Talented Genius

Chapter 1548: Kidnapped

When Ye Tianlong withdrew his attention from Muronghui, and turned to ponder the transaction of the Seven Kings Ding of the Day Afternoon, Qiao Zhenxing appeared in a bar.

He obeyed Ye Tianlong's instructions, the more critical the moment, the more relaxed he was, and he had to keep his habit of drunkenness and dreaming.

So he took the time to come to this dance bar again, wanting to continue to bewilder the suspicious Wei Zhongcheng, and also want to relax himself.

As soon as he stepped into the door, Qiao Zhenxing glanced around, and found that the business in the bar was very hot, and there were almost no seats left.

Exciting music kept ringing.

Although it is not the peak time of the bar, it does not prevent the early guests from reveling.

The air was full of the smell of tobacco and alcohol, and the music was turned on to the maximum, almost deaf ears, men and women were madly twisting their waists on the dance floor.

Fashionably dressed women play with men in a variety of styles, teasing men who can't control them with frivolous language.

"it is good!"

In the flashing lights and harsh music, Qiao Zhenxing was attracted by the shouts of a group of people, and then his eyes fell on the high platform in the center of the dance floor.

The lights there are the most shining and brightest in the bar, and at this time, on the high platform, there is a blonde girl dancing the steel chisel dance.

The woman wore heavy makeup and a short black jumpsuit, with her messy hair covering most of her face.

A pair of slender thighs in silk stockings swayed freely on the stage with waves of **** music.

Under the neon lights, the blonde exudes a fatal breath of seductive dreams.

Qiao Zhenxing's eyes narrowed slightly: "This woman, I'm afraid she's a newcomer? It really smells good."

He came to this bar three times, but it was the first time he saw this woman.

At this moment, a large group of men gathered around the dance floor, all showing a state of obsession.

They looked at the seductive woman on the high platform, raised their hands and twisted their bodies to emit hormones, and they kept screaming.

"Oh oh oh--"

Seeing them like this, the blonde danced harder and even opened her lips slightly.

Under the light, blood-red lips appeared, which further aroused the original desires of the men, and made Qiao Zhenxing suppress them by drinking two glasses of wine.

"A little more, a little more."

Qiao Zhenxing, who has always been singing every night, is like a fish in such a place. While drinking a delicious cocktail, he whistles and coaxes with people.

Excited by the crowd, the blonde **** the stage danced more happily and sexier, which made Qiao Zhenxing very generous and gave a dozen drinks.

The few people who were secretly protecting Feng Er not far away were helpless. In this case, the tiger masters of them were the most depressed people.

People drink and pick up girls for fun, but they have to secretly stare at Qiao Zhenxing not to be hurt, and they have to resist the temptation of beautiful women.

Although they appear to be very low-key, their burly body still attracts many women's winks, which makes them suffer.

"After the madness, let us do a little magic, how about calming down?"

After a song, the blonde girl stepped back to rest, a clown in a shirt stepped onto the stage, and two girls pushed a large cabinet.

The cabinet is similar to an ordinary wardrobe, and can accommodate two people close to each other.

The clown is about 1.5 meters tall, with thick makeup, looks funny, but his smile is bright and friendly.

He performed three ambiguous magic tricks in a row, that is, randomly selecting a man and a woman on the court, and then locked in a cabinet that could not be moved.

After being locked in, he shouted to the audience, hoping to see what the two poses were. After getting the strongest shout, he would turn three times to open.

When the cabinet opened, the men and women's postures that the alcoholic wanted appeared, and almost only a piece of cloth remained on their clothes.

One of the two is completely up and down with each other, grasping the main points of each other, if the cabinet is not opened in time, I am afraid that the two will kiss to the end.

Magic is not great, and it has nothing to do with being tall, but it is very exciting.

Think about how ambiguously holding a beautiful strange girl under everyone's eyes, many animals become crazy.

Qiao Zhenxing also yelled: "Old man driving, Guanyin Dinglian..."

He suddenly realized that he hadn't touched a woman for a long time.

"Next, I will draw another guest to have an unforgettable night with our rookie, Serlinka, everyone, OK?"

The clown pulled the girl who had just danced to the center, and then shouted to the audience: "Trust me, she will make you unforgettable for life."

In his introduction, the hot dancing girl came to the front, posing five or six provocative poses, instantly making the audience crazy.

Countless people yelled and smoked themselves.

Qiao Zhenxing's eyes were also stiff, and his face was full of excitement. Not only was he happy for Serinka to play in person, but he also caught the glorious eyes that she threw.

This woman was interesting to herself, Qiao Zhenxing swallowed secretly, his breathing became invisibly worse, and he suppressed it after drinking two glasses of wine.

"Boom boom boom!"

As a fast-paced tune sounded, the lights began to fire across the room, and everything passed by was full of noise and excitement.


When the tune fell to the last note, the light stopped rotating and shone on Qiao Zhenxing's body, making Qiao Zhenxing stunned on the spot.

He didn't react at first, and when people around him whistled and congratulated him, Qiao Zhenxing knew that he had won the jackpot.

"thanks, thanks."

Before Zhao Feng Er came over to stop him, Qiao Zhenxing drank his glass of wine and rushed to the stage, and gave Feng Er his eyes to indicate not to worry too much.

Zhao Feng Er frowned, trying to pull Qiao Zhenxing down, but worried that this would clearly expose their protection.

But if you didn't take Qiao Zhenxing away, the situation was a bit beyond your own control, so Feng Ear could only activate the headset and let Qiao Zhenxing get down and leave the bar.

Zhao Feng Er also raised Ye Tianlong to frighten.

Qiao Zhenxing's expression had hesitated. After all, he was jealous of Ye Tianlong. It was seen that Serenka was leaning against him, and he gritted his teeth as if he hadn't heard it.

It's on the stage anyway, it's a game anyway, what's to worry about?

Besides, Wei Zhongcheng has set a trading date. What are the fun tricks during this period?

After some self-comfort, Qiao Zhenxing was at the shout of the clown, with a smile on his face, leading Serenka into the cabinet, not forgetting to remind the audience:

"Come on, come on, come on."

The audience cheered, and they were all excited to see the real swords and guns. They were very helpless and could only stare at the cabinet to avoid accidents.

At the same time, he passed the news to Han Qinhu who was smoking at the door.

"Gentlemen and ladies, our distinguished guest and Serlinka have entered the cabinet."

At this moment, the clown took out a magic wand and shouted at hundreds of people in the audience: "What kind of scene do you want to see?"

The audience roared: "Minus one centimeter, minus one centimeter."

These words fell, and everyone quickly screamed and whistled again, screaming to see the real gun.

Their madness and imposing manner disturbed the sight and hearing of Feng's ears, and several people felt a touch of anxiety inexplicably.


At this time, Han Qinhu had already rushed in from outside, squeezed past the crowd like a tiger, and smashed away several security personnel.

In the next second, Han Qinhu leaped up and landed on the stage like a rainbow. He swept backhand without waiting for the clown to stop him, causing him to roll off the stage.


Han Qinhu looked fierce and moved fiercely. He reached out to pull the doorknob of the cabinet, and found that he didn't move and changed his face immediately, and then kicked it out.


He kicked the thick cabinet to pieces, revealing the contents of the cabinet. There was no Serenka and Qiao Zhenxing in the cabinet, and it was empty.

And under the cabinet, there was a piece of ground that hadn't fully merged. Han Qinhu kicked again, and the stage broke with a bang, revealing a hole...

There is no doubt that the two fell from this hole and disappeared.

Han Qinhu pushed open the two-meter-high cabinet, and at the same time yelled at Zhao Feng Er and them:

"Tell Ye Shao that Qiao Zhenxing was kidnapped."

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