Talented Genius

Chapter 1560: Disappointed me so much

"Don't move!"

More than twenty soldiers held their guns at Ye Tianlong, one by one with murderous aura and arrogance.

When Murong Hui was slightly startled, another Mercedes Benz drove behind. The car was horizontally behind the military vehicle. The door opened and four men emerged.

A middle-aged fat man in military uniform, wearing sunglasses, full face and big eyes, is like a gong, and his body is like a bucket.

The large military uniforms can hardly contain the fat in the belly, and it feels like they are going to be broken at any time.

A plainclothes man next to Wei Ji was the scared man beside Wei Ji, Wei Jian, and behind him were two Wei's killers.

The Leopard Eye officer swaggered towards Ye Tianlong, taking out two cigars on the way, one handed it to Wei Jian, and the other drew it into his mouth.

Wei Jian took out the lighter at the right time and lit it with a bang to the Leopard Eye officer.

Before the Leopard Eye officer spit out a puff of smoke, Ye Tianlong raised a smile and looked at Murong Hui who came out:

"You called them?"

Muronghui shook her head without hesitation, and there was a touch of confusion in her eyes: "No, I came alone."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "It wasn't you who brought it, it was with you. Obviously, Xiang Bohu used you to catch me."

"His scheming is deeper than you think."

Ye Tianlong had another judgment for his object, Bohu.

Muronghui twitched her heart and shouted loudly, "Impossible, impossible, Xiang Shao would not do this."

Then, in order to prove her innocence, she shouted to the Leopard Eye Officer and Wei Jian: "Tell me, who are you sent here? What are you going to do?"

Ye Tianlong revealed a joking glance at the crowd: "If they have nothing to do with the elephant fighting the tiger, I will cut off my head and let them sit."

Seeing Ye Tianlong's strength, the Leopard Eye officer's face had a touch of anger, and he opened his throat and shouted:

"Boy, do you want to die? Don't you dare to yell like that?"

The Leopard Eye officer said fiercely: "You shout one more word, be careful I kill you."

Although he didn't directly point out who sent it, Murong Hui can judge from his respectful attitude that he should have something to do with Xiang Bohu.

This makes her feel uncomfortable, as Bohu promised her to let her have a good conversation with Ye Tianlong, and it will give her freedom and safety. Who knows...

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Kill me, do you have the qualifications? Who are you?"

The leopard-eye officer's face was filled with pride, and he spouted a thick smoke and snorted: "The third mobile team of the anti-drug patrol team, Brother Song.

Ye Tianlong asked faintly: "What are you doing here?"

The Leopard Eye officer was about to open his mouth to respond, but suddenly felt something was wrong. After thinking about it, he realized that he was being led by the nose by Ye Tianlong.

So he was furious, and cursed Ye Tianlong with his cigar point in his hand: "Your uncle, what are you? When will it be your turn to ask me?"

"It should be me interrogating you."

"Ye Tianlong, we caught three drug-trafficking criminals. They confessed that you are the boss behind the scenes and that the drugs have your fingerprints on them."

The Leopard Eye officer yelled: "The weight is huge, and there are all human and physical evidence, please come with us."

Muronghui's body was shocked, and she looked at the Leopard Eye Officer in surprise: "Ye Tianlong is a drug dealer? Could you make a mistake?"

Although under the influence of Xiang Bohu, her view of Ye Tianlong was a little shaken, but she still felt that Ye Tianlong was not like a trafficker.

The leopard-eye officer smiled and said without a smile: "We didn't make a mistake, there are all human and material evidence. If you don't believe it, you will know when you go to the Narcotics Control Commission.

Wei Jian also added the last sentence: "Half an hour ago, Xiang Shao smashed a cargo ship at the port and captured 11 Chinese men and women. There were goods on board."

"Xiang Shao asked them to censor them, and the three core members confessed together. Ye Tianlong is their boss behind the scenes."

"Furthermore, a few fingerprints were found on the drug. After testing, it was confirmed that they were consistent with Ye Tianlong's archive."

Wei Jian explained to Muronghui: "Xiang Shao didn't want to interfere with you, but I think it's important."

"And I am worried that Ye Tianlong knows that the wind is running away, so let us come here to stop him."

He politely said, "If Miss Murong doesn't believe it, you can call and ask about the elephant."

Muronghui's body shook, his face was slightly pale, and his eyes looked hard at Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong smiled noncommittal: "Do you believe what they say?"

He was surprised just now why the Leopard-Eye officer didn't shoot when they met, but instead charged himself in a roundabout circle. Now he fully understands.

In addition to Xiang Bohu wanting to play with him at the least cost, there is also to ruin him and then erase the impression he left in Murong Hui's heart.

Once Murong Hui determined that Ye Tianlong was a drug dealer, then Ye Tianlong's previous actions were all fake, and the suspicion of the target fighting tiger completely disappeared.

It can also be seen that it is really important for Muronghui to fight tigers.

At this moment, facing Ye Tianlong's peaceful eyes, Muronghui's eyelids jumped, her mouth was dry and she didn't know how to respond. For a long time, she said with difficulty:

"I don't know... No, I believe you will not be a drug dealer."

"Tianlong, go back to investigate with them, as long as you are innocent, there will be nothing, and I believe you are innocent."

The corner of Murong Hui's mouth moved a little: "The big deal, I will go with you."

Ye Tianlong shrugged: "I'm sorry, I don't want to go anywhere."

"If you want to summon me, let me investigate with you and get a summons order first."

He looked at the Leopard Eye Officer and smiled: "Perhaps, I will consider walking with you, but now, I will never cooperate with the investigation."

The leopard-eye officer's complexion changed drastically, and Ye Tianlong retorted himself in a large number of people. Where is his face set? So his eyes became cold, and he said with contempt:

"Boy, it's not up to you to go or not. This is my site. Someone has a gun in my hand. If I want you to go, you must go."

Ye Tianlong moved his feet and moved to the Leopard Eye officer, staring at his fat belly, with a presumptuous smile on his face, lightly joking:

"Just your hollowed-out body yelling at me? Believe it or not, I can beat you to the ground with one hand?"

The muscles on the face of the Leopard Eye officer twitched, which was caused by anger. He twisted his sleeves and roared:

"A hand? Grandma's, come on? Singles."

When Wei Jian saw this, they looked at each other a few times. They knew that they would inevitably have more dreams after being entangled for a long time. So Wei Jian came out and held the Leopard Eye officer's words:

"Captain Song, don't get excited, don't be fooled by him, we are here to arrest people today, not to fight."

He whispered: "The overall situation is important."

The leopard-eye officer was slightly startled when he heard the words, and then seemed to realize something too. He re-examined Ye Tianlong, and said without a smile:

"Boy, I won't be quick to talk to you anymore, you only have two options today."

A murderous intent flashed in his eyes: "Either follow me obediently, or I kill you and drag you away."

Muronghui whispered: "Tianlong, go with them, don't resist the law."

Then she frowned again: "Are you guilty? Are you really a drug dealer, so you dare not go to the Narcotics Control Commission to investigate?"

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Murong Hui with sharp eyes, but what he wanted to say turned into a light sigh...

"You can think whatever you like. I'm not interested. I have to go back to make hot pot. Let's go back."

Being so robbed of white by Ye Tianlong, Murong Hui's face was difficult to catch, staring at Ye Tianlong sharply, and said every word:

"Ye Tianlong, I hope you understand that this is not a question of your interest, but you must cooperate."

Her words became sharp: "This is the power of the law enforcers, otherwise they will not be blamed for enforcing the law."

As soon as the voice fell, Murong Hui felt that the temperature suddenly became cold, and then she saw Ye Tianlong standing in front of him, making a cold voice:

"Don't you know, they came today just to kill me under the official guise?"

Officer Wei Jian and Leopard Eye's expression grew gloomy.

But Ye Tianlong's next words made them even more annoyed: "You let me cooperate with them, and that is to let me die."

"I can also conclude that they dug the pit that made me die early. As long as they walk with them, there will be no dead bodies."

Ye Tianlong's gaze made Muronghui's heart twitching: "Muronghui, do you want me to jump into the fire pit just because of Xiaoxiang's political achievements?"

Murong Hui panicked first, and then shouted: "Ye Tianlong, you think too much, as long as you are innocent, no one can frame you."

"Little elephant is not that kind of villain."

She protects the elephant and fights the tiger: "I asked you to cooperate with the investigation, also for your own good, for your innocence, how can you slander the elephant like this?"

"You...you disappointed me too much."

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