Talented Genius

Chapter 1291: The final contest

Jacks’ team has performed 38 missions, all 4S and 5S missions, and achieved success 37 times.

In the peak period, Jacks can easily control the situation of a country in a war-torn land with a team of 36 people.

And Jacks' individual combat capability is even more abnormal, no less than annihilation of the former Soviet Union's Stallone armed to the teeth.

The fact that Jacks also showed his strength just now, with three helicopters and dozens of gunners, he was raging hardly to fight back.

Therefore, seeing Ye Tianlong chasing Jacks solo, Confucius' ambition had a touch of anxiety, worried that Ye Tianlong would fall into the hands of the abnormal Jacks.

At the same time, he passed a touch that was difficult to speak.

Knowing the danger ahead, yet so unwilling to hesitate, Confucius showed a little respect for Ye Tianlong, and then he shouted to a close friend:

"Come on the phone and pick up the capital..."

Ye Tianlong returned to the top of the hill again, and after checking his tracks, he chased into the woods. He took a flare and told the Kong family gunmen not to chase him.

Although Ye Tianlong looked down on Jacks with a look of contempt, he knew that the three-handed werewolf was not a vain name, he was the third person in the mercenary world.

Mountains, woods, and deserts are all places that Jacks is good at. When he enters these places, he is like a tiger entering the forest and the fish returning to the sea.

Confronting him in this kind of place, if it is not for someone like himself, go to a hundred and kill him a hundred, he does not want the Kong family gunner to die.

Although the sky was gloomy and dark, and the visual conditions in the forest were extremely poor, Ye Tianlong seemed to be back in Africa, able to quickly distinguish the footprints of his opponents.

After chasing for half an hour, Ye Tianlong suddenly stopped. He picked up a stone, shook his right hand, and the stone flew out.


With a crisp sound, the stone hit a pile of fallen leaves.

As the fallen leaves dispersed, an explosion sounded, and in an instant, the crackling sound mixed into a huge roar!

Countless shrapnel, warheads, mud and stones, mixed with huge shock waves, flew crazy in all directions.

The fallen leaves and trees nearby were directly lifted into the air by the air wave, and then were broken into a pile of debris by countless shrapnel.

Then scattered all over, it was like a **** darkness!

"Fortunately, the big troops did not come!"

Ye Tianlong secretly rejoiced, then clutched his nose and mouth and continued to chase forward. Thirty-five minutes later, he gradually reached the middle of the forest.

At this moment, he smelled a breath of danger, and there was a danger in front of him!

Ye Tianlong decided to temporarily stop moving forward. When he climbed the tree and looked forward again, he still couldn't see any figures.

But the dangerous breath is always there, and he believes that Jacks is waiting for him.

The reason why he didn't show up to make a move was that Jacks was involved in his nervous nerves. The more he didn't fight, the more nervous the atmosphere was.

Tension to the end is a mental breakdown.

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "Unexpectedly, the purple wolf is dead, and he did not go crazy."

He was not afraid of Jacks who was crazy, but he was afraid of regaining calm.

But Ye Tianlong didn't care either. No matter how you want to kill Jacks today, otherwise the lunatic will really make Gangcheng bloody.

So in the face of a dangerous environment, Ye Tianlong did not retreat but moved forward!

Although the visual conditions are getting worse and worse, and some places are even the same as the dark night, Ye Tianlong still felt the aura of Jacks moving.

He slowly drew the dagger from his leg, bit it gently in his mouth, holding the lance in both hands, while quietly weaving from the side, squinting his eyes.

He was also careful to curb the murderous aura he exuded.

The distance is getting closer...

Ye Tianlong suddenly couldn't hear the movement of the other party. Obviously, the other party also felt his approach, hiding his breath.

In this case, the opponent will launch a fatal attack from any angle at any time, including the middle of his thigh.

Ye Tianlong tensed his nerves, ready to deal with any sudden events.

The silence makes people feel suffocating. Perhaps the snakes and insects in the woods also felt the atmosphere of silence in the air, and fled their bodies one after another.

The surrounding area slowly fell into silence, and people could not hear too many noises.

Near, getting closer and closer to the target!

At this moment, Ye Tianlong seemed to be able to see the vague figure in the gloom, only ten meters away from him!

"Huh! Huh..."

Ye Tianlong gently exhaled the depressed air in his chest, and the air was spit out through the throat smoothly into the air without making a sound.

The black figure wrapped in the anti-insect dark suit was shaking his head slightly!

Ye Tianlong concluded that the other party had noticed the presence of someone nearby, but didn't figure out where he appeared, so he turned his head and looked around.

With the general outline of that fuzzy figure, he can basically conclude that this person is Jacks.

And he is now behind the target, within reach, this is an excellent opportunity to kill.


Ye Tianlong's body dashed violently, and it shot out towards the shadow like a sharp arrow.

He slammed his left hand to buckle Black Shadow's neck, and the dagger in his right hand drew an arc.

This speed and power used 90% of his strength, so it was almost like a flash of thunder and lightning, reaching behind the opponent in an instant!


Ye Tianlong slashed the opponent's throat, but when he saw the opponent's face, his heart sank instantly.

This person is not Jacks! Just the outline is similar!

Almost without stopping, Ye Tianlong kicked the corpse away, and rushed towards the path.


At this moment, the kicked body was bombarded into pieces, and Ye Tianlong was also overturned by the air wave.

Before landing, a bullet came whizzing, Ye Tianlong twisted his waist, avoiding the vital part, the bullet grazed his shoulder, bleeding blood.

Ye Tianlong endured the pain and rolled forward, rushing into the back of a small tree, he wiped off the blood and licked it, and shouted:

"Jacks, come out and fight to the death."

Ye Tianlong pulled out a short gun: "My woman is still waiting for me to eat."

In the gloom, Jacks gave a weird laugh, and his voice came slowly:

"Ye Tianlong, you are indeed very powerful. My trap, my stand-in, and my bait are all useless for you."

"I appreciate you better than anger, but because of appreciation, I want to dig out your brain and see what it is made of."

There was a ray of light in Jacks' eyes, without the slightest anger of his companions, but more of an unconcealed fighting spirit.

Then he took the gun, jumped up from the shadow, and shot at Ye Tianlong's body.

"Boom boom!"

Ye Tianlong twisted his body and instantly fell on all fours, then his feet were wrong, avoiding the bullet like a civet.

At the same time, he shot a backhand and scratched Jack's calf.

Jacks didn't dodge after being injured, still holding the gun to where Ye Tianlong was, and firing a round of precision.

Ye Tianlong moved around like a mouse, hiding behind a slightly raised mound, and several bullets whizzed past him.

Hit the ground and blasted one small pit after another.

Ye Tianlong wanted to shoot back, but found that the short rifle had run out of bullets, so he threw it into the air and took off the long spear behind him.


Jacks fired two shots and knocked out the empty guns, and also took out his long spear.

The final contest!

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