Talented Genius

Chapter 1519: Good tea, good show

Chapter 1519 Good Tea, Good Show

The moment before dawn is the darkest time.

At this dark moment, Wei Yuerong was not sleepy. Taking advantage of the last darkness, he fought with a bald man named Sting Pig with nearly a hundred elite.

Nearly one hundred elites are all loaded with live ammunition, and there are still thunders hanging from their waists. Their eyes are all flashing like a wolf, ready to fight at any time.

Ten vehicles of various styles slowly approached a deserted temple near Lu's house in the dark.

Although the car lights are all covered with a layer of paper to reduce the long-range stimulation of the light, they can still give people a fierce killing intent.

At five o'clock in the morning, the convoy stopped at one of the most remote back doors of the abandoned temple.

"In addition to the three big granaries that were burnt down, the Lu family actually has an underground granary, located just below the Lujiazhai and this temple."

While letting people pry open the back door of the temple, Wei Yuerong explained to the thorn pig who led the team: "It was built by Lu Zhai when it was planned."

"Rice merchants naturally have a sense of worry and like to hoard food like squirrels. Simply put, they are insecure."

She stared at the bald man and added: "Lu Fengshou is no exception."

"So, in addition to the three famous rice warehouses, Lu Fengshou also built a large rice warehouse under the house, just like the air-raid shelter."

"Of course, this rice warehouse usually does not store any food, only rice wine, rice wine, red wine, bacon, and dried potatoes."

"If the situation is not good, he will fill the rice warehouse in large numbers, so that he can calmly deal with war or famine."

Wei Yuerong told the assassin of the assassin: "Not many people know this place. I also knew it when I was trusted by him."

"It's just that I didn't think it was as simple as Yonecang, so I took the key and password and stepped in."

"Although the contents disappointed me, I still knew that this rice warehouse existed, and I also found that it had a passage to the temple firewood room."

Wei Yuerong made a judgment: "This should be Lu Fengshou's final retreat when the underground rice warehouse was breached."


The thorn pig grinned: "Tonight, I will make it a dead end."

He also stared at Wei Yuerong's arrogant body, his smile was very manly: "It doesn't become a dead end, the lady will become a dead person."

"It must be a dead end for Lu Fengshou."

Wei Yuerong moved her body to get close to the thorn pig, and then said softly: "I don't want to be a dead person, I just want to be your person."

Looking at her coquettish cheeks and hot body, the sting pig exhaled a long breath, with a flash of desire in her eyes, wishing Wei Yuerong to rectify the law on the spot.

However, he finally suppressed the flames in his heart, tilted his head slightly and said: "Go!"

Following his instructions, nearly a hundred elite Black Mountain eagles immediately carried knives and guns, and rushed towards the woodshed where the hole was exposed without a word.

Although there are a large number of people, they show tacit understanding one by one, seemingly chaotic, but in fact they always follow their own team on the way.

They are like a thread leading forward, demonstrating their well-trained.

Wei Yuerong looked scared, and followed the sting pig.


After walking more than two hundred meters from the hole opened by the wood shed, in the light of the flashlight, the stab pig stared at a large copper door not far away.

This is the waterproof door of the rice warehouse. The thorn pigs opened it with a light push, and then continued to turn for more than 50 meters, and came to another iron door.

It was very dry near the iron gate, and there were spider silks at the door. It can be seen that no one went in or out for a while.

There was a glow of heat on both Wei Yuerong and Prickly Pig's faces, intertwined with suicide and longing. When the door opened, it was the rice storehouse.

Passing through the long and narrow rice storehouse, you came to the back of the Lu family house.

The thorn pig and Wei Yuerong imagined that they would fight through that door and give the Lu family a heavy blow. The chickens and dogs did not stay, and the blood was flowing...

Although there were more than one hundred and fifty people in the Lu family's house, they had to shoot out like this, with the grenade and the bazooka, and the ending must be very sad.

"Open the door."

Wei Yuerong issued an instruction to the four soldiers, and the four immediately carried their guns to the back, and then rushed forward to open the heavy iron gate.


Who knew that the hand had just touched the iron gate, a sharp pain immediately spread from their palms, and then their arms numb, and the four of them all fell off.

The dozen or so companions behind stretched out their hands and took a look at the four of them in front of the flashlight. Their expressions suddenly became solemn.

The three companions were in a coma, continued to convulsions, ventricular fibrillation, and the heartbeat and breathing seemed to stop.

The other person looked dull and panicked, but couldn't say anything for a long time.

Their lips were all similar to black and purple, and at first glance they had suffered severe electric shocks.

Spur Pig and Wei Yuerong certainly didn't think this was static electricity.

Wei Yuerong's nerves tightened instantly, and he let out a low voice: "Withdraw!"

Intuition made this woman feel dangerous, but it was too late, and dozens of iron nets with blades had fallen above her head.

Unconsciously, dozens of people were immediately covered in the iron net, and unconsciously opened it, and the hands that were cut by the blade were splashed with blood, screaming again and again.

At the same time, waves of flour poured down from above, and the entire aisle suddenly became white, not only blindfolded, but also pungent.

Someone subconsciously squeezed the gun, and the thorn pig roared: "Don't shoot, don't shoot!"

High-density dust, once shot, is self-defeating.

Wei Yuerong also found danger and shouted again and again: "Don't shoot, don't shoot."

The stinging pig, who had escaped the iron net, felt the dust on his face, and shouted at nearly a hundred men: "Retreat, quickly retreat, retreat here."

The next second, the whoosh sound sounded!

Countless sharp arrows sank into the crowd with dim flashlights, spattering blood, and more than 30 people fell in a pool of blood, life and death unknown.

The blood was wiped out from the ears of the thorn pig, and he shouted hysterically: "It's in the middle! It's in the middle! Get out!"

It's just that although he wanted to withdraw and the others wanted to run away, everyone was crowded into a ball, and the speed slowed down temporarily because of the iron net.

"Everyone, come here, have a cup of tea before leaving?"

At this time, a voice came from the iron gate, just like Ye Tianlong's movement: "Dinosaurs, keep guests."


As the voice fell, the iron door opened, and a huge figure rammed out. He slammed into the crowd straight, imposing like a rainbow on the other side.

The interlacing of light and shadow, coupled with the sudden rise of dust and smoke, made the dark yellow and deep aisle look like thousands of ghosts jumping and dancing.

From time to time, there are screams and figures flying out, and the splashing blood seems to be raindrops falling in the air.

When the dinosaurs attacked like a rainbow, there were more than a dozen Lu's nephews behind them, stabbing them and killing the enemy who was knocked over by the dinosaurs.

Wei Yuerong looked frightened, and stepped back against the wall, her expression very angry, but she didn't expect the hunter to become a prey.

The battle came suddenly and ended just as quickly.


When the stinging pig instinctively wanted to fight, but was kicked by the dinosaur and flew to the wall like a kite.

When the thorn pig turned around with one hand on the wall, he was horrified to find that the dinosaur had smashed behind, and then grabbed his hair with a thunder strike.


One leaning, one collision, a huge cracking sound exploded.

This loud noise occupied the entire world of the sting pig, and then the dinosaur threw him out like a cloth bag, causing the back of his head to collide with the wall.

The thorn pig fell down.

The dust and smoke were still flying, but the shouting quickly became calm...

In the end, he wanted to shoot and die, but there was no chance at all, and the dinosaur cruelly broke his thoughts.


Wei Yuerong turned around and ran, still at a very fast speed. After a few jumps, he jumped away from nearly a hundred wounded, and then rushed out of the iron gate and climbed out of the temple woodhouse...

"Boom, boom—"

The dinosaur didn't chase, and didn't even see Wei Yuerong, the only one who escaped. Then, the one who exploded a head with one foot, stepped from one end to the other...

Wei Yuerong, who had escaped, got into a car in a panic, then stepped on the gas pedal and did not return to the Black Mountain carved defense zone, but drove towards Manchester.


When Wei Yuerong drove out in the car, a taxi also started the engine. In the driver's seat, a pair of eyes slowly lit up:

Clear, sharp, translucent...

At this moment, in the cave, Ye Tianlong was holding a cup of tea and smiled at Lu Fengshou, "Uncle Lu, good tea."

Lu Fengshou, with his legs and feet wrapped in gauze, looked at the dead body in the aisle, and then at Wei Yuerong who had fled on the screen, holding up his teacup and smiling:

"Good show..."

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