Talented Genius

Chapter 1530: The first task (four more)

Chapter 1530 the first mission (four more)

Manchester is the capital and largest city of the country. It is known as the capital of Buddhism. It is an all-encompassing "City of Angels" that integrates Eastern and Western cultures.

It is also a trading center for precious metals and gems, and a well-known tourist city with an economy that can account for 40% of the country's total.

It's just that its glamorous back is an astonishing crime rate, and in many corners, there are all kinds of darkness that ordinary people can hardly imagine.

Many Western scholars praised it as the city of angels, and they would add a sentence, the city of demons.

It's just that no matter how angels and demons, it can't affect people's coming and going.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, a red tricycle was rumbling on the main road. The middle-aged driver drove the car like an airplane, swishing around.

"Brother, slow down, slow down, I'm not in a hurry."

Ye Tianlong, who was lying in the car, was almost internally injured by the opponent. With the Playboy magazine in his hand, he slammed the baffle: "Slow down."

When the middle-aged driver heard this knock, he thought Ye Tianlong wanted him to speed up, and he immediately called on the accelerator.


The tricycle runs faster, surpassing two cars and three buses.

"Your uncle!"

Upon seeing this, Ye Tianlong had to lie down and go back. If the tricycle is the fastest means of transportation in Manchester, it is far better than a taxi. He would not ride to death.

Lying back, Ye Tianlong was worried about the driver's skills while taking out his mobile phone to read Tu Wengang who was about to meet later.

Tu Wengang is Tu Ren Yao's cousin and his confidant. He is in charge of foreign trade and logistics. All food, clothing, housing and transportation in the defense zone must pass his hands.

The Tu's trading company where he works is still a well-known company in Manchester.

Lu Fengshou's business with Tu's family is also with Tu Wengang, and Lu's rice or goods are transferred from Manchester City to Tu's defense zone.

In the past three months, Tu had still not paid the balance of 50 million yuan. Now the black triangle is surging, and Tu Wen just took the opportunity to find various excuses for not paying.

Especially after the Lu Family was in the same camp as the Fu Clan, the money was almost lost, but Ye Tianlong was unwilling to lose 50 million like this.

There are 10,000 girls for a girl, and a total of 5,000 girls. Ye Tianlong feels distressed when he thinks about it. Of course, he has to come over to deal with Wei Zhongcheng.

Ye Tianlong looked at Tu Wengang's intelligence. He was fierce, greedy, ruthless, and lustful, but he was also afraid of death, so he often bought'Changsheng Pills' at high prices.

Seeing this, Ye Tianlong's eyes flickered, and then he used his cell phone to send a text message to Tianmo and the others...

Thirty minutes later, the tricycle braved the black smoke to reach the entrance of an 18-story building in a bustling commercial street in Manchester.

The door opened, Ye Tianlong stretched out and got out, and then threw a hundred yuan to the tanned driver: "Wait for 30 minutes."

It only costs 30 yuan for the round trip, and Ye Tianlong is going to take this car when he goes back, after all, it runs fast enough.

"Savadika, goodbye."

The middle-aged driver thought that he could not understand Ye Tianlong's Thai language, put his hands together and smiled, then he squirmed the accelerator and ran away.

Ye Tianlong grabbed a stone on the ground and was about to rush out, thinking about it and forgetting it in the end, then he went to a nearby bathroom.

When he came out, Ye Tianlong had a long dress on his body. He walked straight across the road and pushed open the glass door of the building.


Several beautiful property managers in the building put their hands together and greeted Ye Tianlong with a bright smile. Ye Tianlong also smiled and waved, and then got into the elevator.

The Tu Shi Trading Company was on the fifteenth floor. When Ye Tianlong walked out of the elevator, the office hall with more than fifty people was singing and dancing with joy.

There are not only dozens of fashionable office girls in the hall, but also more than 20 burly men with cigarettes in their mouths and weapons in their waists.

They leaned back on the office chairs, talking loudly, and eyeing the fashion girls.

Those girls are obviously familiar with them for a long time, so instead of being disgusted at all, they flirt with winks from time to time.

Ye Tianlong looked around and locked the general manager's office because there was only one room in the entire office lobby.

He smiled, and then walked over without attracting attention. As he expected, the partitioned room read the general manager's office.

"Manager Tu, work harder, um, you are so fierce."

Ye Tianlong glanced inside and found that a pair of men and women were engaged in a primitive battle, with various postures and various shouts, without concealment.

"Manager Tu, every year there is today, every year there is the present, congratulations on getting rich."

Ye Tianlong observed the frequency of the two. When he heard Tu Wengang's roaring thicker and heavier and his movements getting more intense, he immediately slammed into the door and jumped in.

Ye Tianlong rushed to Tu Wengang and shouted, "Are you happy? Is Gao unhappy?"

Tu Wengang was about to sprint for the last time, but he was so startled by Ye Tianlong, instantly losing his momentum like a frustrated balloon, and his face was panicked...

The woman under him was also startled, the excitement stopped abruptly, but soon she pierced her eardrum scream:


The people outside had heard the movement and immediately rushed to the general manager's room. They were shocked when they saw Ye Tianlong inside. Why was there one more person?

Then, everyone's eyes fell on the bodies of Tu Wengang and the woman Bai Huahua.

"Who are you? Who are you?"

Tu Wengang disregarded everyone's gaze, and got off the woman with anger. After putting on his clothes indiscriminately, he pointed at Ye Tianlong and shouted:

"I don't care who you are or who you are. You made me very angry today. I want to kill you, I want to kill you."

With his anger raging, he blocked the door of the house as soon as his hands were blocked. Several big-waisted men shook their hands and feet, staring at Ye Tianlong fiercely.

Then, three men and one woman came in again, all with bald heads. These people were murderous, and at first glance they were the masters who had killed many people.

Ye Tianlong immediately raised his hands, and Chu Chu pitifully shouted: "Manager Tu, don't kill me, I am innocent too."

Tu Wen was even more angry when he heard it, kicked a chair with one foot, and smiled angrily: "Innocent? It seems that you really don't live or die."

"All the people who make me unhappy are either chopped up by me to feed the dogs, or thrown out of here by me."

Tu Wen just stepped forward and grabbed Ye Tianlong's clothes: "You, today, death is coming."


He directly tore off the buttons of Ye Tianlong's coat, and his long coat instantly unfolded, revealing the red coat inside, and Tu Wengang's body was instantly shocked.

The dozens of people behind also took a breath, and their eyes couldn't help being stiff.

I saw a row of yellow explosives tied to Ye Tianlong's body, and there was a red clock on it, and the numbers seemed to jump at any time.

Good boy, it's terrible, terrible.


Several clerks retreated subconsciously, and those subordinates also retreated instinctively, but they felt that leaving Tu Wen just unjust, so bit the bullet and stayed at the door.


Tu Wen just woke up and wanted to go subconsciously, but was held back by Ye Tianlong: "Manager Tu, you can't go, the task has not been completed yet."

Tu Wengang's voice trembled: "What mission?"

"Actually, I am a tourist. I was caught by a group of criminals when I passed the building just now."

Ye Tianlong was pitiful: "They strapped explosives to my body, and installed cameras and bugs. They all know what we say and do."

"They want me to come up to you and complete the tasks they assigned. Then they will let me go, let you go, or they will detonate."

He looked very painful: "They said this explosive is very powerful and can blow up three floors. I have seen that it is really powerful."


As soon as Ye Tianlong's voice fell, there was an explosion on the roof of the building opposite, and a cloud of flames and thick smoke rose into the sky, shaking the building opposite.

There are still many people running around, panic.

Tu Wengang and the others were panicked. People who didn't believe it at first were convinced at this moment, and they were even more afraid to watch Ye Tianlong's bomb.

Ye Tianlong looked aggrieved: "Manager Tu, why did you offend such a ferocious person? You also hurt me."

Tu Wengang's mouth was dry and his face was pale and staring at Ye Tianlong: "What do they want you to do?"


Ye Tianlong raised his hand and slapped Tu Wengang three times, with a helpless expression: "The first task..."

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