Talented Genius

Chapter 1402: Looking for the skin with the tiger

Dahua and Xiaohua have been with her for seventy years, and her mother-in-law regards them as pets.

Wei Ruqing's lips moved: "Mother-in-law, this is not in our interest. This will cause official blows. We are afraid that the plenum will fail."

"Besides, Huaxia knows that we have a share, I am afraid that Wei will never return to Huaxia, and will even be hunted down by the Dragon Soul world."

Wei Wuqing's face was very solemn: "Mother-in-law, please take it back and proceed according to our plan."

He came all the way to cooperate with Zang-in-law, originally hoping to take the hands of Zang-in-law to win the capital for the Wei family and control the business of medicine and jade.

It then opened the gap for Wei's entry into China, and could also make up for the serious losses in the Battle of Qiba.

You know, Zhuang Mingyan pitted his five hundred elites to fight with Qi Ba, and the Wei family now needs to use external forces to get what they need.

He thought Granny Zombie was an ideal collaborator, but Wei Ruqing didn't expect that she did not follow the plan at all, and even caused the plague of Heaven.

So Wei Ruqing whispered: "Mother-in-law, the overall situation is more important."

A sharp shout came from the cave: "Shut up!"

"I'm cooperating with you. I originally wanted to use your strength. After one day I die, my disciples and grandchildren can still live comfortably."

"Hello, I am good, everyone is good."

"But now I have died so many lovers, big flowers and small flowers are dead, I must avenge them, otherwise what is the meaning of what I have planned?"

People are gone, what is the point of life no matter how good?

"You go back to me, Wei Ruqing, I tell you, you can only cooperate with me now and try your best to seek justice for my lover."

The zombie grandmother sent a fierce stern: "If you dare to pick a child or stand on the opposite side, I will definitely make you better off than death."

Turning your face is like turning a book.

When the voice fell, the few stunned youths around Wei Ruqing were furious: "Old guy, you can offend King Wei?"

They traveled all the way with gifts to celebrate birthdays. Not only did they receive no special treatment, they were thrown into the cave to eat cold food and water all day long, and they were also restricted from freedom.

Even Wang Wei was in jail, sitting at the entrance of the cave all day, watching the rain dripping and ticking. These Wei loyalists were already angry.

So in the face of the arrogant arrogance of the zombie mother-in-law threatening the king of Wei, these loyal Wei clan could no longer hold back, and shouted in indignation:

"If it weren't for Mr. Wei to let us be courteous, we would have killed you with a single shot, pretending to be crazy all day..."

Wei Wuqing's face changed dramatically: "Shut up! Shut up!"

"Wang Wei, we don't want to cooperate with her anymore. These are all weird people who can't do anything and will drag us down."

Wei's loyal loyalty simply tore his face: "We have her and it's the same as her, but it's just a little slower to develop."

"She doesn't have us, so she can only hide here all her life waiting to die. Her disciples and grandchildren will be slowly slaughtered like dogs sooner or later. Let's go..."

"Old witch!"

"Let's go? Very good... 棔棔磔..."

Before King Wei could say anything, the zombie mother sighed softly, "I'll send you on the road."

Wei Wuqing felt a twitch, and subconsciously shouted: "Mother-in-law--"

Before he finished speaking, Wei Ruqing suddenly felt a surge of chill, his tongue was frozen, and he could no longer speak.

Liu Huahua felt tight and hurriedly supported Wei Ruqing.

"Wang Wei, let's go..."

Wei's loyalty pulled Wei Ruqing and turned around, but soon, a sense of horror appeared on his face. Then, a dozen people all knelt down, their chest aches.


Before Wei Ruqing asked what was going on, a dozen people spewed blood together, fell on the ground and rolled around, constantly hitting the ground with their heads.

Shouting sternly hesitated.

Wei Ruqing hurriedly turned and knelt, and shouted at the cave: "Mother-in-law, you have a large number of adults, please let them go, let them go."

Liu Huahua also knelt down: "Mother-in-law Haihan, they are young and frivolous, please give them a chance."

Zombie did not respond, and the cave was very quiet.

Wei Ruqing shouted again: "Mother-in-law, let them go. They are all here to congratulate you on your birthday. Give me some face."

The cave still didn't respond, and at this time, a dozen of Wei's bodyguards were bleeding from their seven orifices, and they slowly moved forward, holding their fingers on the ground, as if to stay away from here.

Just after moving more than ten meters, they all stopped, like statues, leaving long blood stains behind.

Wei ruthlessly ran over, and saw that they were all dead, and a few small insects emerged from their nostrils, dark, greedy and sucking blood.

Wei Wang instinctively retracted his fingers and shouted, "Mother-in-law!"

He was very angry in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it. He cooperated with the devil, and he had been working with the tiger.

"Since they are here to celebrate my birthday, let them make fossils and put them here."

The voice of the zombie mother-in-law came out of the cave: "Wang Wei, for the sake of politeness for you and the girl, I will let you make a living today."

"But I want to tell you that the plague of heaven, you can only support, not resist."

"If you demolish my station, I will kill your people. I will tell you by the way..."

Zombie grinned strangely: "You have also been poisoned by me. You must listen to me obediently in the future, or I can make you worse off at any time."

Wei Wuqing's face changed drastically: "Am I poisoned?"

Liu Huahua yelled: "Mother-in-law, how can you do that because Wang Wei respects you so much?"

"Respect me?"

The zombie grandmother let out a harsh laugh: "Respect me, so you won't come to ask the teacher, and respect me, so you won't let your subordinates make trouble."

"Without King Wei's acquiescence or hint, would they dare to challenge me like this?"

Wei Ruqing stood up and shouted sharply: "Mother-in-law, you are too mean!"

"Ring Ling Ling..."

The zombie mother didn't respond. There was just a ring of bells from the cave, no more, no more, exactly five.

With the sound of the bell, Wei Ruqing's standing body was shocked, like a bird with broken wings falling down...


Wei Wuqing was in a puddle next to him, splashing a large canopy of water, looking painful, before he stood upright, the bell rang again.

Wei Ruoqing felt his liver and intestines twisted, his chest was hit by a heavy hammer, and he couldn't help but vomit a mouthful of blood.

His face became ugly. He knew that he had been infected with Gu poison, but after taking precautions, how could he be infected with Gu poison?

He knew how terrible a zombie mother was, and he was ready when he came.

Although Gu Poison was mysterious and unpredictable, it was not unpredictable. After all, the person who applied Gu had to pass through the medium of Gu.

The medium has water, air, food, and everything, and it will take a while to settle before the gu poison that is placed on the body can attack a person.

When dealing with the zombie mother-in-law, he had already paid attention to every detail of the latter, the sound, light, words and deeds, and even the blowing wind.

But I didn't see much clues.

Wei Ruqing is confident enough to be careful, but now he is inexplicably poisoned or he doesn't know it. This kind of horror is conceivable.

Liu Huahua rushed over and shouted, "Mr. Wei, what's wrong with you?"

Wei Ruoqing pushed her away, staring at the dark hole and shouting: "Mother-in-law, you are not moral!"

The bell shook slightly again five times, and Wei Ruqing spit out blood again, his body faltered and his breathing became rapid.

Liu Huahua wanted to support her, and her body trembled, and she fell to the ground, not dead, but passed out in a coma...

"I lived to be one hundred and three years old. If I speak morally, I am afraid that there will be no bones left, and I would have been killed by Emperor Zhao."

Zang's mother-in-law's voice came out: "Wei Ruqing, you can't blame me, who told you to take the initiative to send it to the door?"

"If you want to make a deal with the devil, first of all, you have to learn to be a good servant of the devil."

"Give you one last chance, either kneel or die."

"Beng Beng Beng!"

The ringtone came lightly, with an indescribable chill...

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