Talented Genius

Chapter 1518: The black adjutant is back

Chapter 1518 The Black Adjutant Is Back

After killing seven people, Black Mountain Eagle's mood improved a lot, with a touch of peace. He threw the gun to the adjutant, and then walked back to the seat.

"What's the situation of Fu and Lu's family now?"

The Black Mountain Eagle glanced at the crowd, and his hoarse voice rang again: "When will the forces of the Butcher Monster help?"

As soon as the voice fell, a bald man in uniform stood up, with a cautious look on his face, he whispered:

"In response to the Black Commander, the Fus are now chasing our coffin-protecting fighter planes, and they also put the Mountain Division on the front line, indicating that it ignores us."

He made a judgment: "The Fu will protect Ye Tianlong to the end, and even attack us for Ye Tianlong."

Heishan Diao's eyes narrowed slightly: "I always thought that if a wealthy person wore shoes and a Chinese dress, he would take care of everything."

"Facts have proved that it allowed us to bully several times in order to clean up."

"How can you smash with us for Ye Tianlong this time? Could it be that the benefits that Ye Tianlong brought to him are greater than the losses in the war?"

His words are very sharp: "What is the relationship between the wealthy and Ye Tianlong?"

"They seem to be happy friends and cooperative relationships, but they have never had any business contacts."

Pattaya whispered again: "The information I have collected shows that Ye Tianlong is the illegitimate child of a wealthy man in China."

"Before the wealthy people came to the Black Triangle from Mingjiang to develop, they worked as an experimental director in Rongjia Pharmaceutical. At that time, they met a woman and had a baby."

She informed the Black Mountain Eagle of the situation: "When he came to the Black Triangle, because the environment was too bad and the danger was too great, the wealthy people did not bring the woman over.

"But he has been obsessed with that woman, and later went back to Mingjiang to look for it a few times. Last year he confirmed that the woman had passed away."

"The rich man was very sad and guilty, and then found out that he had an illegitimate child, so he made up for it out of guilt. The illegitimate child is Ye Tianlong."

"Not only did he give Ye Tianlong a lot of money, but also Yushun father and son for Ye Tianlong's wealth."

Pattaya gave a conclusion: "Now that the rich are fighting against us for Ye Tianlong, it is easy to understand. After all, this is the only son."

Everyone in the room opened their mouths slightly when they heard the words.

Wei Yuerong was also a little surprised, and then her eyes were thoughtful.

"It turns out to be the son of a rich man!"

The Black Mountain Eagle suddenly realized that he nodded, and then became furious: "His son is a son, isn't my son a son?"

"No matter who it is, if you kill Black Dapeng, I will kill him."

As the corner of Wei Yuerong's mouth moved, Heishan Eagle's eyes turned blood red: "Even if he is the son of a rich man."

The Black Mountain Eagle also has only one son.

The bald man took the topic: "He is now hiding in the Fu's defense zone. It is too difficult to kill him in the face. If you really want to move him, you can only use the dark chess to play."

The Black Mountain Eagle beats the table: "Kill, kill, no matter how small the chance is, kill it."

The bald man nodded: "Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

Pattaya opened her mouth. She wanted to persuade but finally dismissed her thoughts. She felt that it was hard to hit Fu's chess piece and should be used at critical times.

Using them to deal with Ye Tianlong, one is not necessarily effective, and the other is that the effect is not maximized, but she dare not disobey the instructions of the Black Mountain Eagle.

Pattaya's conversation turned: "Commander Black, the Monster Killer agreed to send troops to fight against Fu, but he wants the messenger to finalize the details with you before sending troops."

"The purpose of Tu Yan Yao is very simple now. He wants us to join the Tu family to deal with the Fu family, but he does not want us to negotiate terms with him."

She reminded softly: "We must quickly negotiate terms, otherwise we will have to rely on him as our backer unconditionally after the white-hot relationship with Fu."

The eyes of the Black Mountain Eagle stared again, and they were blood-red and blood-red to make a terrible sneer: "Damn! One is better than the other, and he is still thinking about calculating."

"You tell Monster Tu for me that my son will be buried tomorrow. Before the burial, the Tu family didn't say so, so let's not do it."

"We will fight ourselves with the Fu family. Of course, Lao Tzu may also endure the pain of losing a son and become a dog outside the rich."

Montenegro grinned: "Don't feel ridiculous, for me, everything is possible."

Pattaya nodded: "Understood."

When Wei Yuerong's eyelids twitched, the Black Mountain Eagle asked again: "How is the situation of the Lu family now? Can you rush in and have a good time?"

"There is news from the spies ahead, and the Lu family is now guarding strictly."

Pattaya informed the situation: "More than 150 diehards were gathered to guard the house. They also received two Fu's helicopters and rockets."

"Their firepower and manpower are no less than a small warlord. We need at least five hundred people to take it, and we must have helicopter escorts."

"But in the two battles between the clubhouse and Changjie, we lost more than 600 people, and our troops were a bit insufficient, so we couldn't send another 500 or 600 people to attack."

"Moreover, helicopters entering the downtown area are easily bombarded by rockets, and a large number of tanks or armored vehicles are dispatched, and they are easily ambushed by Fu's elite."

Pattaya sighed quietly: "Lu Fengshou is a hard bone."

Hei Shan Diao's face sank: "Then you can't move the Lu Family House?"

Pattaya lowered his head: "I can't move for the time being, we are short of troops."

"There is no need for five hundred people, one hundred people, enough to destroy the Lu family house."

At this moment, a sweet and crisp voice came from a corner, and the Black Mountain Eagle raised his head and looked over, seeing Wei Yuerong approaching with a charming smile:

"Commander Black, I have a way to destroy the Lu Family House at the least cost..."


Before she finished speaking, the Black Mountain Eagle slapped her face with a slap, causing Wei Yuerong to scream and Huarong fell to the ground with fingerprints on her face.

Wei Yuerong raised her pretty face and whispered, "Commander Black, why are you hitting me?"

The Black Mountain Eagle took a step forward, grabbed Wei Yuerong's long hair, and sneered: "I am not hitting you, I am reminding you."

"My son was killed by Ye Tianlong. He was the bodyguard of the Lu family at the time. You are the wife of the Lu family. When it comes to things, you are the initiator."

"If it weren't for you as a bitch, I wouldn't think about occupying the Lu family's assets, and there would be no conflict, and the black Dapeng would not be headshot."

"I haven't touched you now, I don't have time to clean up you, who knows that you took the initiative to send it to me."

"You said there is a way to destroy the Lu family house, you'd better really have a good way, otherwise I will calculate the new and old accounts together, and I will kill you tonight."

He patted the woman's face: "Say, what can I do?"

Wei Yuerong was very humiliated, but in the end she gritted her teeth and whispered a few words, Pattaya clearly saw that the eyes of the Black Mountain Eagle lit up...

"Your method, you execute it."

After listening to it, the Black Mountain Eagle sneered: "Mrs. Lu, I will give you a hundred brothers. Before dawn, I killed the Lu family."

"If you succeed, you will be my wife of the Black Mountain Eagle in the future, and I will let you have another son."

"If you fail, you will be shamed by me."

He threw Wei Yuerong to the ground, and then shouted to the bald man: "Prickly pig, pick a hundred melee fighters, and walk back to Lu's house with Madam Lu."

The bald man immediately responded: "Yes."

Wei Yuerong's eyelids jumped, but she could only nod her head and agree, otherwise she would die now.

The Black Mountain Eagle said coldly, "Did you hear what I said?"

"heard it!"

Wei Yuerong blinked her beautiful eyes, and her slender thighs trembled slightly, as if she had been wronged by the sky and would cry at any time.

Of course she won't really cry...

"Black Commander!"

Just as everyone was about to leave the meeting and leave the hall, a soldier walked in from the outside quickly, shouting with a touch of joy on his face:

"The black adjutant is back..."

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