Talented Genius

Chapter 1278: Departure

Stop messing up?

Hearing these words, Ye Tianlong was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled: "Mrs. Lin, I don't know what it means to add chaos?"

The aunt who was originally called cordially became Mrs. Lin, which meant that Ye Tianlong had abandoned Lin Shaoqing's sense of intimacy.

"You have helped Shaoqing several times. I am very grateful to you. You saved the face for us last night. We thank you too, but everything has a degree."

The gorgeous lady stared at Ye Tianlong: "After this point, good things will turn into bad things."

The lady's name is Zhuang Mingyan. She is Lin Shaoqing's mother and the most favored wife of the Lin family. Many years of star Pengyue made her accustomed to being superior.

So when she talked, she didn't need to be deliberately publicizing, she brought her own domineering, so that the surrounding air was much colder.

Ye Tianlong did not respond, just looking at this gorgeous woman, wanting to see what reason she would use to drive herself out today.

Zhuang Mingyan saw that Ye Tianlong didn't say anything, thinking that she was intimidated by her, she waved her hand to let her companion drive the others out of the hall, and then snorted:

"Ye Tianlong, I have enough evidence to show that you are the passerby who killed Kang Ruting."

"The grievances between the two parties can end when Kang Ruting is frustrated, but you mercilessly killed five people, turning the conflict into life and death grievances."

"You already won the victory last night, but you still cut off Qi Ji, and made it more difficult to reconcile a grudge that was originally controllable."

Zhuang Mingyan said with a hint of blame: "Do you know how much trouble this has caused us?"

"Maybe this is your way of doing things, but it is difficult for us to accept, and we believe that if you let you do this regardless of the toss, Hong Kong City will be in chaos."

She slenderly pointed her finger at three cheques: "So I hope you can leave the country with the cheque and stop getting into this whirlpool."

Zhuang Mingyan wanted Ye Tianlong to leave, but there was another reason she didn't say, and that was that she didn't want Ye Tianlong to hang out with Lin Shaoqing.

Xiaoxiao showed her a photo in the morning. It was the scene of Lin Shaoqing kissing Ye Tianlong softly, which was a thorn to her.

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Three hundred million? Departure?"

Mrs. Lin's eyebrows were raised, and her pretty face was joking: "What? Too few? This is already a lot, and it's a lot of face."

"Although you have contributed a lot to the club and the negotiation, don't forget that you are the instigator."

"If you don't see blood and murder, how can a fight and contradiction become life and death?"

She got close to Ye Tianlong: "Young man, please be satisfied, let's go with three hundred million."

Several men and women around him also echoed: "The human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant. Three hundred million will be enough for you to eat for half a lifetime."

Ye Tianlong looked at the beauty close at hand, with a smile on his face: "The scenery of the port city is so good, I want to stay a few more days."

Zhuang Mingyan narrowed her eyes when she heard the words: "Hong Kong City is not peaceful these days. Apart from the Yaochi clubhouse and negotiations, there are also many bad incidents."

"The Ding Group's fingers were broken, the police and bandits at the food stalls shot each other, the seafood street was poisoned, the Yangtze River Building exploded, and the Victoria Peak was raged..."

"During the days when you came to Hong Kong City, a series of murders occurred in this land, killing and wounding nearly a thousand gang members, involving countless innocent people."

There was something in her words: "This morning, there were seven or eight killings, and the officials used various unexpected reasons to cover up."

"But you and I know in my heart that those people were all killed, but the government didn't want to panic the people, so they used various means to suppress them."

Ye Tianlong picked up the coffee, took a sip and smiled, "Yes, I did it all."

More than a dozen Chinese-clothed men and women were stunned, looking at Ye Tianlong in surprise.

Zhuang Mingyan was also taken aback when she heard the words, she didn't seem to expect Ye Tianlong to be so direct and didn't know how to continue the topic just now.

Ye Tianlong looked at each other calmly, and the gorgeous lady found herself, and she could tell a series of things in detail, which meant that she had a bit of a bottom in her heart.

Therefore, Ye Tianlong didn't argue with the other party, but rather generously admitted that he disrupted Madam Lin's rhythm, and at the same time showed them his methods:

I did it, and I admit it, what can you do to me?

After a short silence, Zhuang Mingyan recovered her due cold arrogance, walked half a circle around Ye Tianlong, her voice was cold:

"I don't know what your grudges are, maybe they provoke you first, and you have to fight back."

"It's just that these things are because of you after all, plus Kang Ruting's headshot and Qi Ji's ears, the situation in Hong Kong City is already very delicate."

Zhuang Mingyan's words paused. She seemed to be giving Ye Tianlong time to understand the meaning of her words, and she seemed to be considering the wording.

Then, she said word by word: "Many people think that your arrival has seriously affected the stability of Hong Kong City."

"I hope you can leave here and restore the peace of Hong Kong."

Zhuang Mingyan's red lips lightly said: "This is good for us, it is good for Shaoqing, and it is good for you."

"There are many people? Many kinds of people?"

Ye Tianlong leaned back on the comfortable sofa and asked with great interest. In his smile, there was a kind of calmness that looked upon thousands of troops as nothing:

"Mrs. Lin, can I understand that when you are talking to me now, you are actually talking to me on behalf of the Hong Kong city circle?"

An aura of the black cloud pressing down on him just now made Zhuang Mingyan glance at it subconsciously, her eyelids twitched and she said:

"You can think so."

Ye Tianlong smiled and asked: "Madam still thinks that Qi Ji and their current dangers were caused by my excessive methods?"

Zhuang Mingyan's pretty face is still calm: "Yes, it's not that you murdered and cut your ears. How can things be so uncontrollable, and how can they be out of control?"

For Zhuang Mingyan, who is kind and wealthy, Qi Ji is certainly hateful, and his daughters are also wrong and dangerous enough, but they are still not a reason for murder.

And she also suspected that Ye Tianlong was deliberately doing big things, causing the Gangcheng circle to smash the Qi family.

Ye Tianlong's smile became more exuberant: "Maybe my methods are too radical, but the lady should know that only the wicked can suppress the wicked."

"I'm leaving Hong Kong City, who can deal with Qi Ji? How can you get back the prize from last night's scene?"

He looked at the graceful and luxurious woman: "Is the lady going to be the same as now, aligning jealousy with emotion, knowing and reasoning?"

Zhuang Mingyan said faintly: "Don't worry, Qi Ji will leave Hong Kong City within three days."

"It seems that Mrs. Lin made a deal with Qi Ba."

Ye Tianlong's heart moved, and then he burst into a playful smile: "It's just that you'd rather believe that wolves no longer bite people, and you don't want to make friends with hunters?"

Zhuang Mingyan was startled, and said coldly: "As long as we work together, the wolf can't bite anyone, but if you make friends with a bad-hearted hunter, I'm afraid he will blow me up."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "It seems to make sense."

"Ye Tianlong, stop talking nonsense."

Madam Lin's eyes were cold: "Are you going or not going?"

"Three hundred million..."

Ye Tianlong picked up the check and drank his coffee with a smile: "A fool won't leave, I will leave now."

After that, he got up and left Wanghai Hall...

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