Talented Genius

Chapter 1542: How could it be him?

A sword sealed the throat, and the one who shot was naturally Mai.

Seeing Tu Wen just dying and shaking his eyes, Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a while, some regret that he just died like this, he still wanted to take a good torture.

For example, things about the butcher monster, such as Tai Su's identity, and what kind of details are there.

But Ye Tianlong also knew that Mai was essentially an assassin, and what he was paying attention to was that a sword was deadly. When he saw him in danger, of course he shot mercilessly.

Tu Wen just stared at Ye Tianlong and Mai, his face was very unwilling. He still had a lot of money to spend, and many women didn't get it. How could he die?

It's just the cruel blood telling him that his blood is flowing more and more, his body is getting colder and colder, and his body is getting weaker and weaker...

In the end, his pupils dilated!

Regret has already been caused. Ye Tianlong didn't waste time and shouted, "Kill!"

His voice was full of momentum, and with the posture of a lion roar, which made his ears and nerves tremble, and his movement instinct was slow.

"Boom boom!"

Ye Tianlong didn't waste the opportunity, six bullets were shot out of the muzzle, and the heads of six enemies fell to the ground.

Mai also shook her wrist, and the tip of her sword swept across the throats of the four people, and four blood shots out instantly.

When the other enemies reacted and yelled to shoot, Tianmo fell like a meteor and fell behind the enemy holding the gun.


The black knife flashed, and the five people screamed and fell to the ground. At the same time, the body was kicked by Tianmo, knocking out the rest of the shooters.

"Boom boom!"

The feller's muzzle strayed, and all the bullets missed and hit the top of the warehouse. When he deflected, Tianmo and Mai were in front of him...

In less than a minute, all the twenty-six Tu clan men were killed, and the gunpowder and blood were intertwined, very pungent.

The Feng Yun woman screamed when she saw it, and was stimulated by the dazzling blood to faint, and fell from the second floor to the first floor, very sad.

"Throw the woman out and burn this warehouse."

Ye Tianlong took the phone from Tu Wengang, turned it off and removed the card after a glance.

Tu Wengang likes that good memory is not as good as bad writing. The phone must remember a lot of valuable things. Ye Tianlong will not miss this good opportunity.

Afterwards, he picked up Muronghui who was still in a coma, and walked slowly towards the gloomy gate: "Throw that woman out and burn the warehouse."

Tianmo and Mai nodded, and worked separately.

When Ye Tianlong got into the car with Muronghui in his arms, the warehouse began to soar with red and swaying flames, with strong choking smoke.

Not long after, Tian Mo and Mai also rushed over. After they got into the car, the dinosaur stepped on the accelerator and left the place.

Ye Tianlong hugged Muronghui to adjust his comfortable posture, and casually threw a sentence to the dinosaur: "Are they gone?"

The dinosaur nodded slightly: "Go, I received your text message, followed them for a few hundred meters, and then turned back at the fork in the road."

"They glanced at my car twice. Fortunately, I left in time without causing them to doubt."

"The oriole is still set up near the palace, and the group is very powerful. I dare not let the children of the oriole follow it, so I can only let them go."

The dinosaur exhaled a long breath: "But it is certain that they are not playing tricks when they leave here. It seems that they should be busy with other important things."

"This group is a bit difficult."

Ye Tianlong looked at Murong Hui who was still sleeping: "Call Bailihua and Heimeng later and ask her to find out who Tai Su is."

He didn't keep Tai Su and the others together. In addition to the other's extraordinary skill, he was also worried that Murong Hui would be hurt by too many people fighting.

The dinosaur nodded: "Understood."

At dawn, Manchester City Hilton Hotel, presidential suite, soft lighting, refreshing air, the depression of the gloomy sky, slowly blown away by the wind.

Muronghui, who was lying on the bed, snorted and woke up in a dazed manner, first staring at the ceiling, and then turning over.

She kept pulling her gun and shooting, but found that the big room was empty, and the man in the windbreaker and Tu Wengang who attacked her had no shadows.

Then, Muronghui looked at her body again, she was not violated or restrained, and her wrist was checked again, and there was no trace of drug injection.

"Don't be nervous, you are fine."

When Murong Hui sighed in secret, the door was gently pushed open, and then Ye Tianlong came in with a tray: "You are safe."

Murong Hui was startled slightly: "Why are you here?" Then her pretty face changed: "Are you in a group with them?"

She was kidnapped by men in the windbreaker, and when she woke up to see Ye Tianlong, the two of them were allies.

While shouting, she jumped up directly from the white bed, grabbed a decorative Persian scimitar on the wall, pointed the tip of the knife to Ye Tianlong and shouted:

"You kidnapped me, you killed my colleague?"

Ye Tianlong's face showed a touch of helplessness: "Why are you so gloomy in your heart? You will only think of the bad person in my imagination, can't you think about the good person?"

"You were kidnapped by Tu Wengang and the others last night, and I rescued you from hell."

Ye Tianlong coughed: "I am your benefactor, the kind that can be accepted by my body."

Murong Hui looked at Ye Tianlong sharply, as if she wanted to see something, but to her disappointment, Ye Tianlong had always been calm and peaceful.

She bit her lip and squeezed out: "Are you really the one who saved me? Did you rescue me from them? What a coincidence?"

She still doesn't believe it.

Ye Tianlong put the tray on the coffee table: "What? Don't believe me?"

"I want to deal with you. I can take you down in the elevator, so why bother to let you run away so hard and then kill and kidnap you on the street?"

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "I'm full and toss myself like this?"

It seemed to make sense, Muronghui hesitated, but still did not put down the weapon in her hand, she squeezed out:

"My mind is a bit messy, and the situation is a bit complicated. Our team still has invaders. I can't judge good people and bad people."

Muronghui thought of the nine companions who had been killed, and felt as uncomfortable as a knife twist, and for the first time saw the **** scene in front of her.

Ye Tianlong was a little depressed: "I faced Tu Wengang's swordsman, and I took the risk to save you. Isn't this a good person?"

Murong Hui said coldly: "Maybe this is your acting. You have been acting since you broke into Tu's company."

This woman was too suspicious, and Ye Tianlong gave a wry smile: "You said I acted? What is my purpose?"

Muronghui blurted out: "Information——"

As soon as she uttered the words, she changed her face and kept the topics behind in time.

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Are you trying to say that you copied a copy of Tu Wengang's computer data?"

Murong Hui's pretty face sank: "How do you know?"

"Come on, show you this."

Ye Tianlong took out his cell phone and called up a video for Muronghui to watch. It was the scene of the warehouse he recorded last night.

After Murong Hui's face was as pale as paper, Ye Tianlong said faintly, "Trust me now, right?"

Muronghui didn't answer, she just staggered and fell on the bed, with an unspeakable sadness on her face: "How could it be him? How could it be him?"

Ye Tianlong asked curiously, "Do you know Tai Su?"

Muronghui shook her head with difficulty. She didn't know Tai Su, but she knew who was the one who Tai Su called Xiang Shao...

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