Talented Genius

Chapter 1546: Destruction evidence

When Niu Manqing accidentally recognized Zhao Keke, Ye Tianlong was hiding in the study with Bailihua's video.

Bailihua has found the origin of the windy youth.

"Xiang Bohu, the ninth son of Elephant King, 26 years old, has a double degree in Economics and Law from Harvard. This degree is not the gold-plated one."

Bailihua in the video was as brave as ever, telling Ye Tianlong the information she found: "It's the kind of passer-by who passed the exam."

"I returned to China three years ago and worked as an attending doctor and a legal adviser. I resigned and opened a trading company two years ago, doing business throughout Southeast Asia."

"The royal family has always been strict with assets. In addition to a fixed monthly living allowance, the children only have a growth fund of two million US dollars."

Bailihua's voice sank: "In other words, Xiangbohu had only two million when he started his business, but his current assets are estimated to be four billion US dollars."

Ye Tianlong's eyes condensed into a light: "Two thousand times? In two years, he has doubled the funds in his hands two thousand times?"

Although four billion U.S. dollars were exchanged for Hua Xia coins, it was more than 20 billion, and even the top 20 rich Chinese people could not be squeezed in, but the two-year creation was absolutely amazing.

Disregarding the possibility of business miracles, then the elephant's ability to fight the tiger is left, and Ye Tianlong is less interested in this elephant.

Upon hearing Ye Tianlong's question, Bailihua nodded without hesitation: "It is understandable."

"Although his wealth has skyrocketed, and there is an official investigation of his assets, no illegal evidence has been found."

"Thirty percent of the profits are from his trading company, 30 percent is earned by speculating on futures, and the last 40 percent is earned by lottery tickets and casinos."

Bailihua sighed faintly: "Although it sounds like a fantasy, he really can't find out that he committed a crime. There are traces of the lottery and casino sources."

"Of course, the investigation team may have been bought by him early."

She added the last sentence: "But no matter what, he has survived the storm."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Even if these are all illegal payments, his ability to disclose his assets in this way also shows that he has handled quite cleanly."

So far, Ye Tianlong completely believes that Xiangbohu's double degree in law and economics has no water.

Bailihua took the topic: "He is now one of Manchester City's three great heroes and the richest of the thirteen sons."

"Because of the horrific expansion of his assets, his marginal heir has regained the favor of the elephant king.

Bailihua points out the bright future of Xiangbohu: "Although the crown prince has determined the candidate a few years ago, it is rumored that Xiangbohu has a chance to win."

Ye Tianlong took his tea and took a sip: "It seems like fighting a tiger is not easy."

Bailihua nodded: "It's really not easy, let's not talk about his ability, as long as he is favored by the elephant king, his royal identity will be highlighted."

"Not only the royal family will regard him as pride, but the government, military and other forces will also please him intentionally or unintentionally."

She reminded: "Competing with him is equivalent to competing with half of Manchester."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "I really competed with him and threw the video out directly. Once it spreads, his future will be ruined, but he will sit in prison."

Bailihua smiled and said, "Then he will fight you desperately."

"I'm the least afraid of working hard with others. God will always favor me, otherwise I won't be able to live till now."

Ye Tianlong made a joke, and then the conversation turned around: "By the way, did you find the origin of the killed senior general?"

Bailihua nodded, her pretty face became solemn:

"Half a month ago, Long Liuman, the commander of the Sixth Division of the Man's Frontier Defense Army, was smashed off the cliff by a boulder when he returned to Manchester City to report on military affairs, leaving no bones."

She exhibited a photo: "I compared the photo with the disappearance time. The senior general who was headshot should be Long Liuman."

Ye Tianlong looked over. The photo was of a man in military uniform. He was not sharp, but he had a calm atmosphere, which was very similar to the general in the video.

Afterwards, Bailihua continued to explain: "He is a person who does not seek merit, but seeks no fault. He is not honest, but he will not have a bottom line."

"I checked his condition and situation at the time. Before the accident, his division seized two oil tankers. The reason for the seizure was extremely dangerous goods."

"After he died, a man named Yingqi landed as the commander. After he took office, he fined the tanker captain one million and released him."

Baili made his own inference: "I suspect that Long Liuman's death is related to the tanker."

"Xiang Bohu should first find him for a showdown, kill him before he pleads, and then create a fake scene to deal with the public."

She looked at Ye Tianlong and said, "It's just that the dead is too clean, and the tanker has already been released, so no one can be fair to him."

Ye Tianlong nodded softly: "It seems that the network of relations like Bohu is really amazing. Otherwise, how can you kill a teacher and leave the whole body?"

Bailihua remembered something: "By the way, Long Liuman is still the apprentice of your old enemy Long She Yin, and when he was buried in his clothes, Long She Yin did it himself."

"Dragon Sheyin's apprentice?"

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, then raised a smile: "When I came to Manchester City, I tried my best to avoid him, but I didn't expect to involve him."

He has paid special attention to the news of Dragon and Snake Yin in the past few days. The old guy has gone to Qingmai to jump to the Great God. It is probably a big job, so he will stay for several days.

In order to be entangled in the shadow of the dragon and snake, Ye Tianlong tried his best not to collide with the mage, and even his old friend Tuatu did not visit.

Who knows, a video is involved again, Ye Tianlong wondered whether to sell the clues to Long She Yin? Collect a little money and let them kill.

"Big brother, it's not good."

At this moment, the door of the room was knocked suddenly, and then the dinosaur rushed in: "Muronghui ran away from the window, and her notebook was destroyed by her."

Ye Tianlong immediately turned off the video and rushed out...

When he rushed to Muronghui's room, Ye Tianlong found that the door lock had been broken, the window was open, and several sheets were connected together, pulling on the railing of the big bed at one end.

One end fell to the window on the next floor, and Muronghui's shadow was not seen in the room, Tian Mo and Mai turned around and went out.

"When I passed the door just now, I heard a creak in the room."

The dinosaur stood beside Ye Tianlong, scanning the movement on the next floor with his probe: "I was worried that Muronghui could not think about it, so I knocked on the door and shouted twice."

"As a result, she didn't even respond. I yelled again. After waiting for half a minute, she still didn't move."

"I was afraid that she would commit suicide, so I broke through the door and came in, and found that she was missing."

The dinosaur looked at the shaking sheet: "She should have fallen from the window to the next floor, and then jumped in and ran away from someone else's window."

Ye Tianlong pulled the sheets up without speaking, and the dinosaur turned back and brought a tray with the notebook on it.

The notebook has become a pile of fragments, and the fragrant shower gel has been soaked, and the gods cannot recover.

This means that it is not someone kidnapped, but Muronghui wants to run. There are really kidnappers, how can he handle a computer so carefully?

The dinosaur looked puzzled: "Brother, why did you say she ran? We only treat her with kindness and no malice."

Ye Tianlong squeezed a fragment and faintly said: "Destroy the evidence."

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