Talented Genius

Chapter 1541: From Dongtu Datang (five shift)

"She will leave it to you."

Tai Su faintly said: "Before dawn, ask where the copy is, destroy it at any cost, and then kill Muronghui."

Seeing Murong Hui who was **** with five flowers, Tu Wengang's expression was clear: "I understand."

Tai Su said again: "Also, it is announced to the outside world that you are responsible for the gun battle in the western restaurant. It was your Tu family who killed the agents by mistake."

Tu Wengang looked hesitant. This was to cause trouble for the Tu family, and he was a little bit resistant.

Taesu's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he smiled without a smile and said, "What? Feeling aggrieved?"

"Don't forget, it was because of you that it was you who caused a series of troubles, and you didn't do anything in the past two days, do you have objections to carrying a pot now?"

His voice was extremely soft: "If you are really embarrassed, just say it. There are many people who are willing to take the blame for the elephant."

As soon as Tu Wen smelled a killing machine, his eyelids twitched and responded: "Don't worry, Mr. Tai Su, I will make arrangements right away, and you will never get into trouble."

Tai Su stared at him and said, "Are you confident to do a good job?"

Tu Wen just straightened his back: "We must not let Mr. Tai Su down."

"Come out with some sincerity."

Tai Su picked up a handful of military thorns and handed them to Tu Wengang's hands: "Go, kill the woman in that house, she heard too much."

Obviously, he has seen through the back of "You are lost and far welcome", it is not that Tu Wen is just busy doing business, but that he has been playing with a woman and forgot to welcome him.

Tu Wengang's body was shocked, his eyelids twitched twice, and then he turned around and walked towards the house holding the stab.

He knew very well in his heart that he had disappointed Tai Su and the others twice, and once again, even if Tai Su did not kill himself, the Monster Killer would withdraw him.


As soon as Tu Wen walked halfway, the wooden door of the house opened, and a beautiful woman rushed out, climbing the door and windows of the house upstairs with a panic face on her face.

She kept shouting: "I don't know anything, I haven't heard anything, Manager Tu, don't kill me, don't kill me."

As soon as these words came out, it seemed as if there was no silver in this place.

Tu Wengang's expression changed, holding a military spike to speed up his pace, and shouting to a dozen hunks: "Grab her."

Tai Su glanced at it and tilted his head slightly, leading the six people to leave the place. They had more important things to do.

He believed that Tu Wengang dared not play tricks.

The six people disappeared quickly, got into the car and left the warehouse, but Tu Wengang did not stop and kill, and still ordered the Feng Yun woman to be killed.

Although Feng Yun's woman's bitter pleading made Tu Wengang feel somewhat uncomfortable, he knew he had no other choice.


The Feng Yun woman on the edge of life and death burst out of potential, and she crawled from the house to the railing on the second floor, reaching out and pulling the goods to continue to avoid.

She didn't even think that she would come here to have a good time, not only did she lose money, but also lost her life, how could she not be dying to struggle?

While pulling the cargo to climb, she shouted: "Help, help."


At this moment, she tore down a few bundles of goods with a bang, and smashed a few macho men who were about to chase her, and fell into a pile of crafts and copper bowls.

At the same time, Ye Tianlong also fell from the second floor in the dust, grabbing a copper bowl while waving his right hand wildly.

The audience fell silent.


Seeing the uninvited guest Ye Tianlong appeared, Tu Wengang and the others stopped chasing Feng Yun woman instantly, but left one person staring at her.

The others surrounded Ye Tianlong and drew knives and guns out of their hands.

Tu Wengang's eyes were cold: "Who are you?"

The lights were dim, and Ye Tianlong was in the shadows and there were debris, so Tu Wengang didn't recognize Ye Tianlong for a while.

The gray-headed and gray-faced Ye Tianlong knelt on the ground, holding a copper bowl in one hand, and raising one hand to block his face and said:

"The poor monk, Ye Sanzang, came from the Great Tang in the east, went to the west to worship the Buddha and ask for sutras, and passed by the treasure place, wanting to spend the night here."

Ye Tianlong looked kind: "I wonder if the host's house is convenient?"

The dozen or so hunks can't stop for a moment, Ye Sanzang? Journey to the West? Crossed?

Tu Wengang felt that this person was a bit familiar. He wanted to see clearly, but he was blocked by Ye Tianlong's hands and bowl. He roared:

"Let down your hands and bowl."

Ye Tianlong did not put down his hands, but opened his mouth and shouted: "Anita Buddha."

"Donor, I'm from Datang, I went to Xitian to learn the scriptures, accidentally broke into the treasure land, if it is not convenient to stay overnight, I will change the place."

After speaking, he got up and left, striding towards the door.

"Datang? Learn from the experience?"

Tu Wengang's eyes suddenly narrowed: "When did Datang have leather shoes? You are Tang Sanzang, what about your prayer beads? Where is your horse?"

"Donor, in my heart, I always wear cloth shoes."

Ye Tianlong sighed: "In my heart, there is no pearl in my hand, pearl in my heart, and no code in my heart... No, it's a horse, there is a horse in my heart..."

Tu Wengang shouted sharply, "Ye Tianlong?"


Ye Tianlong directly buckled the copper bowl on Tu Wengang's head: "Damn, you can see this?"


The copper bowl was very heavy, and this smash instantly smashed Tu Wengang head and blood, making him unable to stop screaming.

Ye Tianlong wanted to hijack him but it was too late. There were many hunks in front of him who raised their guns, and he could only kick Tu Wengang with one kick.


With a loud noise, Tu Wengang flew out like a cannonball, and then smashed the No. 5 or 6 hunker down and fell into a mess.

Ye Tianlong took advantage of the rest of the people to rescue, and one rolled around and picked up a gun, and immediately rushed to Murong Hui's side.

Tu Wengang shouted angrily: "Kill him for me, kill him."

When more than a dozen people were about to raise their guns, Ye Tianlong pulled Murong Hui up, and at the same time put the gun on her head and shouted, "Don't move!"

Tu Wengang, who was supported by his companions, was taken aback for a moment, with a face full of surprise. I don't know which Ye Tianlong played?

The other hunks also wielded knives and guns forward.

At this time, Feng Yun woman found that there was another figure flashing on the second floor, Tian Mo and Mai appeared, she subconsciously wanted to scream, but she covered her mouth in time.

At this moment, Tu Wengang was twisting his neck and sneered: "Ye Tianlong, are you stupid?"

"You are the one who hijacked us if you want to hijack. Why did you hijack Murong Hui? She is not my woman, no, she is my enemy."

He laughed loudly: "I thought how smart you are, it turns out that you are a fool."

"She is indeed not yours, but she has value."

Ye Tianlong chuckled, "Before you asked about the copied information, did you have the guts to let Murong Hui die?"

Tu Wengang's face changed drastically. This was indeed a fatal weakness. It would be unwise to let Muronghui die before destroying the copied materials.

No one dared to conclude that Murong Hui was dead, and the copy material would not be published?

Thinking of this, Tu Wengang looked ruthlessly: "What are you going to do?"

Ye Tianlong yelled:

"Give me one million old banknotes and give me a car filled with gas, and I will put Murong Hui in."

Tu Wengang held the gun and shouted, "Dreaming!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure fell into the air, the sword light flashed, and Tu Wengang's throat splashed with blood.

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