Talented Genius

Chapter 1544: Remember people who shouldn't be remembered

At ten o'clock in the morning, Muronghui took a new computer directly, copied the information and sat in the lobby to decrypt it.

Ye Tianlong didn't bother her, just glanced around with the coffee. Muronghui's computer level was good, but she was barely experienced in combat.

While Murong Hui concentrated on decrypting, Ye Tianlong also turned on the phone and cut into the room's wireless network, sliding his finger on the screen.

When Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes and looked at the screen, the dinosaur walked over with his mobile phone and whispered: "Old Han's phone."

Ye Tianlong nodded lightly, glanced at Murong Hui, then picked up the phone and walked to the bedroom. Just after he was fed, Han Qinhu's words came in his ear:

"Big brother, big brother, how are you doing recently?"

Hearing Han Qinhu's slippery tone, Ye Tianlong replied with no anger: "I'm still alive, why call me at this time? What's wrong with Qiao Zhenxing?"

Han Qinhu smiled: "The big brother is the big brother, I guess it is right after a guess."

"Yes, Qiao Zhenxing is looking for something to do with you. He received a call from Wei Zhongcheng. It is estimated that it is about a deal. He wants to meet you."

Han Qinhu told his intentions: "Qiao Zhenxing said that things will be better if you tell them face to face."

"Wei Zhongcheng called him?"

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, then recovered calmly and said: "Okay, there is nothing to do today, you take him to the Hilton Hotel."

"I will let the dinosaurs pick you up, but you must not be followed by anyone on the way."

He guessed at least that Qiao Zhenxing was going to discuss the details of the meeting with himself, so he could not give him a few times or make specific arrangements. I was afraid that Qiao Zhenxing was not sure.

Han Qinhu replied loudly: "Understood."

After hanging up, Ye Tianlong called the dinosaurs and the three of them to whisper for a while, and then waited for Qiao Zhenxing to come back with peace of mind.

When Muronghui saw someone coming over, she ran into the room to crack it. She was competing today, and she must get the information out anyway.

Ye Tianlong didn't pay attention to her either, sitting on the sofa and waiting quietly, he opened the news and scanned a few times, and then his eyes fell on the screen.

A piece of news is being broadcast on it. Tianlong Pharmaceutical's Red Makeup No. 1 quickly occupied the market in Manchester City and became the hottest beauty drug this summer.

The vice president of the company, Zhao Keke, led a team to cut the ribbon to the top ten franchisees in Manchester. On the screen, Zhao Keke looked cold, gorgeous and inviolable.

Thinking of the shy and shy little fairy, Ye Tianlong's face burst into a smile: "Really changed from a girl to a woman."

He picked up the phone and wanted to contact Zhao Keke to meet and have a meal, but he thought about it for a while, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to her.

As the thoughts turned, someone knocked on the door of the room, and Qiao Zhenxing and Han Qinhu appeared together. Both of them had dressed up and looked like indigenous people at first glance.

Han Qinhu said hello to Ye Tianlong, and then went to play with Dinosaurs and Tianmo. He always likes to work hard, not to use his brain.

The dinosaurs were also very happy to see Han Qinhu coming, so they got together in the pantry, chatting and laughing.

"Ye Shao, good noon, good noon."

Seeing Ye Tianlong, Qiao Zhenxing was also happy, and ran to hug him, enthusiastically like a family: "No see in a few days, you are handsome again."

At the moment, Qiao Zhenxing seems to have completely forgotten the grievances the two had had, and is more of a kind of relaxation like an old friend.

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "Thank you, Shao Qiao for the praise. By the way, what happened? Wei Zhongcheng asked you?"

Qiao Zhenxing's voice was filled with excitement: "Ye Shao Shenren, you have guessed all this, yes, Wei Zhongcheng called me."

"He invited me to meet at Baxianlou the day after tomorrow, and said that as long as it is a Seven Kings Ding and the price is not too outrageous, he will definitely buy it."

Qiao Zhenxing shouted: "He repeatedly confessed that I can't sell to others. He just transferred me a 500,000 deposit. I think he will trade soon."

Ye Tianlong's eyes lit up slightly: "He really gave a deposit?"

Qiao Zhenxing nodded happily: "Yes, it's already paid."

He also showed Ye Tianlong the text message and bank account, and it did indeed arrive.

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Very well, it seems that Yu'er is about to take the bait soon. Take him down and Wei Ji will not be far away."

He always missed Wei Ji and Tian Yao No.1.

"Ye Shao, I'll come to see you this time. One is to tell you the good news, and the other is to tell you about the arrangements for the day after tomorrow."

It was about his own life and death, Qiao Zhenxing did not conceal his concerns anymore:

"Wei Zhongcheng is an old fox with rich experience in the world, and the robbery has formed natural suspicion. I am worried that I can't handle it."

"So I want to come over and chat with you to see which details need to be improved or how to deal with changes."

Qiao Zhenxing is a veteran of deceiving women, but he is not very sure about deceiving Wei Zhongcheng. After all, the latter will be nervous about life and death.

"It's okay, don't worry."

After Ye Tianlong swept Murong Hui, whose door was closed, he greeted Qiao Zhenxing to a small room and poured him a cup of coffee:

"You trade as a merchant, but you raise the price several times to let him retreat."

He also turned on the TV in the room, letting news sounds mixed with the conversation between the two.

"On the day of the transaction, we had three options. One is to take him silently when he shows up."

"Second, after you meet and discuss, you give a high price and let him consider it carefully. You leave the restaurant early and we do it."

He briefly described his plan: "The third is that there is no chance to do it on the spot, we will follow Wei Zhongcheng, and then serve him together."

"As for you, not only are you protected by the children of the Dragon Division, but Han Qinhu is also staring at them. If something happens, they will save you as soon as possible."

Ye Tianlong gave Qiao Zhenxing a reassurance.

Although Qiao Zhenxing had known the general layout long ago, he nodded happily after receiving confirmation from Ye Tianlong again:

"Thank you Shao Ye, I will definitely not let you down."

Next, the two opened the map and layout of the Eight Immortals Tower and examined it carefully. Ye Tianlong clicked on it and kept telling where people would be released.

An hour later, Qiao Zhenxing was satisfied and quite confident about the acquired transaction, then stood up and shook hands with Ye Tianlong:

"Ye Shao, thank you, I wasted your precious time today, sorry, sorry."

Qiao Zhenxing picked up his straw hat and smiled: "I will go back now and wait for the day after tomorrow to meet."

"Thank you."

Ye Tianlong patted Qiao to revitalize his shoulders, picked up the cooled coffee and smiled, "I wish you every success."

Qiao Zhenxing also picked up coffee and patted Ye Tianlong: "Happy cooperation."

When the two laughed and drank their coffee, a piece of important Manchester City news came into Ye Tianlong's eyes, and a man in a shirt was reporting:

"Muronghui, female, 23 years old, Asian face, former banned union member, shot and killed her companion yesterday, stole important information to seek refuge in drug dealers."

"Friends in front of the TV, if you have any clues, please contact us immediately. Once the clues are verified, there will be a reward of 500,000 yuan."

Ye Tianlong frowned, but he didn't expect that the other party was so capable and immediately forced Murong Hui into the Jedi.

Qiao Zhenxing turned his head and took a look. He happened to see Muronghui's photo. It was very beautiful and heroic. Qiao Zhenxing remembered her instantly.

When Ye Tianlong sent Qiao Zhenxing and Han Qinhu to go out, Muronghui suddenly rushed out of the room and shouted excitedly:

"Ye Tianlong, I cracked it, I cracked it."

Qiao Zhenxing, who was about to turn to leave, instinctively glanced sideways, and instantly recognized Muronghui, with a surprise on his face:

The wanted?

He remembered people who shouldn't be remembered.

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