Talented Genius

Chapter 1589: Brought a big gift

Chapter 1589: Bringing A Gift

When Yi Xue died, Ye Tianlong, who was ‘breached’ by the tricycle, was fully inspected.

Tai Diao, who had been monitoring Ye Tianlong's condition, immediately walked in from the lounge next to him with someone, his face clearly angered:

"Ye Shao, how is the inspection? Is the injury serious?"

Ye Tianlong's departure experienced two consecutive changes, which put Tai Diao under a lot of pressure, and his patience and morale were mostly consumed.

After all, whether the accident was accidental or self-directed, it shows that Tai Diao was not able to **** to a certain extent, otherwise, how could something happen?

So Tai Diao held a ball of anger in his heart.

Ye Tianlong slowly stood up from the wheelchair: "The inspection is over, the injury is not very serious, Captain Hardy is now."

The corner of Taediao's mouth evokes a joking: "Then are you going to live for two more days?"

"No, no, I feel like an arrow."

Ye Tianlong waved his hand quickly: "I've been thinking about leaving the country in my heart. Where can I be in the mood to stay for two days?"

"I have no choice but to come to the hospital. There is nothing serious about it now. Naturally, I have to rush overnight. There are only 30 kilometers left and I will be there in half an hour."

Ye Tianlong looked like he was leaving at any time.

Tai Diao looked stunned. He didn't seem to expect this answer. He thought that Ye Tianlong would stay a few more days, and then he repeated: "Are you leaving the country?"

"Nonsense, of course leave the country, the sooner the better."

Ye Tianlong stretched out and walked to the door: "Of course, if Captain Tai doesn't want me to go, I can stay for two days."

Tai Diao waved his hand again and again: "No, no, Ye Shao is eager to return home. Tai Diao is sensible to stay. If Ye Shao wants to return, I will call a car over immediately."

His task was to send Ye Tianlong out of the border of Manland, but on this section of the road, Ye Tianlong had tossed Tai Diao hard.

First, he was attacked by the Zhao family, which caused the official to suppress the Zhao family, and also dragged Tai Diao into the whirlpool, and then a tricycle collision wounded Ye Tianlong.

From time to time changes made Tai Diao exhausted, feeling that this section of the road was out of reach, and he was ready for a protracted battle with 30 kilometers left.

But unexpectedly, Ye Tianlong was willing to leave immediately.

Tai Diao was worried that Ye Tianlong would go back, so without asking for instructions, he mobilized a car to send Ye Tianlong to the border.

As the car was driving on the way, Tai Diao remembered to report to the King of Elephants, told King of Ye Tianlong's departure, and also sent the coordinates of a convoy.

He believed that the King of Elephants could deploy calmly.

Thirty minutes later, the convoy stopped at the border. After completing the formalities, Ye Tianlong walked out of the border of Manchester and waved to Tai Diao from the Chinese realm:

"Captain Tai Diao, thank you for your hospitality along the way."

Ye Tianlong was polite and polite: "I will remember you."

Tai Diao smiled and responded, "Ye Shao, have a good journey."

At this time, a jeep drove over and slowly stopped in front of Ye Tianlong. The door opened and Tianmo walked out of it, holding a box.

When Tai Diao was surprised that Tian Mo appeared to pick up someone, Tian Mo walked to Ye Tianlong and whispered a few words, and after hearing it, Ye Tianlong tilted his head slightly.

Tian Mo stepped forward and placed a box in front of Tai Diao. Tai Diao and several adjutants instinctively backed away, and subconsciously held the gun bag in the waist.

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "Captain Tai Diao, don't worry, this is not dangerous."

"This is a gift. It is a gift I gave to the King of Elephants. Please pass it on to him."

He reminded Tai Diao carefully: "This thing is very precious, you must not break it."

Tai Diao still didn't touch the box, and said with a smile without a smile: "Ye Shao is interested, I will pass it to the King of Elephants, I wish you a safe journey."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly, said nothing, then turned and got into the car.

As soon as Tianmo stepped on the accelerator, the jeep gradually disappeared from Tai Diao...

Taediao waved his hand and asked the soldiers to check the box to see if there were explosives and other dangerous goods inside. After confirming that it was safe, Taediao reached out to open it.

Look at what gift Ye Tianlong gave to King Tai.


At this moment, a call came in, and Tai Diao put on his earplugs to answer, and soon there was a calm and majestic voice like the king:

"Has Ye Tianlong gone?"

Tai Diao was taken aback for a moment, and then respectfully replied: "In response to the King of Elephants, I tried my best to finally get the kid on a dead end."

"not good!"

The King of Elephant's voice sank: "You should keep him."

Tai Diao opened his mouth slightly: "Leave him? Don't you want to catch him on the road?"

The elephant king is solemn: "I just called Wei Ji and Yi Xue to get them back to where they were to prepare for a battle, but all the phones were turned off."

"And the border response team didn't see them either. I'm worried that both Wei Ji and Yi Xue are in trouble."

"Ye Tianlong could have been hospitalized for a few days, but chose to go home in the middle of the night."

Xiang Wang vaguely felt that he was calculated by Ye Tianlong: "There must be ghosts here."

Tai Diao's cold sweat permeated, and he felt that his brain was not enough: "Wei Ji and Yixue have an accident? Ye Tianlong is not so perverted, right?"

"By the way, Ye Tianlong left a box when he left, saying it was a gift for you, King Elephant."

Tai Diao slapped his head: "I just finished checking, but haven't opened it yet."

Xiang Wang whispered: "Look at what it is?"

He knew that Ye Tianlong would not aimlessly.


Taediao quickly opened the box and two red broken swords appeared in his field of vision. He was astonished and lost his voice: "A sword, broken sword, red."

Wang Xiang's face changed drastically: "This is the weapon of the Yixue."

At this time, he thoroughly determined that Wei Ji and Yi Xue had an accident.

"Too much bullying!"

In Tai Diao's slight astonishment, Xiang Wang yelled: "How long has Ye Tianlong gone? How many people are there? How many people are there around you?"

Tai Diao hurriedly replied: "Just two minutes away, there are only two people. There are two platoons beside me."

"Take off the military uniform, chase, chase, chase me immediately."

The angry king elephant issued an instruction: "Before Ye Tianlong escapes into the Black Sun Forest, you must give him a sudden on the spot."

Tai Diao whispered: "Xiang King, China is ahead. Chasing the past and crossing the border can easily lead to diplomacy between the two countries."

"Stop talking!"

The voice of the elephant king is extremely majestic: "I will pursue it immediately. I will take care of anything. In short, I must kill Ye Tianlong."

He knew that chasing across the border was very troublesome, but as long as he could kill Ye Tianlong, he could do nothing.

In addition to the royal family's face being beaten continuously and the forces under his control repeatedly severely injured, the most important thing is that the King of Elephant suddenly discovered that Ye Tianlong was a serious problem.


When King Xiang said this, Tai Diao could only obey unconditionally and hung up the phone and shouted:

"Take off your uniform, tear off your identity, take up your weapon, and pursue Ye Tianlong in an all-round way."

More than 20 soldiers acted immediately. One minute later, six jeeps roared to pursue Ye Tianlong...

Half an hour later, at a turning point ten kilometers away from Heirilin, the Tai Diao motorcade was attacked by rockets and grenades.

Five jeeps were blasted out on the spot, and then they were relentlessly fired by machine guns. Twenty-one soldiers were killed on the spot.

Tae Diao saw the opponent's firepower so powerful, and was blocked before and after, with two adjutants holding up his hands and surrendering...

Ye Tianlong, who passed through the Black Sun Forest, received the report and looked up at the sky of the capital, muttering to himself:

"Brother, I brought you a big gift."

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