick black hair wrapped around her head, her face is slightly fat, her eyes are energetic, and she is noble, which makes people afraid to look at her.

Ye Tianlong also discovered that the outline of this gorgeous lady was somewhat similar to that of Lin Shaoqing.

By her side, there are also a bunch of men and women in Chinese clothes, who have the accumulated temperament of successful people, and they are much more mature than Lin Shaoqing.

When there was a hint of doubt in Ye Tianlong's eyes, the glamorous lady walked up to Ye Tianlong, and her red lips lightly asked: "Are you Ye Tianlong?"

"Ah! Yes, yes..."

Ye Tianlong came back to his senses: "Madam?"

Looking at the woman's face up close, she found that she was really mature and beautiful, charming and moving.

"The Lin family."

The gorgeous lady faintly said, "Lin Shaoqing's mother."

Ye Tianlong hurriedly got up, stretched out his hand and shouted, "Hello, Auntie."

The gorgeous lady did not shake hands with Ye Tianlong, but took three checks from an assistant and put them into Ye Tianlong's hands one by one:

"There are three hundred million here, one is Qi Ji's compensation, the other is the gratitude of the people of Hong Kong City, and the other is Shaoqing's heart for you."

Her tone was not angry and prestigious: "Take these 300 million, leave Hong Kong City, don't make any more mess."

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