Talented Genius

Chapter 1561: A long way to go

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wei Jian made a look at the two men.

The two Wei men rushed to Ye Tianlong, a dagger flashed out of their palms, their movements were agile and sharp.


Ye Tianlong's eyes lit up. He caught the familiar movements of the two and quickly judged that it was Wei Ji's.

As the thoughts turned, Ye Tianlong squeezed their wrists, and then twisted the two daggers to the ground, which was very ear-piercing.

Then Ye Tianlong threw them to the ground like a spinning windmill.

The two of them were in pain, and groaned with difficulty.

Seeing that Ye Tianlong dared to hurt someone in front of him, the leopard eye officer couldn't help getting angry. He drew a short gun from his waist and shouted at Ye Tianlong:

"Do you still dare to beat people? Is there Wang Fa in your eyes? Come here, take Ye Tianlong, dare to resist, and die on the spot."

Ye Tianlong suddenly raised his head and smiled: "The pants are off."

The Leopard Eye Officer looked down...

At this moment, Ye Tianlong flashed to his side and stuck to his arms, pinching the left hand of the Leopard Eye officer with his left hand, and his right palm with his right hand.

The finger pressed his index finger that was holding the trigger, and then blasted at the two men in black who had just gotten up with lightning.


Two gunshots sounded, and the two men in black screamed and fell to the ground, lying motionless, their heads blooming announcing their deaths.

Everything happened too fast, too sudden, too shocking, and without warning.

Ye Tianlong controlled the leopard-eye officer's body, turned around with a short gun and shouted to the stunned soldier:

"Congratulations, Chief Song, Chief He Xisong, decisively killed two cunning drug dealers who suddenly attacked me."

More than 20 soldiers were at a loss. They really didn't see who fired the gun, and Ye Tianlong's words made them even more confused.

Murong Hui's eyes were even more disappointed. Ye Tianlong shot the two of them and shot them in public. It was too lawless for her.

She originally wanted to help Ye Tianlong's heart slowly wither...

She increasingly tended to Ye Tianlong to be the big villain.

At this time, Officer Leopard Eye and Wei Jian came to their senses, and roared in anger:

"Presumptuous, presumptuous, Ye Tianlong, who made you murder?"

More than twenty soldiers rushed up, Ye Tianlong didn't move much, just turned around and hid behind the Leopard Eye officer.

At the same time, with the muzzle resting on the head of the Leopard Eye officer, Ye Tianlong smiled faintly at everyone: "Don't move."

More than twenty soldiers stopped immediately, but they were all angry and fierce, and they wanted to shoot Ye Tianlong to death.

The situation became serious.

Wei Jian yelled, "Ye Tianlong, what are you going to do?"

Muronghui also hates iron but not steel: "Ye Tianlong, don't make mistakes again."

"I don't want to do anything, just help Chief Song to clear the drug dealers."

Ye Tianlong looked down at the Leopard Eye Officer, wondering if he smiled and said, "Sooner or later he will be grateful to me."

The Leopard Eye officer roared: "Clear the drug dealer? Thank you? Ye Tianlong, you are the drug dealer!"

Ye Tianlong ignored him, just looked at Wei Jian and said, "This gentleman, let me be honest, why are you pretending to be officers and soldiers to kill me?"

"Are you the leader of the drug dealer? What is your position? What is your mission this time?"

Although Wei Jian died of his subordinates without warning, he was extremely angry, but he did not lose his mind. He heard that Ye Tianlong was framed, and he roared:

"Nonsense, how could I be a drug dealer? You killed two of our men, you are the drug dealer, the drug dealer."

Ye Tianlong snorted heavily: "You said you are not a drug dealer, what can prove it?"

Wei Jian pointed at the Leopard Eye officer and shouted, "He can prove that I am a member of the Narcotics Control Commission, sent by Shao Xiang."

"I'm here to catch you."

Then he struck another sharp spirit: "Why should I prove to you?"

Ye Tianlong stared at Wei Jian and sneered lightly and said, "Because you let someone attack me and use the knife, how can I be relieved if I don't find out your identity?"

"Who has ever seen a drug addict who used a knife for no reason?"

Then, he turned his head to look at the Leopard Eye officer: "Can you prove that he is a member of the Narcotics Control Commission, someone sent by Shao Xiang?"

Although the Leopard Eye officer was angry with this threat, he was afraid of the gun against his head, and he still struggled to squeeze out:

"I can prove that he was sent by Shao Xiang."

Ye Tianlong seemed to know that he would answer this way, and asked noncommittal: "How do you prove? Do you have documents? Do you have documents? Have you read them?"

"Maybe they intercepted Xiang Shao's phone call, killed three real drug addicts, and pretended to mix in to kill me."

"Sir, I warn you that if you give false testimony indiscriminately, you will be held responsible if he can't prove himself later."

The Leopard Eye officer was slightly stunned. He really hadn't seen Wei Jian's ID. He just received a call from Xiang Bohu's cronies, and then Wei Jian came to the door.

Although I don't think there will be an imposter, what if there is a problem with Wei Jian? So I could only vaguely say: "I haven't verified his identity."

With a smile on his face, Ye Tianlong nodded and turned to Wei Jian and said, "You are in a bit of trouble now."

"If you can't prove that you are a young man, then I will kill you for conspiracy, drug dealer suspect."

At this moment, Wei Jian felt aggrieved, but he was helpless: "Ye Tianlong, don't mess around, I'm really a person sent by Shao Xiang."

"I was in a hurry today, so I forgot to bring my ID, go to the Narcotics Control Commission, I will show it to you naturally."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly again: "Then you report the office phone number of the Narcotics Control Commission, and I will call to verify your identity."

Wei Jian's face changed slightly: "I have just been here for two days and I am not familiar yet."

Ye Tianlong jokingly said with a smile: "Just two days here? I have been doing serious cases two days ago, don't know the office phone number?"

"Then you can report to Xiang Shao's cell phone, the one you can contact directly."

Wei Jian was aggrieved and wanted to hit the wall, how could he have the number like Bohu?

He came over today to catch Ye Tianlong, and then find various ways to torture him and kill him, how could he perfect so many details?

He squeezed out: "I can let people find the elephants to prove."

"You said it was sent by the elephant, but now you are looking for a relationship to attach to the elephant? You can see that there is no truth in your mouth."

Ye Tianlong's face became gloomy, and he said coldly: "The Narcotics Control Commission, like a few people, as a result, even a normal phone call can't be reached."

"Your identity is not suspicious, who is suspicious?"

Wei Jian was about to die of anger, and suddenly remembered something: "You are not a law enforcement agency, you have no right to enforce the law, nor the right to ask me."

Ye Tianlong's eyes were cold, and he said calmly: "Everyone is responsible for eliminating violence."

Wei Jian's cold sweat permeated and turned to look at the Leopard Eye Officer: "Captain Song, you should say something for me, this is your place."

The Leopard Eye officer looked up at Ye Tianlong, with a harsh tone:

"Ye Tianlong, although he doesn't know that it is better for the Narcotics Control Commission to have fewer elephants, I believe he is a person with fewer elephants."

He issued a warning: "If you move him, Young Elephant will be very angry and the consequences will be very serious..."

Murong Hui also shouted with a sense of superiority: "Ye Tianlong, stop making trouble."

"No one has the guts to pretend to be the Narcotics Control Commission, and no one dares to pretend to be someone who looks like a little..."


Before Murong Hui could finish, Ye Tianlong's muzzle slanted and buckled, and the bullet shot into Wei Jian's face, and then pierced the back of his head.

Wei Jian's body was taken a few steps back by the momentum, and then he fell to the ground, without closing his eyes until he died.

It is really hard for him to believe that he will be killed.

Muronghui screamed: "Did you kill him?"

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "Drug dealers are really everywhere, like a young man who has a long way to go..."

Although the words were very gentle, it made the Leopard Eye officer and others feel the creeps, and they suddenly felt that they had met the devil.

Muronghui was so angry that he let out a mouthful of blood...

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