Talented Genius

Chapter 1545: It's time for him to kneel (four more)

After Qiao Zhenxing left, Muronghui took Ye Tianlong to read the information.

The information involved many things, including the filing of the price difference of the smuggling business, the official tribute of bribery, and the murder and arson of the powerful.

These things have text and images. Tu Wengang seems to be an excellent editor, making the information clear and informative.

He also commented on the characteristics of each partner or powerful person. Although only a few sentences, they all hit the nail on the head.

Ye Tianlong summarized the amount of the account. The amount involved in smuggling was 200 billion, including rice, crude oil, arms, drugs, and automobiles.

The amount of bribes is as high as more than 3 billion. From district police officers, officials in charge to top dignitaries, almost everyone has a stake in the audience.

Even Muronghui's organization, many people have collected black money.

The obstacles killed by Tu Wengang were more than 50 people, all of whom were unwilling to cooperate or members of the investigation team. The highest official position was the deputy police minister.

Ye Tianlong knew that if these things were released, it would be either that Man Guo fell down a large number of people, or he and Murong Hui were hunted down by Man Guo all over the world.

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and then he took the phone to cut into the network, silently archiving these materials.

"Oh my God, smuggling two hundred billion yuan, it's too scary, too scary."

At this moment, Murong Hui was staring at the names and data on the screen and shouted angrily: "These are all bastards, all scum, sucking people's blood."

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "What are you going to do?"

Murong Hui gritted her teeth: "Of course it is to stab them out and let them all go to jail, these worms, they should sit through the bottom of the jail."

Ye Tianlong glanced at the information: "Can you stab it out? I'm afraid that all the information will be deleted when it was posted online."

Murong Hui raised that pretty face: "I always have to try it. The Internet is so developed, I don't believe that they can cover the sky with just one hand."

Ye Tianlong looked at the innocent child: "Don't be silly, these things can't be spread online, let me handle them."

"I give it to the right person and it will be exposed through the media."

Ye Tianlong thought of Shen Tianmei, she could not handle these things better.

When Murong Hui was hesitating whether Ye Tianlong could be completely trusted, Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed slightly, and he stared at an unencrypted document.

He moved the mouse and clicked: "What's in this document?"

Muronghui opened all encrypted documents, so the unencrypted documents did not move. When Ye Tianlong opened it, another video appeared.

Under Muronghui's gaze, the opened video showed a scene. In the field of vision, a young man with wind ears was raising the gun to blow the heads of three people.

Feng Lu is not strong, but looks very tall and straight, and the hand holding the gun is white and graceful, but the smile of an evil baby flows from the bone.

The three people who were exploded were all wearing military uniforms, and Ye Tianlong recognized them as a teacher-level figure.

Then, he saw several people in Tai Su throw the corpse into the crocodile pool. After a dozen crocodiles scrambled, the pool was full of blood and no bones were left.

Ye Tianlong finally clearly heard Tai Su whispering "Little Elephant" to the wind-eared youth.

"Impossible, impossible, this is not true."

Just as Ye Tianlong was feeling the sullenness of this image, Murong Hui was shocked and shocked his back, then slapped off the computer, yelling again and again:

"This is definitely not true, he can't do it, he can't do it."

Ye Tianlong glanced at the phone, and then asked softly: "Do you know this little elephant?"

"I don't know, I don't know."

Muronghui suddenly became incoherent: "Tianlong, this is definitely not true. This is either acting or Tu Wengang's setting."

"Yes, yes, it must be Tu who wanted to pull him into the water and deliberately frame him. Otherwise, how could it not be encrypted?"

Murong Hui found a reason for Xiang Shao, her pretty face was more angry than ever: "The Monster Butcher is too despicable and shameless."

Ye Tianlong whispered: "Do you know him? Are you still familiar with him?"

Muronghui shook her head desperately: "I don't know, I don't know..."

Ye Tianlong wanted her to face reality: "Regardless of whether you know it or not, I will tell you that Tu Wengang can't control people like Tai Su."

"Furthermore, when the elephant kills the senior generals, he doesn't have the slightest compelling in his eyes. He is merciless."

Ye Tianlong faintly said: "This kind of person is like a steel and has a cruel heart. What he doesn't want to do, the Monster Killer can't get him into the water."

"Shut up! Shut up!"

Hearing Ye Tianlong's analysis, Murong Hui yelled hysterically: "He won't kill people casually, and he won't kill soldiers casually."

"You just watched a video, and I knew him 20 years ago. My understanding of him is true. You are not qualified to judge him."

Muronghui looked at Ye Tianlong murderously: "He is a good man."

Ye Tianlong sighed, there was no argument.

Seeing Ye Tianlong fell silent, Murong Hui immediately remembered something. She pushed Ye Tianlong out the door: "Tianlong, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"I'm a little messy, let me be quiet, you leave me alone..."

Ye Tianlong frowned and was about to say something, but Murong Hui closed the door with a slam...

Ye Tianlong opened his mouth slightly: Damn! What's this?

It's just that he didn't knock on the door again, and Murong Hui had lost her mind at this moment, and any further discussion would only fall out.

But he didn’t waste any time. He called up a screenshot from his mobile phone and sent it to Bailihua, asking her to check who the screenshot was.

At the same time, in a villa called Moon in Manchester, a middle-aged man in his forties wears headphones and a beautiful woman is pressed under him.

While venting savagely, he talked respectfully:

"Yes, ma'am, I understand."

The middle-aged man looks very similar to Wei Zhongxin who died on the top of Tiandu Mountain, except that he has more gloomy air like a coffin:

"Madam, don't worry, I will definitely try to find Muronghui, search for the dragon and acupuncture points for so many years, I can't click a woman, so how can I get mixed up?"

"At most three days, I will get everything done."

There was a touch of confidence on his face: "Ye Tianlong's hatred, Qiao Zhenxing's Seven Kings Ding, and Muronghui's trail, I promise to get it all done."

"If you can't figure it out, Wei Zhongcheng personally chopped him down."

There is no doubt that the middle-aged man is Wei Ji's right-hand man, Wei Zhongcheng.

A faint voice came from the other end of the phone: "Okay, I believe you."

At this time, Wei Zhongcheng's body shook violently, and his aura became more full. Although the woman under him was firmly covering her mouth, there was still a voice.

When the phone hung up on the other end, the middle-aged man also yelled and fell on the carpet behind him. He also hit the TV remote control and turned on the screen.

"Zhongcheng, you are so amazing."

When the middle-aged man gasped, the woman rolled off the bed and flattered on the man: "I almost died."

Wei Zhongcheng laughed: "You will all die, I guess you will become scum. Haven't you heard that there are only exhausted cattle and no bad farming?"


The gorgeous woman snorted and patted Wei Zhongcheng, then the conversation changed: "Zhongcheng, when will you teach Ye Tianlong for me?"

"I was suppressed by him and was homeless. I couldn't even find a job. If you don't vent my anger, I'm boring to live."

The woman seems to be Niu Manqing.

"Didn't you hear my call just now?"

Wei Zhongcheng laughed: "In three days, I will get Ye Tianlong out, kill him and give you a sigh."

"Really? Zhongcheng, you are so kind. As long as you kill Ye Tianlong, I will be yours in the future. You can let me do anything."

Niu Manqing lay in Wei Zhongcheng's arms: "You don't know, he is too bullying."

"It's not that he is bullying people, it's that you are too incompetent. You talk about him one by one. In my opinion, it is your carelessness."

A gleam in Wei Zhongcheng's eyes: "When you meet me, Ye Tianlong will kneel."

"Zhongcheng, you are so amazing."

Niu Manqing kissed Wei Zhongcheng and took a glance at the LCD screen. With just one glance, she sat up with a swish, her eyes lit up:

"Zhao Keke?"

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