Talented Genius

Chapter 1587: Borrow your head

When Wei Ji was defeated by Tian Mo, Yi Xue was looking at the deep sky, wondering whether he would go down the mountain or not.

Although he is very gloomy, he doesn't like to do night roads, but if he doesn't go down the mountain tonight, he will sleep in this wolf jumping gorge for another night.

Yixue is not afraid of snakes and insects, and can also endure hunger, but the cold rain and the sultry heat of the hiding place make him very tired.

Moreover, he can bear the hunger and cold, and the thirteen delicate lovers who are distributed in key positions may not be hungry for another night.

After thinking for a while, Yi Xue turned on the walkie-talkie and said indifferently, "Withdraw from the wolf jumping the gorge."

The walkie-talkie did not respond as he wanted, as if no one was there quietly.

Yi Xue's face tightened, and he shouted again: "Tai Ai, Tai Xin, withdraw from Wolf Leaping Gorge, and received a response from me."

The walkie-talkie was still dead, no one responded, only the wind blowing slowly...

Yi Xue called out to the rest of his beloved disciples again, but still as silent as the graveyard, none of the thirteen people responded to Yi Xue.


Yi Xue jumped out from the hiding place, with a murderous intent in his eyes.

One or two did not respond, it may be an accident, but none of the thirteen answered, even the fool knew they had something wrong.

Those beloved disciples were all personally cultivated by Yi Xue over the past few years. Whether it was witchcraft or bed art, the thirteen women were considered first-rate.

Taking them out this time, one is to let them temper themselves, and the other is to give them a little merit, but unexpectedly, they all lost their movement.

Yi Xue moved down the mountain and rushed to the hiding place of the thirteen lovers.

There is only one road in Wolf Leaping Gorge, and 13 people are naturally distributed on the same road.

He quickly saw the first Aitu, Taixin, who was still hidden in the small cave above the road, and the grenade beside her was still neatly placed.

However, she died.

Yi Xue didn't need to touch her to feel her death, because the small cave was filled with a **** atmosphere, and Tai Xin was not moving like a carved stone.

The corner of Yi Xue's mouth moved to reach out and touch, but for safety reasons, he withdrew his hand on the way, and then took out the red sword to lift Tai Xin's windbreaker.

Under the windbreaker, Tai Xin was still so pretty, so attractive, so youthful, but her eyes were wide and she was shocked beyond words.

After that, Yi Xue was simple. There was a wound in her throat, not big, but fatal.

One sword seals the throat.

Yi Xue looked at the wound, his eyelids jumped, and at the same time grief and killing intent emerged: "Asshole! Kill me Tai Xin, I want him to die without a place to be buried."

After confirming that Tai Xin was dead, Yi Xue stroked her eyelids, and then ran to another location to see the conditions of the other lovers.

Although I know that they are not optimistic, Yi Xue still wants to take a look, what if there are survivors?

He quickly ran to the hiding place of the second lover, still lying motionless there, using the red sword to pick up the windbreaker, just as dead...

Yixue's heart is cut like a knife.

The third, dead, fourth, dead, fifth, still dead... The twelfth, still dead, each one is a sword.

"No, no, no—"

Yi Xue became more and more desperate, and more and more crazy, these thirteen lovers, spent a lot of his efforts, died like this, he was very uncomfortable.

When he rushed to the hiding place of the last lover, Tai Ai, Yi Xue had no hope, and directly reached out to lift Tai Ai's warm trench coat.

Just as Yi Xue stretched out his right hand on the way, his madness and anger suddenly froze, and he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

There is also a sword intent in the blood, gasoline, and mud.

Not Tai Ai.


Yi Xue roared, bowed his body, and flew straight back.


Almost when he fell back, a gray light bite like a poisonous snake, not only unexpectedly, but also fast, ruthless, and accurate.

Even though Yi Xue tried his best to avoid it, Hui Jian took a bite in Yi Xue's abdomen.


When Yi Xue fell from the hiding place to the road, a burst of blood burst into his abdomen, and a **** wound appeared, which was shocking.

The next second, the barrel of gasoline that had been used to cut off Ye Tianlong's back was poured down in the hiding place.


Gasoline fell over the sky, and a flame sprayed over on the way. The gasoline instantly burned, and the flames covered the sky.

Yi Xue roared, the red sword flashed and swung out in a circle, sweeping away the falling flames.

"Swish swish!"

The flames flew around, some were knocked down the cliffs, some hit the mountain walls and fell, and some fell directly and spread,

The road instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames, not only blazing, but also hot.

Although Yi Xue's swordsmanship was domineering and quick enough, he was still sputtered by a few wisps of flame when covered with such a high density of gasoline.

There was fire around him, his body and eyebrows were also burned, and the red sword also left traces of burning.


Yixue tore off the burning clothes, then tossed it forward, entangled a tree on the mountain wall, and yanked, the whole person jumped back onto the mountain wall.

"Boom boom!"

When he touched the mountain wall, his feet immediately thumped upwards, and when the remaining energy was about to run out, he brandished a red sword and made a hole in the wall.

Then he took advantage of his strength to leap out and escaped from the fiercely burning sea of ​​fire.

Just standing outside the flames and away from the heat wave, Yixue felt a chill and pain.

He found a sword in his abdomen, which was undoubtedly attacked in the hiding place of Tai Ai.

The sword's wound was not deep, but it was very long, so the blood that flowed pained him. At the same time, he found that he was left with a pair of pants.

An unprecedented embarrassment.

Yixue felt unspeakable aggrieved, but still resisted his anger, first bandaged the wound with his burnt clothes.

If the wound is not treated quickly, even if it is not infected by gasoline ashes, it will bleed to death in anger.


Almost just after the wound was bandaged, there was an extra person in front of Yi Xue.

Wearing a gray suit, a pair of gray shoes, and a gray sword, standing there, exuding coldness.

There is no need to ask more, Yi Xue also knows that it is the enemy, the look in the eyes and the killing intent, clearly telling the other party that it is aimed at him.

It's just that Yi Xue didn't immediately make a move, so he was naturally indispensable, but he was not a person who lacked heart, he wanted to identify whether the other party had any help.

"Where does the donor come from and where do you want to go?"

Yixue resisted the anger in his heart, bloomed a smile, and slowly leaned over to Mai: "There is a fire here, you are fine or don't go there."

Mai looked indifferent: "I'm here to ask you for help."

Yi Xue was taken aback for a moment: "Ask me for help? I wonder what the poor monk can help you with?"

Mai said coldly, "Of course you can help me."

Yi Xue smiled kindly: "I wonder what can I do for you?"

Mai replied word by word: "I borrow your head."

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