Talented Genius

Chapter 1514: Shock

Hearing Bai Poyue's analysis, many people at the scene nodded, and the wealthy also showed a sense of appreciation, thinking that she was on the point.

Nothing is a problem, only victory or defeat is the key. If you win, all disadvantages will be eliminated. If you lose, all disadvantages will emerge.

When everyone looked at Ye Tianlong, he was drinking a sip of tea, then smiled and greeted the woman in military uniform with a smile: "Ninety percent."

Bai Poyue was not happy, instead she sneered noncommittal: "Are you going to fight?"

There was a touch of superiority, disdain, resistance, and joking in her eyes, thinking that Ye Tianlong had seen the battlefield too trivial.

Ye Tianlong replied solemnly: "I have fought many battles!"

Bai Poyue said coldly: "The old soldier has fought many battles, but he has only one soldier after all!"


Just as Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes, the satellite phone outside the wealthy man rang and turned on. He soon heard the report of Heimeng, speaking with anxiety:

"Mr. Fu, we have almost arrived at Lujiazhai, but we found that a unit of Heishan Carvings is also approaching Lujiazhai."

The rich man's eyelids twitched: "How many?"

Heimeng quickly responded: "Twenty military trucks, each with 20 people, all submachine guns, 15 light machine guns, and five anti-aircraft machine guns."

"There are also two light tanks and three armored vehicles to follow, all adding up to about 500 people, but there is no gunship to cover."

Heimeng reported with a gun: "The leader seems to be the tip of a black knife."

Many people in the conference room sat up slightly, with a touch of dignity on their faces. It seemed that they did not expect the people of Black Mountain Eagle to react so quickly.

This also revealed the death of Black Dapeng and caused a great shock.

Bai Poyue remained calm, and at the same time there was a voice in her heart: The Lu Family is about to die.

The wealthy member outside quickly made a judgment: "The Black Mountain Eagle has been outside these past two days, leaving the Black Dapeng and the tip of the black knife to look at the camp."

"Now that Black Dapeng is dead, the tip of the black knife can't get rid of responsibility. In order to reduce the guilt, he confessed to the Black Mountain Eagle, so he took the initiative to attack the Lu family."

"The Black Mountain Eagle is very suspicious. The three ace army and the helicopter team can't be dispatched except himself."

While looking at Ye Tianlong, the wealthy staff made his own professional analysis: "The black tip should be made up for by doing things without authorization."

"The black tip is now in command. Eighty percent is the wealthy camp of the Black Mountain Eagle, that is, the new barracks. Its combat effectiveness is only half of the regular army."

Ye Tianlong listened to these conversations and quickly digested them, then took out his phone and looked at it, his smile was very warm.

"Should we support the Lu family?"

Heimengyan has concerns: "There are more than one hundred people in the Lu family, it is difficult to hold the black sword to attack, they are all regular troops."

Without waiting for an answer from the rich, Ye Tianlong took his mobile phone and said, "No."

Heimeng was slightly startled: "No need?"

Bai Poyue was also taken aback: "No need? In this way, the Lu family is dead."

The others also had similar expressions, and I don't know which Ye Tianlong sang.

Hei Meng didn't realize it was Ye Tianlong who was speaking, but the other party uttered the two words ‘no need’ in a daze. Wouldn’t this leave the Lu Family on its own?

Just as Heimeng was about to fully confirm, her body was shocked and her face was shocked.

On both sides of the deserted food street next to the temple and three commanding heights, suddenly thirty-six men in black wearing various masks appeared.

They each carried a rocket launcher and emerged from various bunkers, facing the 500-meter-long section of the road, facing the black knife-tip convoy driving through the long street.

The sharp-pointed armor-piercing warhead in the rocket launcher is like the eyes of death under the reflection of cold light.

The German 7-type rocket launcher has a mass of five kilograms and an effective range of 200 meters. It can destroy various types of main battle tanks, including main battle tanks equipped with reactive armor.

It can also penetrate reinforced concrete with a thickness of 1.5 meters. For field fortifications of civil structures, the penetration thickness is as high as three meters.

When Heimeng quickly made a judgment, a man wearing a lion head mask looked up at the helicopter, and at the same time three rocket launchers were raised.

They threatened Heimeng's approach.

Hei Meng could be caught, and the corners of the lion head mask's mouth turned upward.

Enthusiasm and fighting spirit are intertwined and burn!

After judging that Heimeng and the others were not black blade-point accomplices, the eyes of the lion head mask instantly became cold and fierce, and then he waved his hand:



Thirty-six rockets are launched instantly!

The rocket trajectory that flashed in the night sky was so clearly visible, as brilliant and dazzling as the black colored brush that was split apart.

The shock wave of high-pressure puffing burned, igniting everything with the high temperature of the flame, and the hot gas swept away everything.

Ten rockets sprayed orange tail flames and hit three armored vehicles and two light tanks.

With the earth-shattering explosion, the armored vehicles and light tanks burst into flames, either circling and blasting out, or ramming sideways.

Black smoke rose, and the armored vehicles and tanks stopped moving.


The next twenty rockets hit a locked military truck and exploded it to pieces.

The fire from the explosive burst of the ammunition continued to rise, and the red and black smoke between orange and red was scattered in the air full of gunpowder smoke.

It is pungent and suffocating.

The remaining six rockets landed in the middle of the convoy one after another, on the heads of the crowded and panicked enemies.

The rocket shells that came with the call of death clearly appeared between the enemy's pupils, and the warhead gradually enlarged...zoomed...zoomed in between the pupils.

Their faces were ashen and desperate.

As the rocket exploded, countless pieces of meat flew around, and the streets suddenly became bloody.

Although the black tipped car was not blown over, it was also knocked over by a burning vehicle. Fortunately, he was still agile and climbed out of the car in time.

"Asshole! Asshole!"

He hid under a dilapidated pillar and watched the cruel scene angrily: "Hide! Hurry up!"

The tip of the black knife was very aggrieved and unwilling.

Hei Dapeng's death was beyond his imagination, and what he did not expect was that the Lu Family not only did not flee or defend their lives in fear, but also dared to ambush them.

These spoilers are really the opposite.

Hei Dapeng vowed to bloodbath the entire Lu family, and then cut off the heads of Lu Fengshou and Ye Tianlong to sacrifice to the black Dapeng who was transported back.

But no matter how worried Hei Dapeng was, the cruelty on the scene continued.

"Boom boom!"

A series of explosions rang into a dense sound. Amidst the sound of explosions, the high-temperature fire spread to the car instantly.

After detonating the fuel tank without any suspense, the fire became even bigger, forming a long fire dragon pouring down and devouring everyone, and the night sky was burnt red.

The entire food street was trembling, stone chips and black smoke were flying all over the sky, and the screams continued to be heard.

Enemies covered in fire cried and ran away, struggling between this purgatory. Amidst the dull truck explosion, all machine gun bullets exploded.


Amid the sound of pouring rain, tens of thousands of bullets flew around, making bullet holes one by one, and many people fell to the ground.

When Heimeng let people pull up the helicopter, the lion head masks were dropping their bazookas and each took out a sniper rifle.

"Pump pound!"

Lion head masks, their statures are tall and straight, like statues made of steel standing on the roof, and then shot bullets into the enemy's chest.


The enemy who escaped the explosion and the sea of ​​flames did not even react, and turned from a living life to a convulsing corpse.

The tip of the black knife flew angrily against the wall, then picked up a gun to find a way out...

Ten minutes later, Fu Yuanwai and Bai Poyue received a message from Black Dream: The tip of the black knife was wiped out!

The entire meeting room was instantly quiet like a grave, only Ye Tianlong’s ‘huhu’ drinking water...

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