Talented Genius

Chapter 1511: The storm is coming

Chapter 1511: The Storm Is Coming

"Boom boom!"

Three shots overlapped, and Ye Tianlong pulled the trigger again and again. The shots were fatal, blood splashed, and shocking.


With the fourth sound, the bullet completely penetrated Black Dapeng's head.

The red blood ticked down, shocking.

Ye Tianlong stared at the black Dapeng and faintly said, "Those who follow me prosper, those who oppose me die."

The clothes are stained with blood, like a demon.

The ladies of the Chinese businessmen all looked at Ye Tianlong, their mouths were dry, and it was difficult to speak. It seemed that there was not a person standing there, but a wild beast.

Otherwise, how could one have the courage to kill the Black Dapeng?

Moody, the only son of the Black Mountain Eagle, who killed countless people, succumbed to the rest of the world in a desperate way.

Hei Dapeng never thought that Ye Tianlong would be so cruel, so ruthless, and so reckless to start.

It's just that no matter how angry and unwilling, he has no meaning at this moment. He fell to the ground, half of his head stained with blood.


When the scene was instinctively silent, Liu Xiaoxiao responded with a violent response, screaming hysterically: "Young Black is dead."

This scream stimulated the nerves of everyone, and it also caused Heimeng, Mi Shu and Hei Dapeng's men to strike a spirit, almost at the same time shouting to draw a gun.

Before Black Dapeng's companion could shoot Ye Tianlong, a figure rushed into their group, cutting out with his right hand continuously, with a sharp sword.

"Pump pound!"

Tianmo's hand lifted the knife and dropped the three fastest gunners. The sword slashed across their throats, and a large amount of blood burst out.

Afterwards, they were kicked over by Tian Mo, and smashed into the black Dapeng's men behind, causing a huge collision, immediately causing the seven or eight people behind to become a mess.

Tian Mo didn't stop there. Taking advantage of this chaos, he rushed forward again. With a slash with the sword, one person raised his gun and broke.


When he uttered a stern scream, Tianmo shook his body and slid past him, cutting his waist with a sharp blade.

Then he moved closer to the other person, raised his left hand, and a dagger disappeared in a flash.

One fell to the ground holding his throat.

"Boom boom!"

Taking advantage of Tianmo to clear the enemy in the pavilion, Uncle Mi and the others pulled the trigger neatly.

After a burst of intensive gunfire sounded, the eight Hei loyalists who rushed to the pavilion shook their bodies, and fell backward after being shot in their heads.

With their last strength before dying, they let them shoot bullets into the sky, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

Many Chinese businessmen felt the danger and shouted, but no one rushed to the entrance and exit, because it was blocked, they could only squat down.

Liu Xiaoxiao also dragged her husband to hide in the corner. His son's body was already unimportant.

At the same time, Heimeng held the guns in both hands, the trigger was pulled, and the three Hei's machine gunners fell in response to the sound of gunfire, all shot in the head.

"Kill! Kill them!"

Heimeng, who had no retreat, decisively ordered the shooting. More than 60 Fu's soldiers and helicopters opened fire at the same time, shooting all Hei's armed forces over.

The three Hei's armored vehicles wanted to make a U-turn and attack, but they were blocked by the Fu's armored vehicle and made it difficult to move. Then Heimeng decisively issued a command to the helicopter.

Three armor-piercing projectiles shot in, and the three armored vehicles were instantly turned into rubble, killing the Hei soldiers inside, and several people around were overthrown severely.

Smoke billowed at the scene, and the flames skyrocketed...

"Boom boom!"

This battle came quickly, and went quickly. In less than five minutes, all of the more than fifty men brought by Hei Dapeng were killed by Heimeng.

The ground was full of corpses with different postures, and blood was splashing everywhere on the ground, and the Fu's arms were full of murderous auras.

After they disperse Wang Jiacai and other Chinese businessmen and bodyguards, they began to do post-victory inspections while cleaning the **** and cruel scene.

Occasionally they would run into a few wounded enemies lying on the ground, moaning in pain, and would not hesitate to shoot them in their heads.

The air was filled with the smell of blood and gunpowder.

Wang Jiacai and the others also left with others, and their spirits when they came were all dignified and sad, not knowing where to go in the future.

If you stay, you may be retaliated by the Black Mountain Eagle.

While Heimeng cleared the gap on the scene, Ye Tianlong bandaged the wounds of Lu Fengshou and Lu Youmi, and then threw a sentence to Uncle Mi:

"Uncle Mi, you immediately take Uncle Lu and Lu Youmi back."

"After arriving at the Lu's house, gather food and firearms, take precautions, and do not go out for three days to avoid being retaliated by the black mountain eagles.

Ye Tianlong patted Uncle Mi and the others on the shoulder: "I will also ask someone to secretly protect the Lu family."

"Okay, Brother Ye, don't worry, I must protect the master and the young lady."

Uncle Mi glanced at the **** scene with firm eyes: "You can leave without worry. The farther you run, the better."

Lu Youmi also said with difficulty: "Tianlong, you go quickly and leave us alone."


Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: "Uncle Mi, you are wrong, I am not going to run away, how could I abandon you and run away?"

"I want you to stay steady for three days, just because I don't have any worries, so I can let go of my hands and feet."

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath: "After all, it is a little difficult to kill the Black Mountain Eagle."

Lu Youmi was startled slightly: "What? Are you going to kill the Black Mountain Eagle?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Of course! I killed the Black Dapeng, if I didn't kill the Black Mountain Eagle, wouldn't I have no peace in my life?"

Lu Youmi and Uncle Mi opened their mouths slightly, Ye Tianlong had already shocked their nerves, but they were still shocked now.

"Tianlong, do your own thing."

At this time, Lu Fengshou breathed out a long breath: "We will be fine, more than one hundred nephews and bodyguards, enough to last three days."

"What's more, we still have a little value. The Black Mountain Eagle may not come up to kill people."

Lu Fengshou showed domineering: "You don't have to worry about us, just let it go. Three days later, I will hold a banquet in Lu's house and wait for you to come back for a drink."

"Uncle Lu, don't worry, I will definitely come back."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "I am the major shareholder of the Lujia Company. How can I disappear without making money."

Lu Fengshou smiled, stretched out his hand to hold Ye Tianlong's palm, shook it a few vigorously, and then asked Mi Shu to take someone to protect himself and his daughter away.

Lu Youmi turned to look at Ye Tianlong for a few moments, and finally reluctantly got into the convoy and disappeared...

Ye Tianlong watched them leave, turned around to look for Heimeng but remembered something, he touched a handful of blood on his abdomen...


Twenty minutes later, the Fu's convoy left, and the helicopter also vacated. In addition to the Hei's body, there was also a coffin containing Hei Dapeng.

The dark night, pale lights, and red blood made the black Dapeng coffin more terrifying.

The entire clubhouse was instantly empty, and even the boss ran away for the first time, and the Black Dapeng died. Who knows if the Black Mountain Eagle will kill or vent his hatred?

On one of Fu's helicopter, a gloomy black dream stared at Ye Tianlong. He was about to be held accountable, but he saw Ye Tianlong's body shake.

Afterwards, Ye Tianlong slid down in the middle of the cabin with a pained expression. He covered his abdomen with his right hand, and the left hand he touched was bloody...

Heimeng was taken aback, startled, forgetting his anger, and hurriedly knelt and hugged Ye Tianlong: "What's wrong with you?"

Ye Tianlong coughed, very weak: "I... I'm afraid I was shot..."

Heimeng's body shook, and she hugged Ye Tianlong and shouted anxiously: "Hold up, hold on, you will be fine, you will be fine."

Ye Tianlong moved his head, pushed a button on Heimeng's uniform, and said weakly, "I'm cold..."

Hei Meng hugged Ye Tianlong tighter, almost putting his head into his own softness...


There was thunder in the sky, and the rainstorm in the black triangle was coming.

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