Talented Genius

Chapter 1403: Rescue (five shifts)

Ye Tianlong used all relationships, including talking to Zhao Ditian and Wu Lao Taijun, before getting permission from the military to go up the mountain.

However, the leading officer still came up with an agreement to allow Ye Tianlong to sign a voluntary agreement to go up the mountain to prevent the military from being held accountable by Ye Tianlong's family in the future.

Ye Tianlong glanced at it. This is an agreement with medical experts. Medical staff who are willing to go to the mountain for treatment or solutions will be rewarded.

If unfortunately the infection dies, you will bear the consequences yourself, but the official will still give the family a resettlement fee of 10 million.

The situation on the mountain was deteriorating. Twelve people died, including three medical staff. Who would dare not be careful?

Ye Tianlong didn't hesitate at all: "I'll sign it right away. You can arrange a car for me now. I want to go up the mountain as soon as possible."

Although the leader of the team didn't know what friends Ye Tianlong had on him, he admired his courage from the bottom of his heart and quickly arranged a car.

At this time, Miao Tiannu also walked up and was very calm to Ye Tianlong: "I am not afraid of infection, I can help, I will go up with you."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback, then nodded: "Okay, you follow me up."

He looked at Tianmo: "You stay here and wait for Kuangtian. Don't let him go up after you come. You should contact the oriole and take the nest out as soon as possible."

"But before taking it away, by the way, I would like to ask Huokou, did they succeed at Mountaintop Manor? What kind of toxin did they have?"

With Ye Tianlong's intelligence and ability, there is definitely a high probability to find a solution to the plague, but it will take at least ten and a half days to study.

Judging by the speed of the manor infection, it is impossible for Su Rui and the others to have this time, so Ye Tianlong hoped to make a gap in his mouth.

Tian Mo nodded: "Understand."

Ye Tianlong took the signed Miao Tiannu to get into the car, but before he got in, he turned his head and exhorted: "If necessary, ask Qiu Hongpao for help."

Tian Mo nodded again: "Understand."

Five minutes later, after putting on the biochemical anti-infection suit, Ye Tianlong and Miao Tiannu passed through three checkpoints and got into an environmentally friendly patrol car slowly up the mountain.

He also asked the officer in charge to give his mobile phone a conversion frequency, which would allow him to receive signals from outside, so as not to delay the delivery of messages.

On the way up the mountain, Ye Tianlong took the full list and looked through it. There were 345 people on the mountain, including guests and staff.

What made Ye Tianlong's heart sinking was: the top three uncles and Han Jing were on the list.

He muttered to himself: "Unlucky child."

Ten minutes later, the car went up to the top of the mountain. Ye Tianlong refused to lead the others and brought Miao Tiannu to the guest room building on the right. He saw Su Rui at a glance.

At this moment, except for the medical staff, Su Rui and the others were unable to move around freely. They all stayed in the room or side hall, waiting for examination and treatment.

If the problem is serious, send it to the boxing field and other buildings on the left. If the problem is normal, stay in the middle hall and wing room. If it is normal, stay in the guest room.

The small hospital serves as a rescue place.

Surui's condition is fairly normal, so she is isolated in the room department on the right.

The reason why Ye Tianlong didn't find his uncle Sanjia and Han Jing first was because Su Rui was the manor in charge and knew the whole manor best.

Su Rui was walking around in silence in the room. The TV could not be seen, the internet could not be connected, the phone could not be connected, and her movement was restricted, and she was very anxious.

Seeing Ye Tianlong and Miao Tiannu appear, she was startled a little, then very happy: "Ye Shao, are you here? Great."

I don't know why, the appearance of Ye Tianlong made Su Rui feel a lot of peace, and his impatience disappeared by two points.

"The signal was pinched, and freedom was restricted. I'm all black now."

The air conditioner in the room was turned off and a fan was being used instead. There were pure water and vacuum bread on the table, but none of them moved.

"To avoid panic caused by the spread of news, communications are temporarily blocked, and the infection is fierce. If you move too much, the infection will increase."

Ye Tianlong walked into the room, picked up the bread and threw it to Miao Tiannu and Su Rui, and then pulled one apart and ate it himself: "What's the specific situation?"

Su Rui exhaled a long breath, and told Ye Tianlong with a cannon:

"This morning, seven or eight waiters had a fever and headache. I thought it was a cold, so I asked them to take some medicine to sleep."

There was a touch of regret on her face: "But she slept until ten o'clock in the morning, and she had a red rash all over her body, and she kept swaying."

"I immediately arranged for someone to be taken to a small hospital. Not only did I not get better, but I passed out on the spot, and the fever reached 40 degrees."

While Ye Tianlong listened, Su Rui added another sentence: "Moreover, the medical staff and the escorted security guards are also itchy all over."

"Then there was a high fever, a red rash, and collapsed in the hospital with general weakness."

"The hospital looked at the situation fiercely, and while reporting to us, it also sought outside expert support. The official also got the report."

"At first few people cared, thinking it was an infection like avian flu, but the three experts died after contacting the patients."

There was a solemn look in Su Rui's eyes: "The officials took it seriously at this time, so they sealed off the top of the mountain and sent someone to take over here."

"I can't get in touch with the third master and Miss Han, so I can only call you. Who knows, the signal was interrupted again without saying a few words."

"Fortunately you are here, otherwise I will die of anxiety..."

Having said that, her brows suddenly frowned, and she stared at Ye Tianlong and shouted: "Ye Shao, you shouldn't come up."

Su Rui realized at this time that Ye Tianlong was also taking a huge risk. Even if he was not infected and the situation at the top of the mountain did not improve, he would become a funeral.

For security reasons, the official will ruthlessly destroy the top of the mountain.

Ye Tianlong waved his hand: "Don't say these things, now the most urgent task is to find out the cause of the disease and develop an antidote. Where are Sanshao and Han Jing?"

Without finding the cause of the disease and prescribing the right medicine, no amount of effort will be futile.

Ye Tianlong still has six ‘Black Leaf Saint Cicada Pills’ in his arms, but this is a panacea for hundreds of people.

Su Rui hurriedly replied: "They should be in the room."

When the two were talking, Miao Tiannu first picked up the fruit snack in the room and sniffed, Su Rui shouted:

"The doctor said that there may be problems with food and clean water. Don't let us touch those things. Here are the food and clean water they sent."

"But they searched for a long time and didn't find out what was wrong. The whole mountain was about to be rummaged."

Miao Tiannu didn't respond. After sniffing the fruit, he opened an apple and an orange, checked the inside, and turned on the faucet when there was no problem.


The white water flowed out and poured into the wash basin. Miao Tiannu leaned down and sniffed slightly, then his eyes narrowed slightly:

"I smell something."

Ye Tianlong stepped forward: "What is it?"

As Su Rui watched, Miao Tiannu faintly said, "A hundred years of carrion!"

He added: "That's the water from the mutilated corpses that was left over after the zombie had used people to feed poison in the stone pit for seven or eighty years."

"These corpse waters are stale and full of bacteria, and one drop is enough to infect a hundred people, but whether it is or not, I need to see the patient's condition to be sure."

Ye Tianlong thought of Pharaoh’s corpse poison, his head was numb, and he asked in a low voice: "If it is, can it be resolved?"

"Give me enough medicinal materials and poisons to refine. I should be able to develop an antidote within three days. In addition, I need a batch of experimenters to test the medicine..."

Miao Tiannu is as quiet as the level: "They are likely to be tried to death by me..."

"It's not good, the top three uncles and Han Jing are infected!"

At this time, a fierce roar came from outside: "Send to the hospital immediately."

Ye Tianlong and the others changed their expressions.

(Fifth is even more hit, the brother who likes it easily HO)

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