Talented Genius

Chapter 1509: A knife

Chapter 1509

You will regret this?

Hearing such abrupt words, Hei Dapeng, who controls the overall situation, was taken aback for a moment, and then Yin Yin laughed: "The one who made me regret, come out."

The companion behind him was also surprised, and then all sneered. This kind of environment rebelled against Young Black, so what a brain drain...

Wang Jiukang assisted Liu Xiaoxiao, his eyes were full of joking, and he looked at Ye Tianlong who came out, that means knowing whether to live or die...

Heroes save beauty?

I bother!

Ye Tianlong, who was holding the wine bottle and glass in his hand, walked slowly to the front, and the eyes of a dozen old men and ladies in Chinese clothes changed slightly.

When they watched the Wang family's humiliation just now, they also scolded Ye Tianlong and Lu Fengshou. They weren't arrogant and domineering at first. Why did they see Young Master Cosmic?

Returning to the chairman of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, one billion is paid back, bah, it's all fake, all moisture.

When these Chinese businessmen and ladies were slandering Ye Tianlong and others, they did not expect that they were equally shameful bystanders.

Just as they discredited Lu Fengshou in order to find a psychological balance, Ye Tianlong had already broken their conjecture and walked toward the black Dapeng upright.

Ye Tianlong stepped forward steadily, without bluffing or screaming, he approached Lu Youmi calmly.

Later, he dragged Lu Youmi to Lu Fengshou's side: "Don't worry, no one can hurt you."

Hei Dapeng did not move. On the contrary, he looked at Ye Tianlong with great interest and said with a weird smile: "Boy, you have good courage, dare to challenge me!"

Ye Tianlong didn't respond to his question, didn't even look at the man who was not well-known, but just tilted his head slightly to Uncle Mi:

"Uncle Mi, protect Uncle Lu and the others!"

Uncle Mi nodded, and then waved, a dozen of Lu Family bodyguards ran over and protected Lu Fengshou and Lu Youmi, and he was on guard.

This move caused many Chinese businessmen to look at their bodyguards, who instinctively lowered their heads to avoid their gaze, and they were inferior to Lu's bodyguards.

Seeing this, dozens of militants raised their submachine guns and stepped forward as if they were about to shoot.

Black Dapeng jokingly smiled and waved his hand to stop them from acting rashly: "Boy, are you sure you want to challenge me? You want to protect this woman?"

The cat and mouse he wants to see, when can Ye Tianlong pretend to be a fork?

When everyone thought that Ye Tianlong was going to make a head-to-head collision with Young Master Hei, Ye Tianlong turned his gaze to Wang Jiacai shamelessly, and shouted calmly:

"Mr. Wang, don't you want to be the president? Don't the president need to protect the safety of members?"

Ye Tianlong looked innocent: "Young Hei bullying Chinese businessmen like this, don't you care?"

Then, he pointed to Liu Xiaoxiao again and said, "Didn't Mrs. Wang have a relationship with the Tu family? Why didn't he move out to scare Young Master Hei?"

Although the Lu family is a target of public criticism, it is still one of the members, and the president has his own obligation to maintain thoroughness.

Wang Jiacai and Liu Xiaoxiao almost vomited blood, wishing to rush up to kick Ye Tianlong, finally jumping out of the whirlpool and pulling themselves in again?

"Mr. Wang, you have to uphold justice!"

Ye Tianlong said coldly again. While the Chinese businessmen present were disappointed with the Wang Jiacai and his wife, they also secretly scolded Ye Tianlong for only pretending.

I saw him appear just now and thought he was going to kill the Quartet. Now he seems to be a bully and fearful of hardship, otherwise he wouldn't drag the Wang family to deal with him.

When Wang Jiacai saw many Chinese businessmen staring at him, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Although he would be respected by standing up and raising his arms at this time, the result was that he was being bullied again by the Black Dapeng.

If you feel embarrassed, just throw it to the end!

Therefore, Wang Jiacai took a step forward and replied: "I'm sorry! I now announce that I will resign from the post of president. Whoever loves to do it will do it."

"I can't provoke Young Black."

Wang Jiacai glanced at the Chinese businessmen and the ladies: "I also advise you not to challenge Young Black. The result will be miserable."

When Hei Dapeng Jiejie laughed strangely, Liu Xiaoxiao also reluctantly said: "That is, Young Black is the king of the Black Triangle, whoever fights will look for death."

Although everyone on the scene saw Hei Dapeng's cruelty, they still spit on the bones of the Wang family, and they are not as humble or overbearing as Lu Fengshou.

So far, they felt that the upright Lu Fengshou was much better than the smooth Wang Jiacai.

"Sad, sad!"

Ye Tianlong, who had plans in his mind, sighed softly: "The newly appointed Chinese Chamber of Commerce President, so many people and so much money, but it is useless."

"It's good for you to resign. With your deceptive and fearful face, staying in that position is harmful and unprofitable."

Liu Xiaoxiao blushed, and then furiously counterattacked: "Boy, you can be the president if you have the ability, and you should protect them."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Being the president? I can think about it."

Just when Liu Xiaoxiao and the others disagree, Hei Dapeng suddenly grabbed Ye Tianlong's arm and laughed frivolously:

"Brother, send Lu Youmi to me, and then kowtow to apologize. I will not embarrass you today."

There was a smile in his eyes, but there was a fierce piercing: "Maybe I will let you be my dog, how about?"

While speaking, he stretched out his hand to punch Ye Tianlong in the face.

He completely regarded Ye Tianlong as the air, but before the arrogance and arrogance had completely bloomed, his smile was frozen, and his fingers were grasped by Ye Tianlong.

Then in the eyes of more than a hundred people, Ye Tianlong showed a smile that was even more coquettish than a poisonous flower, and at the same time spit out two cold words...


At the same time, Ye Tianlong slapped out.


With a crisp sound, the corner of Hei Dapeng's mouth was drawn with blood, staggering back.

The audience was shocked!

More than a dozen elders in Chinese clothes took off their glasses and rubbed their eyes, and Wang's father and son and Liu Xiaoxiao even opened their mouths.

"do not move."

When Hei Dapeng's men surrounded him with a roar, Ye Tianlong had already stuck Hei Dapeng's neck and had an extra dagger in his right hand.

The dagger was placed in Hei Dapeng's throat, sharp and bloodthirsty.

This incident not only made the audience subconsciously quiet, but also made Black Dapeng's expression slightly stagnant like a madness.

It seemed that Ye Tianlong was so crazy that he not only slapped himself on the spot, but also dared to take a gun and hijack him.

"Let go of Young Black!"

"Let's release Young Black right away! Otherwise, it doesn't matter if you kill!"

Hei Dapeng's companions, mercenaries and accompanying soldiers shouted.

Wang Jiacai didn't expect Ye Tianlong to act so boldly: "Ye Tianlong, you immediately release Young Black, don't involve us."

Liu Xiaoxiao also stomped her feet again and again: "Ye Tianlong, you are in a big disaster."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Remember, don't touch my woman."

After speaking, the dagger slammed into the back of Black Dapeng with a ‘flutter’.

Blood bursts.

Seeing the blood on Black Dapeng's body, the audience even stopped breathing.

With this kind of gunshots and countless people ranting, Ye Tianlong not only did not stop the stupid behavior of taking hostages, but instead hit blood.

This is either crazy or brain flooding. Ye Tianlong is destined not to end tonight, but many people, especially Chinese businessmen, have to admit:

Ye Tianlong is enough to grow!

The Chinese businessmen present looked at Ye Tianlong with complicated expressions.

Maybe Ye Tianlong was young and frivolous, not knowing the severity, but for some reason, this **** stupid act was enough to make everyone excited.

Uncle Mi and Lu's bodyguard both straightened their bodies, shook hands with the guns in their hands, with endless heat on their faces.

At this time, Ye Tianlong gave an order, and absolutely no one would frown.

Lu Fengshou also had the deepest appreciation in his eyes.


After a short silence, the people of Black Dapeng roared and rushed forward, and dozens of soldiers also advanced with their guns.

Pulling the bolt, loading, murderously facing Ye Tianlong and the others.

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