Talented Genius

Chapter 1586: Successful hunting

Chapter 1586

"Ye Tianlong is really a bastard."

After listening to Tianmo's report, Wei Ji's eyes showed a touch of sullenness, which was regarded as a thorough understanding of Ye Tianlong's cunning.

Ye Tianlong had already seen through the elephant king wanting to give him a ‘destroyed road’, and clearly judged that Heirilin and Wolf Leaping Gorge would be the place to attack.

Ye Tianlong has many ways to avoid risks, but he chooses a method that will do his best.

After he judged that Wei Ji and the others entered the Black Sun Forest and Wolf Leaping Gorge to ambush, he also arranged for manpower to set up an ambush at the exit, and then delayed the trip with excuses.

Because Wei Ji and the others are pinching time to ambush, there must be very little dry food and clean water, and they have not thought of a protracted battle.

Therefore, hearing Ye Tianlong not appearing for a long time, or appearing longer than Wei can bear, then Wei Ji will walk out of the black forest to rest.

Once they walked out of the Black Sun Forest, they would fall into the trap of Tianmo, so they changed from hunters to prey.

In fact, Wei Ji was also hit hard by Tianmo. She didn't use her weapon and personnel advantages at all, so she was beaten to pieces by Tianmo and the others.

Wei Ji also inhaled a little poisonous smoke.

"I really underestimated Ye Tianlong."

Wei Ji looked around the scene of blood flowing into a river, even if the situation was not over, it was a heavy loss, and a hatred of Ye Tianlong emerged in her heart.

Ye Tianlong is the biggest nemesis of her life.

"Although I suffered a big loss tonight, it doesn't mean I have nowhere to escape."

Wei Ji no longer cared about the machine gun held down by her corpse, and slowly raised Mo Xiejiao in her hand to drink, "I killed you, and I can leave."

"Although my best weapon is the body, it doesn't mean that there is no real thing under my hand."

Wei Ji's eyes became cold: "If you want to take me down, just show your true ability."

Tian Mo said coldly, "Yes."

"You really want to kill me? Do you have the heart to kill me?"

Wei Ji's expression suddenly softened, she said with a dreamlike voice, and moved closer to Tianmo: "I don't want to die."

The coquettish clusters, the lightness of mind, and the infinite amorous feelings, coupled with the snow muscle and ice skin exposed by the wind, people give birth to a man's hotness.

Tianmo's body trembles slightly, his eyes are a little confused, and he swallows secretly.

"I'm so beautiful, isn't it a pity to kill like this?"

Wei Ji smiled even more, sighing like orchids and leaning close to Tian Mo, and unbuttoned two buttons, revealing a whiteness, but she held Mo Xie's hand tighter:

"Don't kill me, okay? Please, I can listen to you everything, whatever you want me to do..."

She narrowed the distance to three meters.

The few tiger masters who approached were glared at by Wei Ji, all of them stagnated, their bodies were stiff, their breathing was rapid, their eyes were staring at the white snow...

Wei Ji was very pitiful, with a variety of amorous feelings. Once again, she was close to two meters away, and Mo Xie had slowly raised her.


At this moment, the muddled Sky Mo suddenly regained clarity, his body burst and his goal was clear.

A bit of cold light suddenly appeared, bloodthirsty and sharp, and it swept directly to Wei Ji's abdomen.

Wei Ji's eyes were startled and she moved quickly, but she was still half a beat, her clothes were torn by a black knife, and there was a trace of blood on her abdomen.

She hurried back, her eyes full of irritation, and she was obviously slapped by Tianmo. Her charm technique didn't work, but Tianmo's tactics instead.

Tianmo succeeded with one move, and without stopping, he shot again: "Kill!"

In Wei Ji's deep eyes, a bright look suddenly appeared, staring at the black knife with tragic aura.

Her body did not advance or retreated, she took a step forward gently, twisting her slender figure slightly.


When Mo Xie in her hand blocked the black knife, a white left hand trembled lightly, as fast as lightning, and directly struck Tian Mo's wrist holding the black knife.

Killing fiercely and decisively.


Tianmo's eyes were deep, and the black knife was spinning, and there were bright black arcs everywhere, and it was chilly.

Ye Tianlong wants to live, which is more difficult for Tian Mo than a corpse.

Seemingly passionate, but extremely dangerous, Wei Ji's pretty face is gloomy, and he does not advance or retreat. Facing Tianmo's shot, she is as steady as a rock.

Mo Xie switched at will in her hand, her attack power and defensive power were extremely terrifying, her attack speed seemed unsatisfactory, but she always came first.

Several times, I can expect the enemy to take the lead, take advantage of the trend, and make a natural move.

"Wang Wei is really not easy."

Tian Mo squinted his eyes tightly, with a touch of appreciation in his eyes. Facing Wei Ji's aggressive attack, he did not retreat in the slightest, and became more brave as he fought.


The black knife was raised high, slashed suddenly, the blade slashed through the air, the sound was sharp and dull, and it slammed directly towards Wei Ji, with a strong force.

Wei Ji swept out a leg quickly, mercilessly.

Tian Mo shook his right hand, avoiding the opponent's kick, his eyes were full of tragic, and the offensive was undiminished, and he suddenly pressed down.

Feeling the fierceness of Tian Mo, Wei Ji's eyes instantly cold, and a strange arc suddenly formed at the corner of her mouth, her body shifted, and her speed skyrocketed.

She rushed directly to the left side of Tian Mo, the latter turned subconsciously, and the black knife slashed diagonally!


Wei Ji's slender left foot came first and hit Tian Mo's abdomen directly.

A dull sound sounded, Tian Mo stepped back a few steps, but there was not much change. When the black knife retreated, it quietly made a knife mark on Wei Ji's neck.

It is not deep, but has already seen blood, and Wei Ji, who has always been indifferent, changes color suddenly.

"It's over."

Tian Mo rushed up again, and after three rounds of Black Knife with Mo Xie, he waved his fist and became angry.

Wei Ji moved and punched fiercely. The two fists collided in the air.

With a loud noise, Tian Mo withdrew five steps in succession, his breath rolled, but the expression in his eyes was still cold.


But Wei Ji flew like a broken kite, dragging long traces on the grass, and she barely stopped her figure, and her eyes flashed with pain.

"Unexpectedly, there is a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger beside Ye Tianlong, and even the short-eyed thugs are so domineering."

Wei Ji spit out blood: "It looks like I'm going to capsize in the gutter."

Tian Mo slowly stepped forward, and faintly said, "Give up."

"Go to hell!"

Wei Ji's eyes were cold, and when she raised her left hand, six crossbow arrows shot at Tianmo. She turned over and touched the submachine gun not far away.


With a wave of the Tianmo black sword, the six crossbow arrows swished back, forcing Wei Ji to stop the attack.

In this gap, Tian Mo moved forward and slammed forward again, his left foot thundered a bit, and the heavy hit was behind the turned Wei Ji.

With a click, Wei Ji fell forward.

Tian Mo didn't rest at all, with his hands on the ground, he flicked, and jumped out into the air again.

Unlike the past, the speed is extremely sharp.


He sprang up like an arrow, then swooped down.

He blasted past like a cannonball, and completely detonated his murderous aura in an instant.

In Wei Ji's gaze with fierce eyes, Tian Mo's right leg turned, drawing a perfectly circular arc, and slammed it down towards Wei Ji's.

This blow contains the power that makes the heart tremble.


Wei Ji had already squeezed the gun and raised the muzzle, but she had no chance to pull the trigger.

Tianmo's strong power fell suddenly, with a loud noise, Wei Ji screamed, and he slammed back to the ground with a gun.


After hitting the ground, Wei Ji rebounded again, and it took three seconds for Wei Ji's entire body to completely lie on the ground.

After a short buffer, Wei Ji curled up her painful body and wanted to stand up again, but her whole body was trembling constantly.

Loss of strength.

Wei Ji's limbs were unable to withstand the huge impact and had local muscle spasms. It was futile to want to stand up again.

She has red lips and a spit of blood...

Wei Ji no longer has the ability to resist.

Tianmo took out his phone and said, "Hei Ri Lin, hunting is successful."

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