Talented Genius

Chapter 1290: Never go back


Zilang's pupils widened instantly, and he withdrew three steps backwards. It was hard to believe that he looked at Confucius, but he didn't expect that Confucius was not afraid of pain.

And also took advantage of this opportunity to kill himself with his own sword.

"Purple Wolf!"

Jacks originally watched this battle with a joking expression, believing that Confucius was exploded out of ten streets by the Purple Wolf, but who knew it was the Purple Wolf who was counter-killed by Confucius.

His body shook and he couldn't bear it. When he hugged the purple wolf, he slammed a knife to solve Confucius' revenge on the purple wolf.


The knife that Jacks shot at Confucius was blocked by Ye Tianlong and fell into two pieces on the ground.

"Purple wolf! Purple wolf!"

Jacks kept yelling at the purple wolf, but the beauty couldn't respond at all. With her throat cut open, she could only shake her lips and hold the wound...

Blood can't stop it.

Jacks bit his lips tightly, his face was full of anger, and his killing intent was as vigorous as a mountain breeze.

Ye Tianlong also helped Confucius: "Kong Shao, are you okay."

Confucius coughed, and a lot of blood was flowing. He held Ye Tianlong's hand: "Still alive..."


At this moment, there was the sound of a helicopter not far away, with a slaughter aura, and there were noisy people and running sounds from the mountain road.

Even Ye Tianlong and the others could hear the movement of the armored vehicle. There is no doubt that the Kong family and official support have arrived.

Jacks heard it too, and looked at the sky and the mountain road, but didn't care, but the killing intent became more intense.

The purple wolf suddenly pressed the wound and squeezed out a few words with difficulty: "Go...go...go!"

Then she screamed, let go of her hands, a large amount of blood spurted from her throat, and she pulled Jacks and pleaded: "Go!"

Then, her eyes stopped, her head tilted, and she lost her vitality.

"Purple Wolf!"

Jacks roared, it didn't matter if a bunch of his men died, but the beauty around him was full of baby bumps, and the purple wolf died naturally, which naturally made him sad.


After the roar fell, Jacks rolled, and his left hand threw a piece of object directly at Ye Tianlong and Confucius.

At the same time, he reached out and grabbed the gun on the stump.

Ye Tianlong had originally shot against Jacks, but he didn't expect the other party to take the initiative. He instinctively tightened his nerves when he saw an object thrown.

Ye Tianlong hugged Confucius, then suddenly flipped back, rolling over the grass and trees like a ball and falling into the hillside...


Almost Ye Tianlong and Confucius had just rolled towards the hillside, and the yellow block exploded violently, and a radius of ten meters was completely blown up, leaving an extra hole.

Although Ye Tianlong and Confucius avoided the scope of damage, they were still knocked out by the air wave. They broke two small trees and fell to the ground, their whole bodies aching.

It's just that Ye Tianlong ignored the pain on his body, holding Confucius and rushing into behind a rock again.

"Boom boom!"

It was almost Ye Tianlong and Confucius hiding in, Jacks grabbed the gun and rushed forward, slamming the trigger, and the bullet swished beside them.

Ye Tianlong and Confucius bowed their heads as much as possible, but their bodies were still bruised by bullets and stones, and Ye Tianlong's ears also had an additional scar.

"Oh shit!"

Confucius shouted in a low voice: "This bastard, he is so cruel, I really want to bury him alive."

Ye Tianlong took out a pill and swallowed it for Confucius: "Slive first, and sooner or later he will be killed."

After swallowing the pill, the blood in Confucius' chest was relieved a lot, and he had a little more energy.

Confucius gritted his teeth and nodded with difficulty, and then shouted to a close friend who had touched him: "Kill Jacks for me!"

The order was sent out quickly, and Kong's gunmen marched up the mountain.


Jacks originally wanted to take advantage of the victory and chase, but the sound of gunfire not only caused the soldiers advancing on the mountain road to shout again and again, but the helicopter also flew over.

Jacks thrust the short gun back into his body, leaped back to the tree stump, grabbed a sniper rifle, the muzzle of the gun was turned, and two shots were directed at the sky.


In the sound of the gunshot, a helicopter trembled, and then the spiral was damaged and planted into the woods. Not long after, it was a shocking explosion.

Jacks did not stand still, the long spear turned again, two more shots were fired one after another, and the glass of another crushed helicopter shattered.

The pilot and co-pilot were headshot by the same bullet, and then the helicopter lost control and slammed into the mountain road, soaring into flames.

"Pump pound!"

Jacks didn't stop there, he jumped out a few meters, and indifferently squeezed the trigger against the Kong's elite and the officers and soldiers who came from the mountain road.

More than a dozen Kong's gunmen were headshot and fell in a pool of blood.

"Pump pound!"

Several officers and soldiers wanted to approach in a roundabout way, but they were all headshot by Jacks.

There are still people who want to attack and win at the same time, but unfortunately they are not faster than Jacks' gun.

This mercenary king, who is known as one person and one regiment, shows his strength and madness.

"Boom boom!"

It was another box of bullets. The Kong family gunners pressed from both sides were headshots one by one, and all fell on the vegetation.

He shot and changed bullets very fast, as if there was a third hand to help, the sniper rifle was like a burst of submachine gun.

Confucius' expression was very gloomy. He didn't expect Jacks to be so tricky. He killed two helicopters and over thirty people with one shot.

He had to sigh for the power of Jacks.

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes.


As Confucius issued an order, an armed helicopter bombarded the top of the mountain.

After a bombardment and bullet fire, Jack did not die.

Instead, he rushed out of a cave that had been explored a long time ago, shot the helicopter down from the other side, and then hunted down seven or eight security police officers.


Jacks lit a cigar, fired with a sniper rifle, and shouted: "Confucius, Ye Tianlong, you will remember it for me."

"Although I didn't kill you today, it doesn't mean that I failed."

"I tell you, I want to mess up the whole Hong Kong city, I want to kill all the big people, kill all the people who are related to you."

Jacks roared like crazy: "I want them, I want you, all for my women to bury."

Everyone in the audience changed their faces. No one questioned Jacks' words, and no one doubted his strength. He had just shown a terrifying record.

Once let him hide in Hong Kong City, he secretly attacked and killed, I'm afraid that few people can stop him.

"I want everyone to know that the world mercenary forbidden land has been shattered."

Jacks' voice drifted away, apparently slowly retreating to the depths of the mountains and forests: "You will soon see that the blood in the port city flows into a river hahaha."

When Confucius was about to adjust the helicopter gunfire coverage, Ye Tianlong ordered a sniper rifle from Kong's gunner, and there were 30 bullets.

Then, he took a short spear and a dagger, and slowly walked into the forest deep with the spear...

Confucius yelled out with difficulty:

"Ye Shao, what do you want to go here?"

"Kill the werewolf and guard China!"

"If you don't go back?"

"I will never go back..."

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