Talented Genius

Chapter 1540: Computer copy

In the country of Manchester, the royal family has always been a strange existence.

It does not participate in the government team, but it firmly controls the military power. It advertises that this is a free country, but it makes the elephant king become the spiritual leader of the country.

The royal family usually looks low-key, but the hand has been stretched very long, and it controls the country, so Ye Tianlong immediately pursued the shadow of the royal family.

Ye Tianlong knew very well that if the man in the windbreaker really had something to do with the royal family, looking at the entire Manchester City, only himself would be able to save Murong Hui.

Ye Tianlong drove the car in person, biting two commercial vehicles with high-level driving skills, but he did not immediately go up to rescue people.

The man in the windbreaker didn't kill Murong Hui on the spot, which meant that she still had a living value, and Ye Tianlong wanted to see who was behind them.

After half an hour, the car entered a newly built dock that was not yet used, and then stopped in front of a large warehouse.

Ye Tianlong didn't drive the car to follow up. He parked the car on the dark side of the road, and after giving instructions to Tianmo, Mai and Dinosaurs, he touched it.

He moved very neatly, and after a few jumps, he narrowed the distance. When he saw someone guarding the door, Ye Tianlong bent his body lower.

Ye Tianlong turned for most of a circle before evading the two guards at the door, and then came to a raised ground on the left. He reached out and made a hook, and his whole body rose into the air.

He quietly touched in through the skylight, slid into the second floor of the warehouse where many objects were piled up, and found a good spot to take a look.

In the field of vision, the first floor of the warehouse is very large. There are no goods stacked, only a dozen stools and tables, and two or three sofas.

The six boxes of brands on the ground are also impressive.

At this moment, in the middle of the warehouse, there are two groups of people standing, a group of more than two dozen macho men in different costumes, all with guns on their waists, but they are insane.

There is also a group of six men in trench coats. They all wear a mask on their lips, and they seem to be smiling at first glance.

It's just their aura that makes people feel that laughter is a dark smile, a strange smile, and there is no reason for a murderous intent.

When Ye Tianlong scanned these people, the door of a management room downstairs opened, and Tu Wengang rushed out with a big laugh, and shouted:

"Mr. Taeso, hello, hard work, hard work, I was busy just now."

In Ye Tianlong's squinted eyes, Tu Wengang didn't wear his trousers well, and bowed to the man in the windbreaker in the lead: "There is a loss to welcome."


Before he finished speaking, he saw the man in the windbreaker called Mr. Tai Su suddenly stepped forward and kicked Tu Wengang away with a left-handed kick.


There was a loud noise, Tu Wengang snorted, fell ten meters like a broken kite, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Two dozen hunks were shocked when they saw this, and they went to touch the guns in their waists, but before they touched them, the two men in windbreakers stretched out their hands.

They grabbed the hands of the two companions behind them, and then quickly threw them out. The two flew out with a swish, and at the same time their feet pointed out.

"Boom boom!"

Amid a intensive sound, all two dozen hunks were kicked over, and wailed down beside Tu Wengang, his breastbone pained, and it was difficult to stand up for a while.

Then, five men in windbreakers flashed out their guns, directly deterring a dozen hunks not to move.

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed slightly, these guys are indeed extraordinary.

Tu Wengang knelt on the ground, watching Tai Su squeeze out: "Mr. Tai Su, why do you do it?"

"I don't want to do it either."

Tai Su slowly stepped forward, came to Tu Wengang's face, and patted his cheek: "But you are too trash, too irritating."

"You won't talk about the fact that you were fooled by 300 million yuan. After all, that matter has nothing to do with Xiang Shao."

Tu Wengang didn't dare to resist, so he could only slap his face. Ye Tianlong couldn't help but cried out that Tai Su was not easy.

"It's just that although Shao Xiang knows that you are an idiot, you never thought that you would be so idiotic that we would be involved."

Tai Su's voice was very cold: "Why are you so stupid, to file all the transactions we have had on the computer? Who asked you to do it?"

"The most idiotic thing is that your computer was still taken away by Muronghui, or taken directly from the company."

"Do you know that if the computer information is released, not only will you Tu clan get out of Manchester, but also the elephant will be implicated."

He squeezed Tu Wengang's face: "You die if you want to die, but you can't let Xiang Shao Qianfu point out. You don't understand the rules set by the Monster Tu and Xiang Shao?"

Tu Wen just hit a joke, and hurriedly replied: "Mr. Tai Su, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm careless."

"I am accustomed to bookkeeping, because my brain is not good, and I am worried that we may be wrong."

"But I didn't remember it clearly. My computer kept secret accounts, and there were several protection walls and passwords."

Tu Wengang repeatedly explained: "Outsiders can't get in."

"Can outsiders get in? The protection wall and password you set, do you think those agents can't get in?"

When Ye Tianlong pricked his ears to listen, Tai Suyin smiled: "Tu Wengang, you overestimate yourself."

When the corner of Tu Wengang's mouth was disturbed, Tai Su added: "I tell you, those agents can hack your computer in half an hour."

"If it weren't for our people to use the virus to destroy the contents in time, you have now been caught and slowly tortured in prison."

As soon as he heard that the matter was resolved, Tu Wen smiled and shouted again: "Thank you, Mr. Tai Su, I will be careful in the future."

Tai Su made a noncommittal snorted: "If you are not the cousin of Monster Slaughter, we will blow you up early."

"Without your personal testimony, a lot of things will die without evidence."

Ye Tianlong caught the killing intent in Tai Su's eyes, but then disappeared like a tide, this guy really moved to kill.


Tu Wengang responded respectfully: "Mr. Tai Su, don't worry, I will do things carefully in the future and never make any mistakes."

"The matter is not over yet."

Tai Su slowly got up and hit Tu Wengang with both hands on his back: "Our people discovered that before destroying the computer, the contents had been copied."

Tu Wengang's body was shaken: "What? Has anyone copied it?"

Then he yelled, "Who copied it? I took someone to kill him."

He put on an appearance to behave.

Tai Su said coldly: "The computer is copied before it is handed over to the Anti-drug Conference. Who else will be there except Muronghui, the first handler?"

Tu Wengang struggled to get up: "Mr. Tai Su, don't worry, I will gather people right now, and I will look for her through Manchester City."

Although Murong Hui was hiding very deeply, at this time, Tu Wengang could only go all out.

Tai Su gently waved his finger: "No need."

"I set up a game with the chess piece, and we have led Murong Hui out. I killed the person who protected her and tied her here."

In his movements, a man in a windbreaker dragged the unconscious Murong Hui from the car and threw it on the sofa beside Tu Wengang.

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