Talented Genius

Chapter 1531: Successful debt collection (five shifts)

Tu Wengang was directly beaten with fingerprints on his face.

He had never been humiliated like this before, and he was extremely angry, but seeing the thick smoke on the opposite side, he had to grit his teeth and endure it.

"Manager Tu, I really don't want to hit you."

Ye Tianlong pulled Tu Wengang and cried, and then turned on a mobile phone and put it on the table: "Should we die together?"

"Dead ball!"

Tu Wengang suppressed the anger in his heart, and waved his hands to move forward: "What other task?"

Ye Tianlong didn't respond, just looked at the phone on the desk, and the other end of the phone soon came out: "Let Tu Wengang take off his clothes."

When Tu Wengang's expression changed, Ye Tianlong grabbed him and shouted, "Manager Tu, you can't take it off. This is a matter of dignity."

"You're a man, just get me hemorrhagic."

Ye Tianlong's righteous words shocked everyone: "Even if you die, you can't be ashamed of your clothes."


As soon as the voice fell, the red clock on Ye Tianlong's body started beating, and the ninety-nine second countdown was very exciting.


Many clerks stepped back and ran away, trying to leave but found that the door was locked, even the burly men showed fear on their faces.

"I take it off, I take it off!"

Seeing the time counted down to sixty seconds, Tu Wen had just hit a Ji Ling, and then yelled at the phone: "I take it off!"

The red number stopped beating instantly, fifty-seven seconds.

When Tu Wengang was very angry and took off his shirt, Ye Tianlong stepped forward and grabbed it and shouted: "Manager Tu, you can't take it off, you can kill and don't insult..."


Tu Wengang pushed Ye Tianlong away and shouted, "You want to die, I don't want to die."

He quickly took off his clothes and stood barely in the middle of the office. The office girls all bowed their heads, embarrassed to watch this scene.

Tu Wengang looked extremely embarrassed, and said to one end of the phone: "What do you want me to do?"

The other end of the phone said coldly: "Bomb-wearing kid, slap him five times to make him less angry."

Ye Tianlong held up his head and held his chest up: "The head can be broken, the blood can flow, and the bones are constantly soft. I will not listen to you anymore."

As the voice fell, the countdown of the red clock retreated again, and suddenly fell below the fifty-second mark.

"You stupid cross, just hit if you ask."

Tu Wen was just anxious. He stepped forward to hold Ye Tianlong's hand, and slapped himself twice: "Hit."

Ye Tianlong was helpless: "Why are you doing this?"

Tu Wen just yelled, "Hit."

Ye Tianlong had to slap him three more times, making up for five slaps.

The phone issued another instruction: "Tu Wengang, the 23 subordinates in your room, man, must take off as clean as you."

Tu Wen just glanced at it, and his face was surprised. It was really twenty-three subordinates. The other party even knew this, so it was obvious that they were monitoring this place.

"Take it off! Take it all off for me!"

Tu Wengang yelled from his opponent: "You can't keep a pair of pants."

Twenty-three brawny men looked at each other, a little unwilling, some aggrieved, but after seeing the bomb number jumping for a few seconds, they immediately followed suit.

"Bomb-wearing kid, now give you a task to take an interactive art photo of them."

The phone sent out the fourth task: "Be more beautiful, romantic, and sexy."

"Asshole, have the ability to come to me, have the ability to blow me up."

Ye Tianlong yelled into the phone: "Don't touch Manager Tu and them."

Many people who were originally hostile to Ye Tianlong instantly became a favorite, and several girls even looked at Ye Tianlong as a idiot.

One of the girls wearing black-rimmed glasses squinted at Ye Tianlong.

Tu Wengang was also taken aback for a moment, as if he didn't expect Ye Tianlong to be so **** and such a saint.


There was another explosion outside, and another explosion occurred on the roof of the building a little further away. The flames soared to the sky, causing Tu Wengang and the others to change their faces.

The fierce bandit threatened fiercely: "Hurry up and do what I tell you, or you will die together."

Ye Tianlong regarded death as home: "I won't give in."

"Little brother, hurry up and shoot, we beg you."

At this time, Tu Wengang and the others gathered around, pulling Ye Tianlong and begging: "It's better to die than to live, shoot, do me a favor, please."

Ye Tianlong's eyes sank: "You disappoint me too much."

Just as soon as Tu Wen saw the clock numbers jump again, he hurriedly said: "Please, when we beg you, take a photo, take a photo."

Ye Tianlong reluctantly picked up the phone...

"Raise your feet a little higher, raise your waist, and put your expression down a little bit."

"Manager Tu, open your mouth a little bit wider, that one, and the other, close to his mouth..."

"Don't just do one action, change the position, change the posture, the effect will be better."

Hugs, kisses, and tangling cotton are just a real shot. For a while, the office becomes a photography base.

In addition to directing the action, Ye Tianlong also constantly takes pictures, the shutter is kept pressing, and the angle is changed from time to time, just like the director of Zudongdao art film.

It didn't take long before Ye Tianlong took hundreds of art photos of Tu Wengang's sense of surname, which would definitely set off an undercurrent of curiosity.

The other end of the phone coughed: "Okay, the last task."

"Tu Wen just called the Minister of Finance and immediately paid off the payment of the twelve creditors on the list."

He threatened Tu Wengang very directly: "Otherwise, we will send out the photos just now, so that Tu Wengang will be ruined rather than dead."

Tu Wen just took a look at the list. They were all his reluctant suppliers, and the total amount was more than 300 million. The corners of his mouth couldn't stop moving.

Tu Wengang was a bit unwilling, but seeing the photos that had been passed on and the countdown on Ye Tianlong's body, he finally called a woman:

"Clear the payment for these people..."

Ten minutes later, Ye Tianlong received news from Uncle Mi, and 50 million arrived.

Another voice came from the other end of the phone: "Boy, Manager Tu has completed the task. You can go downstairs. Someone will disarm you at the gate."

Ye Tianlong deleted the text message, then stepped forward to look at Tu Wengang, with a hatred of iron and steel on his face: "Manager Tu, why are you so weak?"

"Who has never died in life since ancient times, keeps the loyalty and history."

He was very distressed: "What does it mean to be killed? Why are you succumbing to each other like this?"

Tu Wengang was very ashamed when he said that, the 20-odd hunks also bowed their heads, with endless aggrieved faces, and their emotions towards Ye Tianlong became complicated.

Logically, they should hate Ye Tianlong, but they thought that he was also helpless, and he was going to die more than once, and they felt that this child was good.

After all, it's a bit bloody.

"Little brother, let you watch a joke, but don't worry, our shame will be recovered sooner or later."

Tu Wengang patted Ye Tianlong on the shoulder: "Thank you for your hard work today."

He slammed his finger: "Ahui, give this brother a thousand red envelopes, and then send him downstairs."

A girl with black-rimmed glasses came out: "Yes."

Ye Tianlong was quickly stuffed with a thousand yuan in his hand. He looked at Tu Wengang and shouted:

"Manager Tu, are you embarrassed?"

Beating people, taking photos, and collecting money, Ye Tianlong feels sorry...

Tu Wengang waved his hand: "Thanks for your hard work, there will be some time later."

Ye Tianlong still had to talk. The black-framed girl dragged Ye Tianlong away. As soon as she entered the elevator, a policeman came over:

"who are you?"

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