Talented Genius

Chapter 1567: No bones left (eight shifts)

Seeing Tai Su coming out, Ye Tianlong smiled, flicked a piece of glass with his finger, and handed the elephant to Tianmo.

He walked towards Tai Su slowly and smiled faintly: "I finally came out. I thought you would hide forever."

"But it's true. It really doesn't feel good to watch the master being raged by me."

Ye Tianlong attracted everyone's eyes: "Just like you dealt with my female brother, I feel very uncomfortable."

A dozen submachine guns were aimed at Ye Tianlong. Although everyone initially felt that Ye Tianlong was too arrogant, they had to admire his courage and courage at this moment.

Tai Su looked at Ye Tianlong coldly and hummed, "Ye Tianlong, don't talk nonsense, I wounded the people, and I killed them. I am not happy."

"Don't bluff and bully the little elephant who doesn't know anything?"

He simply cleared the relationship between elephants and tigers.

"It's like being abandoned by me. Not only did you not take the opportunity to run away, but you also rushed out of the Savior with people. It shows how loyal you are."

Ye Tianlong faintly said: "How can you move the innocent Zhao Keke without the instructions of your master as a loyal lackey?"

"So you deliberately put aside the relationship between Xiang Shao and you is meaningless."

He gently waved his fingers: "Let's talk about something practical, let Zhao Keke go."

Muronghui, who fell on the ground, covered her cheeks and looked at Zhao Keke who was **** by the big five flowers, shocked that she was really kidnapped.

Later, she found out that Tai Su was the person who was talking to Tu Wengang in the warehouse video, and he was also calling himself a subordinate of Xiang Shao.

Muronghui once thought that the video was fake, or was deliberately filmed to frame the elephant fighting tiger, but now she has captured the close relationship between the two.

Is Elephant Fighting Tiger really a big monster? There was a wave of tremor in Muronghui's heart, but quickly stabilized his mind: No, this is absolutely impossible.

"Ye Tianlong, take a look, is this Zhao Keke?"

At this time, Tai Su turned away from several people who were fighting tigers and approached Zhao Keke who was bound by the rope, and then gave Ye Tianlong a cold smile:

"Is it the one you want?"

Ye Tianlong locked on Zhao Keke, who was embarrassed but arrogant: "Coco, I'm sorry, I didn't protect you, are you okay?"

Zhao Keke bit her lip, and the fear in her heart dissipated after seeing Ye Tianlong. She shed tears of joy: "I'm fine, it's fine."

Tai Su Yinyin smiled: "Ye Tianlong, is it the one you want?"

Ye Tianlong faintly said, "Let her go."


Taeso suddenly pulled out a knife and thrust it into Zhao Keke's shoulder blade.

Drill desperately.


A stream of blood burst out from the wound, and Zhao Keke couldn't help but let out a scream.

"Boy, ran here to run wild, and dare to hurt the little elephant, what are you guys?"

Tai Su let his fingers be stained with blood and looked at Ye Tianlong with a grin:

"The former princes of the British royal family bluffed in front of Shao Xiang, and even the woman who looked like Shao, and it turned out that I broke a leg."

"If you have the ability, you will explode like Shao's head. See if you have the courage, Huaxia can not bear the consequences."

"I'll tell you again, the three thousand defense forces are about to rush, you will either go all the way to the end and be shot dead by the military, including Zhao Keke."

"Either obediently surrender, let the elephant forgive you and get back a dog's life."

In the next second, the knife in his hand turned fiercely, splashing a large amount of blood: "It's ruthless, I'm ruthless than you."

"I'll bet my life with you today, if you can't take Zhao Keke, you will only take the corpse."

Zhao Keke screamed.

Rong Yina raised her eyebrows, secretly crying out for fear.


Ye Tianlong didn't talk nonsense. He grabbed the elephant Bohu from Tianmo's hand, then took out a grenade from the dinosaur's hand and pulled out the insurance directly.

In Murong Hui's tense nerves, Ye Tianlong stuffed his hand thunder into the arms of the elephant fighting tiger, and then kicked out.


When Rong Yina and the others screamed and avoided, Tai Su's complexion changed and his body flashed as fast as a meteor to catch the elephant fighting tiger, and at the same time stretched out his hand to explore.

Hold the grenade and throw it out.


The grenade with only five seconds of buffer exploded in the gap where the tank rushed in, and a ball of fire rose, and countless fragments sputtered and crackled.

Five or six people were overturned by the shock wave.

When Tai Su tried his best to rescue the elephant fighting tiger, the two figures had already rushed into the crowd of men in the windbreaker.

"Swish swish!"

Lights of gray and black flashed, fifteen hands holding guns instantly fell to the ground, and fifteen wrists instantly sprayed a stream of blood.

When the man in the windbreaker screamed and fell, his sword once again bloomed with light, as fast as the sun from the sky dangled his eyes.

The two men in the windbreaker who fended off the attack sputtered in their chests, and flew out after their vitality.

In the next second, with one sword and one mistake, an arc was drawn in the air.

Two **** flowers again!

Zhao Keke was free in an instant, and Ye Tianlong moved closer, holding on to the woman who was about to fall.

When Ye Tianlong helped her back, Mai's long sword rose again, piercing the throats of the three people, and Tianmo held a knife to guard it, deterring the others from sneaking.

Well-trained and showing strength.

Tai Su ignored the life and death of his subordinates, and didn't care whether Zhao Coco was saved, he just retreated quickly with the elephant fighting the tiger.

As long as Elephant Fighting Tiger is out of danger, no matter how rampant Ye Tianlong is, Ye Tianlong will only have a dead end if the army is killed.

Taeso quickly rushed to a room on the second floor with the elephant in his arms, far away from the fighting crowd on the first floor, and also kept a distance from Han Qinhu on the top of the building.

He dropped the bulletproof glass in the room to protect him from fighting with the elephant. Tai Su was still standing by the window, looking down at the scene of the fight.

The men in the windbreaker he brought have all been killed, and Tianmo and Dinosaurs once again took control of the audience.

"Crazy, let you be crazy for a while."

Tai Su glanced at the people in the park and hummed viciously: "When the army arrives, we will wait for death one by one."

Almost the voice fell, and there was noisy movement outside the garden.


In the dark and turbulent night, after a few lights passed the police sirens blasted loudly, and military vehicles and police cars had flashed their lights.

The road was not wide, and a full thirty cars were stopped.

As the car door opened, countless military police with live ammunition poured out. They either hid behind the car or ran with guns to confront Han Qinhu and the others.

Three armored vehicles rushed into the blockade, and 24 commandos with live ammunition, all armed with powerful firepower, appeared on the stage.

Three snipers and twenty people other than the leader were quickly divided into four assault teams on standby to check their equipment and load their bullets.

Pulling the wind in a mess.

"Ye Tianlong, you are done."

Tai Su picked up a microphone with a grinning smile on his face: "The army has been killed, you no longer have important chips in your hand."

"Either you surrender and die happy, or you can fight against a dead body."

"Want to kill me? Want less movement? Go dream."

"This is our territory, no one can go wild."

Tai Su vented his suffocation: "I'm telling you, you are dead tonight, and I will tie Zhao Coco over again and enjoy it..."

The audience was silent, and everyone felt Taeso's madness, and believed that he could do such crazy things.

Elephant Fighting Tiger lying in the corner of the room, his right hand moved weakly and a thumbs up.


There was no response from Ye Tianlong, but the ground shook again, and then everyone was shocked to see that the tank restarted.


The long barrel turned, facing Tai Su on the second floor.

Tai Su took a breath, stiff from head to toe, forgetting the reaction.

Then, he heard the voice from Ye Tianlong: "Savadika!"


A shell directly blasted Tai Su out.

No bones left!

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