Talented Genius

Chapter 1571: Self-inflicted, cannot live (four more)

When Ye Tianlong was with Heimeng Qingqing that night, Manchester City Palace was a lingering melancholy.

The Royal Palace of Manchester was built by the first emperor of the Rama dynasty who was in power until now. It was built in 1782 and is a special palace for the royal family.

At this moment, in the luxuriously decorated back hall of the palace, a huge man and a seductive woman are sitting opposite each other across a small coffee table.

A sandalwood rose beside them, and the misty smoke continued to float, hover, and disperse around them.

From a distance, it looks like being in a fairyland.

The man is the city's highest spiritual leader, the elephant king, and the woman is Wei Ji, who deliberately left a way for Ye Tianlong.

The strands of sandalwood surrounded Wei Ji's face, but the calming sandalwood did not calm her heart. On the contrary, her chest rose and fell sharply.

For a long time, she ate the crystal clear wine glass in her hand, and raised her eyebrows lightly and said, "Xiang King, news has come from the hospital."

"Although the palm of the elephant can heal, it will not completely lose its use, but it can't achieve the flexibility of the past."

"Therefore, several small veins were chopped off, and the doctor was powerless to connect."

Speaking of this, Wei Ji shouted pitifully: "You are going to be in charge of Young Elephant this time, he...he is so miserable!"

"Moreover, I heard that after Ye Tianlong entered the prison, not only did he not suffer and reflect, but he sang songs day and night."

"The whole prison was made a mess by him, and he also talked about the fragments of his ravages, which made the prisoners look down on the royal family."

"Xiang King, you must ask for justice."

Wei Ji had escaped that night. She was still hiding outside for two days. Seeing that the situation had returned to calm, she hurried out to find King Elephant.

Ye Tianlong almost cut off her wealth and killed her generals. She must cut Ye Tianlong a thousand swords.

Elephant King is a burly man in his fifties, his features are as sharp as a mountain, and his nose is even taller.

Although the years have carved out traces mercilessly on his face, wrinkles indicate the passing of his life and his aging.

When he leaned on the chair and closed his eyes slightly, he was no different from an ordinary old man.

It's just that when he opened his eyes, the whole person was instantly different.

The huge monarch's aura disappeared as the eyes condensed, and the murderous aura that had accumulated over the years gradually rose, making people afraid to look sideways.

When he raised his finger and was about to speak, Wei Ji felt like kneeling and surrendering. Then he heard a voice like Wang's vicissitudes but majesty:

"Heaven is doing evil, it can be done, and you can't live by committing evil."

The elephant king said indifferently: "Xiang Fighting Tiger not only incurred humiliation this time, but also let the royal family face down. It really disappointed me."

"Xiang Wang, Xiang Shao did not perform well this time, and was overshadowed by Ye Tianlong, and fell to this end, but he is always a member of the royal family!"

When Wei Ji heard this, her eyes turned red, she raised her head and faintly replied: "He was so humiliated by others, the king should seek justice for him."

Xiang Wang said coldly, "Get justice? How to get justice?"

Wei Ji didn't hear the overtones, biting her red lips and squeezing out:

"The situation was chaotic that night, and Ye Tianlong took hostages again. It is understandable that the royal family did not dare to attack, but Ye Tianlong has now been thrown into prison."

Wei Ji made suggestions: "Although Manchester City is big, could it be Wang Tu. As long as the king gives an order, Ye Tianlong will be trampled to death."

She once thought that Ye Tianlong was not killed on the spot, but was jailed. It was the royal family who wanted to squeeze his value before playing Ye Tianlong slowly.

But the news she heard in the past few days was that Ye Tianlong was living a life of prosperity and there was no sign of suffering at all, so she was very upset.

She thought that Ye Tianlong had broken up the relationship, so she reminded the elephant king to kill Ye Tianlong early, so as not to have many dreams at night.

Elephant King glanced at her: "Do you think you are worried about the hostages when you withdraw troops that night?"

"You are wrong. To me, although the hostage is important, it is not as good as the royal family's face. Ye Tianlong is such a fool, I can't wait to kill him on the spot."

He revealed a touch of helplessness: "It's a pity that Ye Tianlong has a killer in his hand. If I kill him, the royal family will fall into the biggest scandal."

"Killer? Scandal?"

Wei Ji was taken aback: "Xiang Wang said it is a video? Like the video of killing Long Liuman?"

Xiang Wang sneered: "Although those videos are powerful and exchange a lot of benefits for Dragon Snake Yin, they are not enough to damage the reputation of the royal family."

"Ye Tianlong's real killer is the two oil tankers that entered the Black Mountain Carving Zone."

Having said this, he suddenly shot a cold light in his eyes, and then slapped Fei Wei Ji and shouted:

"Xiang Bohu joined forces with Wei to steal the treasures of the three ancestors' graves. Isn't this the biggest scandal of the royal family?"

"The proud son of the dignified man, like the king's favorite son, I dug my own ancestor's grave for petty profit, and I still dig three in a row."

"Plus the video of Xiangbahu killing Long Liuman, and the unknown source of his huge wealth, what do you think the world would think of me?"

"It has been reported that not only the military will resist the royal family, but the people of Manchester will also lose respect for the royal family."

"The black and white factions and the government will further divide the royal privileges. I'm afraid that I will be the same as the one from the East."

Xiang Wang got up and looked at Wei Ji who fell on the ground: "I invited you into Manchester City, hoping that you will teach the elephant to fight the tiger so that he will be more mature in life and work."

"Well, you can arm yourself with my money, go to bed with him, and teach him to dig his ancestral grave."

The King of Elephant's voice sank: "Wei Ji, are you worthy of me? worthy of our friendship?"

"Xiang Wang, right? I'm sorry."

When Wei Ji saw the King of Elephants getting angry, she leaned over and hugged her thighs: "I didn't mean it, I really didn't deliberately teach him to robber."

"It was Wei Zhongcheng who confuses Shao Xiang and makes him feel that the world of tomb robbery is very exciting, so Shao Xiang has a crooked thought for a while and stole the three big Tai Tombs."

Wei Ji excused herself: "I haven't participated in it from beginning to end, it really has nothing to do with me..."

"If it has anything to do with you, you know in your heart."

The King of Elephant joked coldly: "I just want to tell you that the royal family and the official can't move Ye Tianlong now."

"I also have to guarantee his safety in prison, so I can't get back the fairness of the tiger and the face of the royal family."

He knelt down and looked at Wei Ji: "This task can only be entrusted to you."

Wei Ji said weakly: "Give it to me?"

Elephant King's voice is very low: "Yes, leave it to you."

"Although Xiang Fighting Tiger takes his own humiliation, I do have a sigh of relief in my heart. How to say, no matter how trash he is, he is also my son."

He expressed a real anger: "It is up to me to fight or kill, it is not the turn of Ye Tianlong to go wild."

"It's just that I can't do it now, and Tuatu is staring at my actions again, so I can only ask you to get justice."

Xiang Wang said softly: "Four days later, Ye Tianlong will leave the prison in a low-key manner, and he will leave Manchester as soon as possible."

"It's not easy to do it in Manchester, but on the border of China, you can give Ye Tianlong a blow."

"And you must also give a blow. This is a remedy for your damage to the tiger and the royal family."

He touched the pretty face: "Don't worry, I also prepared a team for you, do you understand what I mean?"

Hearing the words of King Xiang, Wei Ji's eyes burst into light and she chuckled in a low voice: "Understand, understand, I will not let King Xiang be disappointed."

"I knew that the elephant king wouldn't suffer this bad breath for nothing."

Wei Ji's voice also became gentle: "The elephant king is still the same person and elephant, killing the square elephant king."

Hearing Wei Ji recalling her previous self, Xiang Wang's mouth subconsciously conjured up a smile, and her eyes flickered with a glow:

"I was as strong as an ox, and you were as beautiful as a flower!"

The King of Elephant sighed softly: "Unfortunately, more than ten years later, I am old!"

Wei Ji grabbed the elephant king's hand and said softly as she rubbed it, "In my heart, the elephant king is the sun that never falls!"

Immediately, there was a hint of flattery at the corner of his mouth, and he added: "Xiang King, if you need it, I am willing to use myself to prove your majesty and might!"

Elephant King smiled, very manly...

The wind of this night is exceptionally soft...

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