Talented Genius

Chapter 1590: It's time to take down the hard bones

Three days later, Mingjiang, Tianlong Garden.

Compared with the wind and rain in the Black Triangle, Mingjiang is much calmer, and Ye Tianlong who has returned has re-entered the life of drunken life and death.

After waking up early, he first stood on his revolving balcony and looked down at the entire garden after he finished washing.

After the war, it was quiet, but all the brothers couldn't bear to be lonely, and they showed up in various training grounds to exercise early.

Dinosaurs and Han Qinhu compete, Tianmo and Mai fishing side by side, Oriole is climbing, Di Kuangtian and Cao Qiankun dance square dance...

Dalmatians are also abnormal, leading people to practice the killer trick of "hungry dogs thumping for food".

The only normal is Red Arrow, holding the computer layer by layer to debug the camera.

Ye Tianlong went to the golf course after scanning his brothers' attitudes, took the golden club presented by Xu Mingmen, and started his own morning exercise.


With the blinding club swinging, the white ball flew up with a whistling sound and arced into the hole.

Ye Tianlong was very satisfied. After going out for so long, his craftsmanship has not fallen.

"Ye Shao, good morning."

When Ye Tianlong finished a game, a tall figure appeared in his field of vision, and Bailihua, wearing plain glasses, came over with a bright smile:

"I thought you would continue to lie in bed to heal your injuries. I didn't expect to get up and exercise so quickly, you are not afraid to tear open the wound on your body?"

Ye Tianlong returned to Mingjiang for two days and threw the matter directly to Bailihua and the others. He slept in bed for two days under the guise of healing.

And what he called the wound was the trauma left by a few iron pills.

"Hahaha, thank you, Team Leader Baili, for your concern, but my injury has healed, and it's just two days."

Ye Tianlong let out a burst of laughter, not paying attention to Bailihua's jokes: "If you don't believe it, I can take off my clothes and show you."

Ye Tianlong didn't tell Bailihua that they stayed in the room for two days. Although he was not healing, he was checking the injuries.

On the way back home, Ye Tianlong had a nosebleed again. This was the third time. The first two might have been accidents, but now the third time was a bit wrong.

So he hid in the room to recuperate for injuries, and did not explain to Bailihua, because he didn't want them to worry.

Only two days of self-examination, Ye Tianlong found nothing.

At this moment, Bailihua was staring at Ye Tianlong, hooking her white fingers: "Come on, take it off for me to see."

Ye Tianlong had a headache: "Tsk, you kid, why don't you pay attention to your image? You are a girl, so be more reserved."

"I just want to expose you, just watch the film while hiding in the room, don't use the banner of healing."

Bailihua hit Ye Tianlong as always, and then slightly tilted her head to the red arrow not far away: "The kid you brought back is very powerful."

"It looks weak, but the computer technology is really powerful."

Ye Tianlong looked arrogant: "That is, I won't accept the talent."

"He came to Tianlong Garden in the past few days. The first day he was familiar with the environment, he hacked into the Feng Group's computer system the next morning to find out our six loopholes.

Bailihua had a lingering fear: "It scared us into a cold sweat. It's not that we are not strong enough, but that he is really too strong."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "This is also a good thing, it can make your intelligence system more rigorous, and the Red Arrow attack is much better than the outsider attack."

"I can only think about it like this."

Bailihua sighed lightly: "That afternoon, he also hacked into the protective system of this garden, destroying 70% of the institution that Cao Qiankun was proud of."

"With the mechanism activated, he is approaching your palace from the outside like a broken bamboo."

"The remaining 30% have not been cracked because those organs are of ancient trigger type and do not need computer control, so they cannot be cracked."

"Cao Qiankun almost spit out old blood, but Hongjian's subsequent improvement suggestions made him ecstatic and praised Hongjian as a talent."

Bailihua smiled and added: "It can be said that the current protection system is half a level higher than before."

Ye Tianlong nodded and swept the red arrow not far away: "This is really a treasure."

Bailihua kindly reminded Ye Tianlong: "It is indeed a treasure, but because of his greatness, you need 100% control."

Ye Tianlong understands what Bailihua means, that is, he needs the absolute loyalty of Red Arrow, otherwise it can hurt others and Ye Tianlong too.

He shook the club: "Don't worry, I have a sense of measure."

Bailihua didn't bother with this problem anymore, and changed the conversation: "Zhao Keke's injury is not serious, but he has to be observed in the hospital for a week."

"Don't you go take a look at her?"

Ye Tianlong sighed softly after hearing the words, "Of course I want to see her, but Zhao Keke is a sensitive girl. What she needs at the moment is not comfort."

"It's a support and an encouragement, so I will only make her more stressed in the past, and she will feel that she is useless."

"After waiting for two days, Tuatu and Longsheyin's agreement is intent. I will go to see her again and let her handle this batch of contracts at the same time."

Ye Tianlong looked at the river front: "I think this will make her feel better, and it will also make her find her own value again."

He kicked a white ball and then slammed the club. The white ball flew away with a swish and hit the head of a water snake in the river.

The water snake was hit with a snap and rolled out of the water...

Bailihua expressed praise: "You still want to be thoughtful."

She also realized to some extent that for Zhao Keke, no amount of relief would be as good as work for her, and sympathy for this stuff was always too cheap.

When Ye Tianlong walked to the railing and looked at the dead water snake, Bailihua followed and whispered:

"Half an hour ago, I had a phone call with Zhan Qinglou, and the Huaxia official held a press conference today."

"The official has made representations to Taediao and the others across the border, protesting against Man's arrogant and rude behavior, which has seriously damaged the friendly relations between the two countries."

"Tai Diao chased you this time. He drove a border military vehicle and entered the country with weapons. Fortunately, he did not wear a uniform, otherwise he would qualitatively invade illegally."

"Tae Diao is also tough, and he is lost because of biting."

Baili told Ye Tianlong of the situation: "Rao is so, because Tai Diao is a registered active soldier, which is equivalent to acting on behalf of the official state of Manchester."

Ye Tianlong poked the golden cue on the ground: "What is China's move?"

A gleam of light flashed in Bailihua's eyes, and her pretty face was uncontrollable and she was delighted:

"Huaxia will close the straight passages in all directions, and at the same time build bridgeheads at Wolf Leaping Gorge and Heiri Forest, and send a battalion of troops to garrison."

"And it will expand the road into six lanes, like a sword reaching Man, Guo, and Dian's throat."

"In fact, China has long wanted to build infrastructure in no man's land, just to maintain the image of a friendly country, and worry about being criticized by the big power."

Bailihua handed over the information to Ye Tianlong: "Therefore, there has been no fortifications built in Heirilin, let alone the expansion of the six lanes through which the tank can pass."

Ye Tianlong smiled and stepped forward: "You mean, do you mean that I am a great hero?"

Bailihua nodded: "You can say so."

Ye Tianlong's eyes became sparkling: "Such a great hero benefits the country and the people, did my elder brother say, give me some reward?"

Bailihua was suddenly speechless--

"Forget it, you are not an official, I guess you don't know either."

Ye Tianlong touched his head: "Anyway, I'm going to the capital in a few days, and I will ask him for rewards or something."

"I have worked so hard to give him such a big gift, why should he give it back?"

Bailihua looked at this juggernaut helplessly, and whispered in her heart that he was really unprofitable and could not afford it early, and then the conversation changed: "Wei Ji has always wanted to see you."

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes slightly, waved his cue and replied, "See you then."

It's time to take down this hard bone.

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