Talented Genius

Chapter 1547: Evil smile

Tian Mo and Mai came back, empty-handed, and did not find Murong Hui, because the hotel fire alarm suddenly sounded and all the residents and staff left the room.

Tianmo and Mai worry about Ye Tianlong's safety, so they give up looking for Muronghui and come back.

Ye Tianlong didn't have too much nonsense, and asked the three of them to pack up and leave the hotel. Muronghui's change meant that this residence was no longer safe.

At the same time, he was fortunate that he didn't take Muronghui to the small restaurant, otherwise more people would die.

While the car was driving, Ye Tianlong made two phone calls to Muronghui, the phone was turned off, and he sent two WeChat messages, but there was no response.

He dismissed Muronghui's thoughts of communication, and then sent an email to Bailihua, asking her to investigate the relationship between Muronghui and Xiang Bohu.

"Brother, why did you say Muronghui did this?"

The dinosaur on the car still looked blank: "She hates Tu's gang too. After finally deciphering the information, how can she destroy it again?"

"As long as she gives us the information and she doesn't have to do the rest, we can settle Tu's family or avenge her companions."

The dinosaur exhaled a long breath: "How can I change my mind when I'm good? Even destroy all the information. Doesn't she want revenge?"

Ye Tianlong sighed: "Of course she wants revenge, but it involves a more important person, so important that she messed up her heart."

The dinosaur was taken aback for a moment: "Who?"

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "The elephant fights the tiger, if I guess right, Muronghui has a very close relationship with the elephant fights the tiger."

"The latter is kind and affectionate to her, which is still very heavy, so seeing Xiang Bohu involved in the murder, she instinctively wants to protect him."

"Therefore, if she does this kind of destruction of evidence and escapes, after she calms down for a day or two, she will figure out to do something sensible."

Ye Tianlong's mind flashed over Murong Hui. This woman may be young, proud, and impulsive, but there is still a ruler in her heart.

The dinosaur nodded: "That's it."

Then he asked again: "If she can't figure it out and can't get through the hurdle, and the materials will not be copied to us, wouldn't we be in vain?"

Ye Tianlong smiled, turned on the phone and threw it at the dinosaur.

The dinosaur swept over and lost his voice in surprise: "You copied the material early? When did you copy it?"

Ye Tianlong said: "When Muronghui cracked it, I cut into the network and archived it. I didn't believe her, but just wanted to help crack it."

"Who knew such a thing happened."

He put the phone back in his pocket: "It's okay, I accidentally inserted Liuliu Chengyin. With this file, I don't worry about the destruction of the evidence in Muronghui's hand."

Then he looked at the distant sky and sighed: "I hope Muronghui will not let me down."

At this moment, Murong Hui was sitting on a tricycle with a gloomy face, biting her lip and rushing to the Jinmang Temple on the west side.

She wanted to meet someone, someone she hadn't seen for a long time, but she knew that he must be in that temple on this day of every month.

Murong Hui didn't want to disturb each other anymore. After all, the identities of the two sides were too different, but she still wanted to ask if the person on the video was him.

Murong Hui hoped to get an answer to denial, otherwise he would be sorry to Ye Tianlong, and the trust he had failed would be meaningless.

The tricycle drove very fast, but Murong Hui did not go directly to the Jinmang Temple. She asked the driver to let her down two blocks away, and then she walked over.

As soon as Muronghui got out of the car and walked more than ten meters, the tricycle driver looked around, then took out her cell phone and made a call.

Ten minutes later, Muronghui walked to another street, lowered his hat and crossed a dilapidated alley, passing through here, and walking another fifty meters to the temple.

It was just that she had just walked halfway to the alley and when she came to an intersection, there were more than a dozen gray-clothed men around, without guns in their hands.

Holding ropes, shields, and swords and sticks, they looked at Muronghui as if they were prey, a gloomy air flowing throughout their bodies.

"Who are you?"

When Muronghui saw these people staring at her, she knew she couldn't pretend to be crazy, so she clenched her fists and shouted, "What are you going to do?"

A dozen gray-clothed men did not speak, but took a step forward. The next six people rioted and threw a big net at Muronghui.

Muronghui had been prepared for a long time, and when she saw the big net cover coming, she immediately yelled, kicked the wall, raised her body, and avoided the big net cover.

Just before she landed, the five ropes flew over again.

Muronghui screamed again, patted the wall continuously, twisting her hands and feet to avoid the four entangled ropes.

Only the fifth rope wrapped her right foot, and the other party pulled hard, and Murong Hui landed in midair.

"Boom boom!"

Muronghui fell to the ground, but didn't stop with the other foot, repeatedly clicking out, kicking the three of them out.


It was just that when she wanted to stand up, the rope entangled her right foot pulled again, making her unstable and almost falling, and then three more ropes flew.


Muronghui opened a rope, but was wrapped around his waist by the other two. Then, the three gray-clothed men pulled hard, instantly dissolving Muronghui's combat effectiveness.

Without waiting for Murong Hui to tear off the three ropes, the shields on all sides had already rushed up, squeezing Murong Hui's body tightly, causing her to lose strength.

"Abolish her and bring it to Brother Cheng."

A scared man took out a dagger and leaned forward viciously to prepare to bleed Muronghui.


At this moment, a string of Buddhist beads burst out, with an unspeakable sharpness.

It was like a sharp sword that broke the rope, shook the shield, and also interrupted the dagger of the scared man, and shot over the seven shooters.

All seven people vomited a mouthful of blood. Although they did not die, the pain on their faces showed that the injuries were serious.

"Got it!"

A man walked in the alley, a man dressed in black all over, walking slowly, with a soft voice, and an evil baby smile on his face.

Walking slowly, there was no sound, but the Scared Man suddenly felt that this person was terrible.

Even they don't know what's going on. They have almost never been afraid of anyone in their entire life, even if they are the mysterious dead.

But to this person, I felt a chill for no reason, especially his smile, which made people sweat on their foreheads.


The scared man and the group looked at each other, and for years of dangerous intuition let them know that they must evacuate immediately, even if they are not injured in any way.

Smashing down to death will only cross the streets, this is the dangerous intuition of their grave robbers.

More than a dozen people grabbed ropes, shields, and weapons, and left the alley without saying a word. Murong Hui was surprised by the well-trained experience.

At this moment, the young man in black had already walked over, reached out his hand to help Murong Hui up, and then stood there quietly.

His eyes were very peaceful, and he fixedly looked at Muronghui.

Muronghui suddenly felt an indescribable pressure, which made her almost unable to breathe.

After a long time, she finally said four words: "Long time no see."

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