Talented Genius

Chapter 1510: kill

Chapter 1510

Hei Dapeng's face was pale, and he held back the pain without screaming, and then squeezed out a vicious smile:

"Boy, you dare to stab me, there is a kind."

"But, you only dared to hurt me, not to kill me. This shows that you are still inferior to me. This is also doomed. You can't play with me."

Black Dapeng laughed nervously: "Hahaha—"

The wound was bleeding and painful, but Hei Dapeng was more energetic, as if he had eaten cockpin.

Ye Tianlong had to admit that this was a lunatic.

He drew the blood-stained knife and landed it on Black Dapeng's neck again.

At this moment, a soldier recognized Ye Tianlong and subconsciously shouted: "Young Black, he is the one who scared us away yesterday."

Another soldier also echoed: "It's him!"

At this moment, Hei Dapeng recovered from his wild laughter, and a joking arose from the corner of his mouth: "Boy, I always wanted to see you, but I didn't expect you to come to the door."

Ye Tianlong pressed the black Dapeng's neck with a knife: "Do you want to die?"

"Send to death? You better let me go, kowtow a few heads and apologize, maybe you can die a happy one."

Hei Dapeng laughed wildly: "Otherwise, with so many people and so many guns, I will definitely kill you."

"Even the Lu family, your family... all relatives and friends will be unlucky."

Ye Tianlong glanced at the time: "Then you can let go."


At this moment, Hei Dapeng suddenly raised his finger and pointed to an old man in front of him. He almost stopped his finger when a bullet shot past.

The Chinese-clothed old man screamed and fell to the ground without fail.

Hei Dapeng smiled and turned his finger, the fingertip fell on another lady again, and a mercenary shot her head directly.


Panicked, but didn't dare to run around, worrying about causing changes and dying from random guns.

"Ye Tianlong, either kill me or let me go, or my fingers will be messed up. Anyone who gets hit will die immediately."

Hei Dapeng laughed loudly: "Guess, how long will I order the Zhonglu family?"

Before Ye Tianlong could respond, Hei Dapeng raised his finger again and landed on Wang Jiukang.


With a shot, Wang Jiukang's head blossomed...

Wang Jiacai and Liu Xiaoxiao shook their bodies, and immediately wept and cried: "Jiu Kang, Jiu Kang!"

The two cried to death, the atmosphere in the pavilion was heavy, but Hei Dapeng laughed feverishly: "Hahaha-it's so fun, so fun."

There was a dead silence in the audience. Looking at the three corpses on the ground, all of them gave birth to a trance. No one thought that Hei Dapeng was really crazy.

Wang Jiacai angrily wanted to rush forward desperately, but was held back by Liu Xiaoxiao and couldn't move.

Six imposing mercenaries were holding their guns, ready to obey Black Dapeng's instructions at any time, pointing and hitting...

"Ye Tianlong, are you afraid? You dare not kill me, then you can only watch them die..."

Hei Dapeng's fingers shook again, with a breath of death...

Ye Tianlong sighed: "Young Black, it seems that you are really crazy."

Black Dapeng is full of momentum: "Let go of me!"

Having said that, he changed a finger, Lu Fengshou, who was being protected.

With a flutter, a bullet spouted from the muzzle of a white mercenary, and hit Lu Fengshou's calf from a gap in the crowd, bursting with blood.

Lu Fengshou snorted, a trace of pain crossed his face, but he abruptly resisted the staggering body and held a person steady.

Ye Tianlong's eyes gradually became cold, but he didn't do anything, he was waiting...


Hei Dapeng laughed: "Ye Tianlong, don't let me go?"

Then, ignoring Ye Tianlong's extremely cold eyes, he moved his fingers and pointed to Lu Youmi who was supporting his father.

A black mercenary did not hesitate to pull the trigger, and with another flutter, Lu Youmi was also shot and splashed in the calf.


Lu Youmi snorted, his legs softened and almost fell, but fortunately, he was helped by Uncle Mi in time and didn't fall down. The pale face bit his lips.

She resisted the scream with her strength, and didn't want to shame Ye Tianlong.

The pavilion was filled with gunpowder and blood.

Hei Dapeng ignored Ye Tianlong's muzzle and shook his head and twisted his head: "Ye Tianlong, if you don't let me go, the Lu family will have their heads blooming."

"No, no, it's not fun."

Hei Dapeng Jiejie laughed: "So, for three seconds, if you don't let me go, I will let them sweep for three seconds."

"Dare to resist, sweep for ten seconds."

When the voice fell, ten soldiers stepped forward and held submachine guns at the crowd. Wang Jiacai and the others ignored their son's body and hurriedly squeezed behind.


Just as the black Dapeng screamed, there was a buzzing sound from the sky, and then six helicopter gunships appeared in the eyes of everyone.

"Da da da!"

The helicopter uncovered six machine guns and fired at the black Dapeng convoy and the side of the soldiers. The dust was flying and the stones were splashing everywhere.

There were more ravines on the floor, which also made Black Dapeng's men afraid to move.


When Liu Xiaoxiao and Hei Dapeng looked up instinctively, the main road leading to the pavilion changed again.


A roar came from outside the door, coming fiercely. When Ye Tianlong looked up, three armored vehicles and a dozen off-road vehicles rushed over.

Without a pause, the armored car at the front end mercilessly hit the black Dapeng and their jeep.


There was a loud noise, the bumper of the military vehicle fell, and the lights shattered.

Brutal collision.

The armored car did not stop, but reached the jeep ahead, increased its horsepower, and advanced quickly.

The scene was shocking.

All the jeeps of the Black Dapeng rear-end each other, sparks flickering.

In the end, the armored vehicle changed its driving direction again, and with a bang, crashed into the white Hummer that the black Dapeng had sat on.

The glass fell to the ground, the door was sunken, and the floor was messy.

Hei Dapeng's complexion changed wildly, and it seemed that they had never expected someone to provoke in public.

After hitting the jeep, the armored vehicle ran across the road. The three armored vehicles blocking the black Dapeng stopped, spraying a black mist.

At the same time, the off-road vehicle coming from behind opened the door, and one after another soldiers in uniforms filed down.

Act quickly.

As soon as they landed, they began to outflank the left and right sides, and directly surrounded the Black Dapeng and the pavilions.


Six helicopters also dispersed, hovering over the sky, and blocked the soldiers of the Black Dapeng with machine guns.

Gun to gun, soldier to soldier, the scene instantly became paradoxical.

Liu Xiaoxiao and the others were all dumbfounded in an instant, and didn't know what was going on at all?

Wang Jiacai whispered: "Fu's armed?"

The number of soldiers is increasing, breaking through 60 in an instant, and the encirclement is getting bigger and bigger, not including the gunmen on the helicopter.

Everyone is holding the submachine gun, their faces are cold, and they are watching the target in the encirclement.

Compared with the soldiers brought by the Black Dapeng, they are more burly and tougher, and the aura they reveal is far beyond comparison.

At first glance, he was a professional soldier with a lot of blood on his hands.

They are quiet and indifferent.

"Now it's my turn."

When Liu Xiaoxiao and several ladies saw a woman in military uniform getting out of the car, Ye Tianlong, who had been patient, suddenly burst into a smile.

He grabbed the gun from Uncle Mi's backhand and pulled the trigger at the six mercenaries who were shooting Lu Youmi and others.

"Boom boom!"

After a burst of intensive gunfire, the heads of the six mercenaries fell to the ground, shaking everyone's hearts, Liu Xiaoxiao and other ladies screamed again.

In the next second, Ye Tianlong's muzzle was aimed at Hei Dapeng's brow.

Hei Dapeng felt a hint of cold spreading, first shocked Ye Tianlong's arrogance, but then sneered:

"Ye Tianlong, do you dare to kill me?"


Ye Tianlong pulled the trigger and exploded Black Dapeng's head with a shot...

(Today, the sixth one hits, call for a few likes HO.)

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