Talented Genius

Chapter 1568: coming

Tai Su had no bones left in a shot.

His superb Muay Thai, his domineering power, meaningless in front of shells, is completely vulnerable.

The shell smashed through the bulletproof glass and shattered Taeso's body, then blasted another window and rushed into the sky.


When Tai Su's body turned into a rain of blood and fell, the furniture, debris, and tiles in the room were also overturned in the shock wave and turned into ruins.

In this way, Tai Su disappeared from Ye Tianlong, from the eyes of Rong Yina and others, and from the vision of the three thousand soldiers surrounding the garden.

Except for Ye Tianlong, no one thought that Tai Su would be killed in this way, even the latter himself did not expect.

You must know that the outside army is full of gunpoints, and Tai Su and Xiang Bohu are life-saving chips.

Now, Ye Tianlong killed Tai Su without hesitation.

Even though they have never liked Ye Tianlong, Rong Yina and the others have to admit that Ye Tianlong shocked them.

Even Long She Yin had forgotten to calm down, holding Grape's hand, it could not be delivered to his mouth.

But Muronghui screamed: "Bohu--"

Under the sign of Han Qinhu, several tiger masters quickly fumbled into the ruined room from upstairs to see if Xiang Bohu is still alive...

After a short period of silence, the three thousand Manchester City military police all fired their guns, set up anti-tank weapons, and aimed their guns at Ye Tianlong and the others.

Wei Ji revealed a touch of sarcasm: Ye Tianlong seemed to be so happy and ruthless, but in fact, he also forced himself to the brink of death.

Then she shook her body, and with her outstanding skill, she quickly disappeared from the scene and hid in a safe corner.

Ye Tianlong killed even Tai Su, and the elephant was abolished, it is impossible to guarantee that she would not be killed together.

Xiao kills everywhere!

The fat officer who led the team had already reacted, he was mocking Ye Tianlong for being stupid and untimely, and he had to sigh for his extraordinary courage.

The fat officer wanted to use Tai Su's death to order an immediate attack, ruthlessly blasting Ye Tianlong and the others out of a sigh of foul.

But the royal family refused this proposal without hesitation.

They wanted the heinous Ye Tianlong to be alive, and wanted to squeeze Ye Tianlong's value, and then ruthlessly destroy Ye Tianlong.

Illegal holding of weapons, stealing tanks, trespassing at banquets, killing people in public, and bombarding Tyso. How could such a multitude of crimes kill Ye Tianlong?

The royal family wants to take Ye Tianlong to public trial, find out his accomplices, confiscate assets, and then bring Ye Tianlong to seek justice from China.

Therefore, even though the fat officer was angry with Ye Tianlong's reckless behavior and mercilessly killed Tai Su in front of everyone, he could still endure his anger.

He immediately strode to the front, picked up the megaphone and shouted:

"Ye Tianlong, you are too lawless! You dare to kill people in front of us, I want you to immediately put down your weapons."

The fat officer was full of anger: "Hold your head in your hands, walk out one by one, and if you don't surrender after three minutes, we will kill without mercy!"

At the same time, the front row of soldiers pulled the trigger and fired at the door with submachine guns, letting Ye Tianlong and the others know that there was no way to go.

At this moment, Ye Tianlong got out of the tank, holding a spear in his hand, and his voice came out loudly:

"Listen to all of you, this garden is not only Tai Su, a nobleman, but also distinguished guests like Shao Xiang, Long She Yin, and Miss Rong."

"We have 30 brothers, and we have placed 30 catties of explosives, and we have six bazookas, forty guns and a tank in our hands."

"If you storm the garden, not only will the dragons and snakes be buried with them, but you will also fall halfway."

Ye Tianlong brazenly greeted the muzzle: "Go, find someone who can be the master, and also call me Tuatu."

"Boom boom!"

After speaking, Ye Tianlong raised his muzzle and pulled the trigger continuously. After four gunshots, four Manguo snipers fell out with a muffled snort.

All were shoulder injuries.

The fat officers around the corner were quiet for a moment.

At the same time, all the guests were driven to the middle of the garden, facing the muzzle of the three thousand soldiers and police, they seemed to be hostages to Ye Tianlong.

When the fat officer conveyed Ye Tianlong's meaning to Shangfeng, a large number of vehicles appeared on the road, the doors opened, and they were all churchmen wearing black robes.

Thousands of people approached the cordon, demanding the military to protect the safety of Dragon Snake Yin.

Then, one phone call after another came into the Manchester City government, all of which were related to the rich and powerful of the garden hostages, and they all demanded that the safety of the hostages come first.

Even the Rong family called.

When the scene was noisy and the Manchester City official scalp was numb, Ye Tianlong helped Zhao Keke back into the hall and healed her wounds personally.

Her shoulder blades were almost pierced by Tai Su, and some flesh and blood were crushed, making it impossible for Zhao Keke to faint in pain, so she could only gritted her teeth and carried:

"Tianlong, will my hand be useless?"

Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand and touched the woman's pretty face, and said softly, "No, I am a little genius doctor. Even the most serious injury can be cured with me."

"Furthermore, you are skin and flesh wounds, no bones, no trouble."

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Zhao Keke's worried expression eased a lot, but his body became weaker and weaker.

Ye Tianlong asked people to find two bottles of clean water and cleaned Zhao Coco's wounds. Zhao Coco couldn't help but yelled: "Ah----"

"Coco, it's okay, it will be all right soon."

Ye Tianlong made his movements softer, and then he said softly: "Trust me, nothing will happen."

When Zhao Keke nodded lightly, Ye Tianlong took out a black leaf holy cicada pill, kneaded it into a powder and poured it into ten milliliters of water, and then poured it into the wound.

Zhao Keke originally closed his eyes to bear the drug stimulation, but found that the wound was not only painless, but felt a cooling spread.

It didn't take long before she found that the pain had been reduced by more than half, and the bleeding that had been churning away was also much smaller, and even the fingers could use a little force.

"What kind of medicine is this? This is amazing?"

Zhao Keke was full of surprise: "If it is developed and sold, it will definitely be a hit."

"In business, it seems that you have the keenness of merchants, but my medicine cannot be developed and the raw materials are too few."

Ye Tianlong burst into a smile: "There is only one chance in sixty years."

Zhao Keke glanced at a pity, and then looked outside with worry: "Tianlong, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, and such a big trouble has occurred."

"Can you get out of your body next? Or just say that I am the initiator?"

After so many deaths and offending the royal family, thousands of people surrounded him, Zhao Keke worried about Ye Tianlong's accident.

"Don't worry, I'm here to take you back, not to die."

Ye Tianlong tore off a piece of clothes and bandaged Zhao Keke's wounds: "It's easy for me to die. It's just that the king of elephants can't afford to bet on royal names."

Zhao Keke did not speak, but kissed Ye Tianlong's forehead to encourage himself.


At this time, there was the roar of the car at the entrance, and then two extended Lincoln cars were stopped, the doors opened, and three men and women with extraordinary gass emerged.

Later, another person came out of another car with a robe, cloth shoes, and a Buddhist bead in his hand.

Ye Tianlong sighed: "Here..."

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