Talented Genius

Chapter 1517: The cruelty of the Black Mountain Eagle


At dusk, the mountain wind was fierce, and there was still a gloomy cold.

Black Mountain Carved Area, an ancient fort almost the same as the White Temple of the United States, surrounded by high walls, towers, gun holes and power grids can be seen everywhere.

There are also anti-aircraft machine guns and air defense systems in the four positions, six quick access roads, and 600 soldiers standing with submachine guns.

They are fierce in stature and depressed, guarding all entrances and exits and commanding heights.

But their eyes didn't fall outside or moved around, more they stared at the small round building in the middle, waiting for instructions from the inside.

The small round building is a reference to the luxurious hall cast by the White Temple of the United States. Eighteen leather seats are scattered on both sides, and eighteen men and women sit on top of them.

Each of them was showing hostility and killing intent, and they all carried guns around their waists. At first glance, they were not easy to provoke characters.

They were staring at an angry uniformed old man, the corners of their mouths and eyelids couldn't stop moving, with instinctive awe and fear.

Behind these people stood dozens of soldiers, similarly murderous.

There were six injured companions lying down at their feet, with blood stains and bullet holes in their shoulders or thighs, as if they had just gone through a fierce fight.

These six people were militants who escorted the coffin back to the defense zone. The twenty-fourth person went to pick up the Black Dapeng back, but was madly pursued by Fu.

He suffered heavy losses, the coffin was damaged, and he plunged into a jungle with his helicopter, but he has not been recovered yet.

"Three hours, haven't you found the coffin?"

The uniformed old man was in his fifties, his bald head was like a big bladder, reflecting the light like a beer bottle.

A pointed olecranon nose, the tip of the nose is about to touch the upper lip, and the lower mouth has a pinch of goatee that is more than four inches long.

Behind him is a picture of an eagle with wings spread out, one leg independent, and a huge rock on the top of the mountain under his claws, aggressively.

The uniformed old man is the Black Mountain Eagle, whose name is true to him, brave and combative. Since his debut, he has been a desperate and the most brutal bounty hunter.

When the Black Mountain Eagle was not in power, he often charged himself and was shot or chopped into blood gourds more than once.

After several lives and deaths, he stubbornly survived and eventually became the hero of the black triangle, possessing his own considerable armed forces.

In these decades of **** career, the Black Mountain Eagle shot many opponents and killed many people and their families.

What I like most is to put the opponent family together, let them kill each other to survive, and let the opponent family endure pain and struggle.

Can be described as the scum of scum.

Therefore, Black Mountain Eagle's subordinates are more afraid of him than respect. At this moment, hearing him get angry, they even lower their heads and dare not look at him.

"A bunch of trash!"

Seeing that no one responded to him, the Black Mountain Sculpture became even more angry. He slapped the table with a loud bang, and the solid wood table had a handprint:

"Hei Dapeng was shot and killed in public, the tip of the black sword was wiped out, and the **** coffin was lost. I will endure these, I will endure it, I will endure it cruelly."

"But the coffin fell into our own defense zone, and more than two hundred people were fully armed to search for it. After three hours, there was no result."

The **** breath of the Black Mountain Eagle is permeated: "This one, how do you make me bear it?"

"There are so many of you, you can't protect my son, and you can't let me see him for the last time. What are you not rubbish?"

Montenegro looked at everyone with a hatred of iron and steel, and couldn't wait to shoot out a few: "I have raised you for so many years, do you return me like this?"

"Commander Black, I'm sorry."

A short-haired female officer responded cautiously: "The coffin was not found in time because the jungle where the helicopter crashed was too dense."

"The instrument signal lost its position for no reason, and Fu's shells also attacked from time to time. In addition, the sky was already dark and the advancing speed was a little slow."

"But please don't worry, Commander Black, the search crew has narrowed down, and there are only the last two jungles, and there will be results within half an hour."

She exhaled a long breath: "Commander Black and Young Master Black will definitely be able to see one last time."

The short-haired female officer, Pattaya, is the intelligence team leader of the Black Mountain Eagle. She was a former bar manager and is good at inquiring news and observing words.

Like the tip of the black sword, she is the right arm of the Black Mountain Eagle. At this moment, seeing the master furious, no one answered, she could only try to quench the master's fire.

Otherwise, the Black Mountain Eagle Club would draw a gun and kill eighteen people in the hall.

"This is what you said."

The Black Mountain Eagle was as happy and angry as his son, and he pointed his finger at Pattaya and said:

"You said half an hour, I'll give you an hour, then I won't see the coffin return, I will kill you myself."

Pattaya's pretty face changed, and he smelled a touch of danger. He didn't expect to cause trouble to his upper body, but he didn't dare to regret it, so he nodded: "Understood."

"You guys are just rubbish."

With Pattaya's assurance, the Black Mountain Eagle's mood improved a bit, but when he saw the six wounded, his anger rose again.

He pushed aside the chair, pulled out the gun from the adjutant, and walked slowly to the six wounded, with a murderous look in his eyes:

"I can't protect my son's safety and his coffin. Is he too unlucky, or are you too clever?"

The Black Mountain Eagle licked his lips: "I'm really disappointed in you."

"Commander Black, sorry, sorry."

A wounded officer felt a touch of danger, and backhanded himself a few big slaps: "We are dereliction of duty, and it is because we have failed to protect Mind."

"It's just that we didn't expect that Fu would chase us like this. We were caught off guard, so we dropped the Coffin of Young Black."

His voice was terrified: "We really did our best."

The Black Mountain Eagle said coldly: "I didn't die at the scene, how can I talk about doing my best?"

The wounded officer hugged the Black Mountain Eagle's thigh: "Commander Black, give us another chance. We will do our best in the future..."


The Black Mountain Eagle did not respond, but put the muzzle on his eyebrows, pulled the trigger, and a bullet went headshot.

Afterwards, the Black Mountain Eagle kicked the corpse over, with a touch of coldness on his face: "Waste is waste, and everything that is said is nonsense."

"You all remembered it to me, I never raise waste."

The Black Mountain Eagle wants to vent his anger and warn everyone: Don't be deserters.

He turned his gun.

"Boom boom!"

After a burst of gunshots, the five wounded who tried to get up, their bodies shook and fell back to the ground, their heads blooming, and they couldn't die again.


When a new maid saw the **** scene, she screamed instinctively, then she covered her mouth tightly, her eyes horrified.

But it was too late, the Black Mountain Eagle turned his muzzle, bang! He exploded the maid's heart without mercy.

The maid was stained with blood and fell to the ground, her face clearly visible in despair.

The audience was silent, with fear in his eyes, even the atmosphere did not dare to pant.

Even Wei Yuerong, who walked into the hall, jumped her eyelids, stepping back to the side and daring not to speak...

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