Talented Genius

Chapter 1572: Wolf Leaping Gorge, Black Sun Forest

When King Elephant conspired with Wei Ji, Ye Tianlong was asleep, and he slept better with black dreams under their protection.

He slept until dawn, and fell asleep until the cold rain outside the window hit the skylight, Ye Tianlong opened his eyes and cried out to the thief why it was raining again.

In this place of the prison, when it rains, there will be less space for activities, and crowds of small rooms will suffocate people.

However, Ye Tianlong got up quickly. After playing Tai Chi, he went to the sink and rinsed carefully while thinking about what to eat today?

"Ye Tianlong!"

As soon as Ye Tianlong finished washing, the railing was opened, and then Heimeng walked in, still in a black uniform, heroic.

Ye Tianlong smiled brilliantly: "Why are you here at this time? You should come in the middle of the night so that we can communicate deeply."

Heimeng has always been dominated by black style, whether it is clothing, footwear or even jewelry, it is all black, which makes Ye Tianlong especially curious.

I wonder if her underwear is also black? Ye Tianlong is very interested when he thinks of the visual stimulus that the black fades and the white skin presents.

"Dogs bark."

Heimeng gave Ye Tianlong a look, then picked up a thermos and handed it over: "Knowing that you get up early, so I made some porridge."

"Peanut ribs porridge, do you like it or not?"

Heimeng turned his head slightly to Ye Tianlong, then put the thermos bottle on the table and opened it, and a burst of heat suddenly came out, still carrying the smell of meat.

"It's so fragrant!"

Ye Tianlong rushed over and sniffed it, then looked at the shy woman and smiled: "I didn't expect that you not only shot the pistol well, but also cooked the porridge well."

Heimeng has a black line on his face: You just shot... the gun...

"The porridge and ribs are so bad, it should be a long time, right?"

Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand and shook Heimeng's hand: "Heimeng, you have worked hard."

With this handshake, the corner of Heimeng's mouth moved a bit, as if there was some pain, and then quickly retracted his hand to speak:

"I use a rice cooker to cook it regularly. It's not hard at all. You can eat it while it's hot."

In fact, in order to prepare this porridge, she took a lot of thought. She got up early to prepare the ingredients and boiled it. She didn't feel much sleep, and she burned her hands.

Ye Tianlong's eyes were quick, and he pulled the woman's hand and held it firmly to prevent Heimeng from retracting. He lowered his head and looked at it. Four hot blisters emerged.

"Tsk, is it hot?"

Ye Tianlong looked distressed: "Actually, you don't need to do this, I will live for a few days, and the food is good."

He bowed his head and blew the bubbles on the woman's hand, then took out a pill, crushed it, and gently applied it.

Heimeng's heart was gentle, but his tone was still cold: "I'm fine, I can bear this injury."

"I am worried that the things here are not clean, or the royal family secretly prescribes medicine, so I will make you some ribs porridge to improve it."

She pulled her hand back hard, she was not used to being pityed like this: "You eat while it is hot."

"Eat together, or I won't eat."

Ye Tianlong could see the exhaustion between Heimeng's eyebrows at a glance, plus the four blisters on her hand, it was obvious that she had spent a lot of effort on this meal.

Heimeng whispered: "I still have business."

"Your biggest business is to drink porridge with me."

Ye Tianlong pulled Heimeng to the bed and sat down, then took a bowl, filled Heimeng with a bowl, and blew up with a thermos.

Peanuts are the kind of red-shelled peanuts, and the ribs are the middle row with bone marrow. The porridge is quite thick and delicious.

"Fragrant, really fragrant."

Ye Tianlong gave Heimeng a thumbs up, then picked up the spoon and ate it: "This porridge is really superb."

I just woke up in the morning and hadn't eaten yet. With an empty belly, Ye Tianlong naturally had an appetite when he smelled the delicious ribs porridge.

Heimeng heard Ye Tianlong's approval, and the corners of his mouth and eyebrows were raised together, his pretty face couldn't hide his happiness, which showed that all the efforts were worthwhile.

Later, she took out her phone and deleted two web pages: one is how to be a girlfriend; the other is how to make a pot of ribs porridge...

"Tianlong, there are still three days of secret release from prison, do you think the royal family will let you go like this?"

When Ye Tianlong finished drinking half a bowl of porridge, Heimeng asked in a low voice: "I always feel that everything is too smooth and too simple."

"Although the two oil tankers can suppress the royal anger, it doesn't mean they are willing to swallow the bad breath."

Heimeng looked at Ye Tianlong and said, "It's still up to the owner to hit a dog, not to mention that you are a tiger fighting like a tiger."

Ye Tianlong knew that Heimeng was nervous about himself, so he spread the matter out and said, "Of course they won't be reconciled."

"But these three days must be safe, and I will be fine in Manchester, so don't worry about it these days."

Ye Tianlong took out his mobile phone and called up a map: "The really tricky thing is the way back to China after three days."

Heimeng condensed his gaze and saw that the map was a map of the Warman border, with a red line on it and two places circled by red pens.

Ye Tianlong smiled: "The royal family wants me to save face, let me go to jail and give the royal family a step, this is no problem."

"But why is it seven days? Not two or three days?"

Heimeng frowned: "You mean, the royal family used these seven days to deploy?"

Ye Tianlong spit out a bone, then nodded and smiled: "Yes, two days and three days are too short, and seven days are the most calm deployment."

"The royal family also asked me to leave Manchester as soon as I was released. Even the route to leave was planned for me. At the same time, ten military police escorted me."

Heimeng's eyes froze for a moment: "Are you worried that ten military police will kill you?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and shook his head: "They won't attack me."

"Because according to the negotiated agreement, once I was attacked in Manchester, it was the royal family or the official action, I will announce the two oil tankers."

Ye Tianlong's eyes flashed a bit of playfulness: "So the royal family will not attack me in Manchester, nor will the military police or agents sneak attack me."

"The essence of these ten military police is to monitor my departure along the route prescribed by the royal family and at the same time confirm that I really leave the territory of Manchester."

Heimeng let out a long breath: "It sounds like it's ‘escorting’ you up the cliff. You still have to go up."

Although I didn't kill you personally, but sent you to a dead end.

Ye Tianlong took a sip of hot porridge, and the whole person warmed up: "Because after leaving Manchester, my accident has nothing to do with the royal family."

"I've seen the map. After leaving the border of Manchester, it is the border of China, but before coming into contact with the city, it takes 60 kilometers of no man's land."

He pointed to the red circle and said, "There is only one road to the city for these sixty kilometers. Not only is this road difficult to walk, but the terrain is also extremely steep."

"Wolf Leaping Gorge and Black Sun Forest are the most dangerous."

"Wolf Leaping Gorge is a narrow road, nearly three kilometers of cliff road, rocks on the left, abyss on the right. Once attacked, the gods will be hard to save."

"The black sun forest is too dense with trees. Although it is not dark, but the line of sight is quite dim. It is necessary to turn on the lights for two kilometers."

Ye Tianlong obviously did a lot of homework: "This is also a good place to attack."

Hei Meng has already understood how much: "You mean, the royal family will send people to sneak into this no man's land, and then attack you who have returned to China in these two places?"

Ye Tianlong bit into two peanuts: "It is understandable."

Heimeng asked in a low voice: "Which place would they choose?"

Ye Tianlong faintly said: "Two places."

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