Talented Genius

Chapter 1513: The most important question

"Oh, oh, it hurts, it hurts."

As soon as the door was opened, the rich man heard Ye Tianlong babble and yell, and then saw him twisting on the operating bed, like a fish.

Several doctors and nurses stood beside the operating table, turning around with scissors, blood, and syringes, looking very embarrassed.

Seeing the rich people appear outside, they all stopped, and then retreated to half respectfully.

There was a smile on the face of the rich man: "Brother Ye, Heimeng has already gone on a mission and sent two helicopters and rockets to the Lu family."

"You don't have to pretend to be shot anymore."

The rich man whispered: "Just bandage it and make it look like it's almost the same."

He waved to let the medical staff pretending to be busy to leave.

Ye Tianlong stopped struggling for an instant, then turned over from the operating bed, laughed and hugged the rich man outside:

"Lao Fu, really a good brother, he didn't expose me, but helped me to cover it, otherwise I will lose half my life this time."

Between the words, the two hugged heavily, feeling the long-lost feelings of friendship.

The rich man patted Ye Tianlong's shoulder outside: "Why are you trying to trick Heimeng into being shot? This is very provoking her nerves."

Ye Tianlong responded honestly: "I suddenly killed Hei Dapeng, making things irreconcilable, and dragging Heimeng and Fu Shi in."

"I saw that Heimeng was going to ask her for a crime, so I pretended to be shot to divert her anger, who knows..."

He sighed: "I'm lost in softness..."

Originally, he wanted to resolve the matter on the helicopter, but Heimeng was so tempting to be soft, and Ye Tianlong didn't want to move when he slept in, so he delayed the opportunity to explain.

"Haha, my brother, you are not afraid, but you are afraid of women being angry. How can I say hello?"

The rich man patted Ye Tianlong on the shoulder: "Nothing to do."

"No way."

Ye Tianlong is very frank: "I have almost no shortcomings, but I have no resistance to women, so I often hit the enemy's beauties."

The rich man laughed loudly: "I'm afraid it's the beauty who caught your trick."

"Old rich, if you have no friends like this, you will demolish other people's channels. Okay, let's not talk about this. Let's talk serious things."

Ye Tianlong breathed out a long breath and looked at the rich man and said, "I gave you such a big gift today, how are you going to thank me?"

The rich man was slightly taken aback: "What kind of gift?"

Ye Tianlong replied solemnly: "Kill the Black Dapeng."

The rich man looked at Ye Tianlong from the outside: "Can you speak foul language?"

Ye Tianlong shook his head: "No."

The rich man sighed: "Then, let's eat."

"I broke your stalemate and made the situation turbulent, isn't it a gift?"

Ye Tianlong glanced at the rich man, and then changed the conversation: "By the way, old rich, I was too rushed to come to the Black Triangle this time and didn't bring any good gifts."

He took out the "Bamboo and Stone Picture" in his arms and handed it to the rich man's hands outside, saying, "The original Zheng Banqiao, it's a bit of heart..."

The rich man came to look at it outside, and after recognizing the authenticity, he couldn't put it down, his eyes were still full of touch: "Brother, you are too careful."

"My brother, you are welcome."

Ye Tianlong laughed: "By the way, brother, lend me a strengthening camp..."

Outside the rich:...

Twenty minutes later, in the golden meeting room of Fu's splendor, the lights were turned on, the tea was fragrant, and 13 people were sitting around the round table.

Ye Tianlong wants to borrow a camp. Of course, there is no problem outside the rich, but he still has to go through the process to strengthen the Fu's institutionalization and concentration.

In this way, it can be avoided that if the wealthy members hang up, they will become a mass of scattered sand.

The wealthy person sat in the main seat, Ye Tianlong sat beside him, and eleven others sat in the corresponding positions, staring sharply at Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong is no stranger to the backbone of the Fu family. He has never seen a real person, and he has already understood his relationship with the rich.

There is resistance, welcome, doubt, and curiosity, but there is no malice.

It's just that Ye Tianlong didn't care about everyone's eyes at all at this moment, his eyes were more to judge the gold content of the table, chair, and floor.

At the same time, the legs of two beautiful secretaries who made records were slender and white, and they also outlined attractive arcs.

The two beautiful secretaries didn't care either. They seemed to have been accustomed to men's gaze long ago. They spread their legs intentionally or unintentionally, causing Ye Tianlong to almost spray tea.

The rich man drank a sip of tea, then smiled and shook Ye Tianlong's shoulder: "Tianlong, tell everyone what you mean."

Ye Tianlong quickly awoke from the environment of "Drunken Life and Dream of Death" and the beauty, cleared his throat and smiled:

"Hello everyone, I am Ye Tianlong, and everyone here should be familiar with me. Today, thanks to Lao Fu, I will meet with you for a meeting."

Ye Tianlong stretched out a finger: "There is only one meaning, that is, I want to borrow troops, I want to borrow a division, and I want to kill the Black Mountain Eagle."

This time it was the rich man's turn to almost spray tea, and he glanced at Ye Tianlong in surprise. Didn't this kid say a camp? How did you become a teacher?

A battalion of 500 people, a division of 10,000 people, this is completely 20 times the difficulty.

Sure enough, as soon as Ye Tianlong's voice fell, the dozens of men and women in the conference room were all surprised and said:

"What? Borrow a division? Kill the Black Mountain Eagle? Do you want to go to full-scale war?"

"There are no more than two or three divisions in the Fu's elite soldiers. Moving one division is equal to a battle of positions."

"Yes, more than 10,000 people are fighting, and those who don't know think we want to unify the black triangle."

"This is a very dangerous behavior. Once we are misunderstood that we want to establish a nation, the three border countries will inevitably be suppressed by a large army."

"To deal with the Black Mountain Eagle, talk and fight at the same time, a few battalions are enough."

Seeing everyone talking, the rich man waved his hands to calm everyone down, and then looked at a beautiful-looking woman in military uniform:

"General Bai, do you have any comments?"

The woman in military uniform is about 1.7 meters tall, her complexion is neither black nor white, but her facial features are good, her figure is slim, and her age is mostly diminished by the flames of war.

Bai Poyue, the right arm of the wealthy foreign armed forces, is the most elite mountain division general of the Fu family, with rich experience and strong combat power.

In recent years, the Fu family has conquered cities and land, has developed rapidly, and has occupied a lot of territory. He has become a black triangle tycoon and has a close relationship with women in uniform.

Bai Poyue remained silent all the time. When she heard the rich person asking herself, she immediately sat up straight, looking at Ye Tianlong with piercing eyes:

"It's not a problem to borrow a teacher, and everyone's concerns just now are not a problem, because the black mountain eagle must always be removed. It is better to remove it later than early."

"Get rid of it early, and you don't have to worry about getting a bite by the Black Mountain Eagle, and you don't have to be used by him to take refuge in the butcher monster."

"It doesn't matter if you get misunderstood by the Three Kingdoms. As long as they fight quickly, they won't do too much, not to mention that we have accumulated a lot of Bai Dao relations."

The woman in military uniform stared sharply at Ye Tianlong:

"The most important question now is, what are your chances of using a teacher to kill the Monster Killer?"

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