Talented Genius

Chapter 1591: Fight with me?

Wei Ji was quickly brought over by Zhen, and she was very clean and refreshed, and there was amorous feeling between her eyebrows, she looked like a charming young woman just married.

There were no traces of torture on her body, and no chains in her hands or feet, but Ye Tianlong knew that she would not have the slightest fighting ability.

The enemy who is cared for by Zhen's focus cannot control his life or death, so how can he resist?

"Madame, good morning."

Ye Tianlong burst into a smile, and Xiang Weiji greeted him friendly: "How? Is Mingjiang morning better than Sanjiao River?"

Wei Ji didn't have any grievances or killing intent, and there was a touch of wind and light on her pretty face: "An outstanding man, Huaxia is indeed better than Sanjiahe."

"It's rare to have a consensus with your wife. If you don't dislike it, it's better to sit down and have breakfast together."

Ye Tianlong waved people to set up the tables and chairs, and also served various kinds of dim sum and soy milk: "I have natural food here. Madam can try it."

Wei Ji shifted his footsteps, smiling forward: "Ye Shao is so kind, how can I refuse to refuse? Not to mention the lower-level prisoners are not qualified to refuse."

"Madam is serious."

Ye Tianlong, a gentleman, moved a chair for Wei Ji: "Although Madam is in a somewhat difficult situation, I admire your pride and unyielding spirit."

Wei Ji smiled softly: "I can get Ye Shao's praise, this morning seems to be much brighter."

"Come on, have a cup of soy milk."

Ye Tianlong poured Wei Ji a cup of soy milk, and pushed a cage of soup dumplings over: "Try the steamed buns again, and you will feel more happy."

Wei Ji took a sip of soy milk, then smiled and looked at Ye Tianlong: "Is it the last breakfast?"

Ye Tianlong laughed loudly, waved his hand and replied: "Madam is serious, I really want to kill you, I took your life as early as Hei Ri Lin."

"Why should I bring you back from Heirilin? It's so delicious and delicious for so many days. Is it because I'm full?"

He gave a guarantee: "So you can rest assured that this is by no means the last meal."

Wei Ji asked: "Slowly torture me?"

Ye Tianlong shook his head: "It's not necessary."

"Then I am a little puzzled."

Wei Ji's slender legs made a mistake, drawing a tempting arc. She stared at Ye Tianlong and asked curiously:

"I have such a deep grievance with Ye Shao, you won't kill me, don't torture me, keep me wasting food?"

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath: "Madam is a wise man. She should know that she must be of value to survive as a prisoner."

Wei Ji's pretty face showed interest: "Oh? I still have value? I don't know what I can help Ye Shao?"

At the same time, she had a heart of death, and her heart felt a little more relaxed, as long as she still had value to squeeze, there was still the possibility of life.

Wei Ji rubbed the edge of the cup with her fingers, waiting for Ye Tianlong's answer.

"Yes, there are many things."

Ye Tianlong greeted Wei Ji's gaze calmly: "For example, Wei's Dragon Ball, I have Seven Kings Ding, and Qin, Qi, and Wei three dragon balls."

"You are the only one who can hold a conference."

Ye Tianlong maintained a calm smile: "I think Madam will not refuse my small request? After all, it is the beauty of an adult."

Wei Ji's smile stopped for an instant, and a sharp shot in her eyes: "Are you from Tianmen? You turned out to be from Tianmen!"

"Yes, I'm from Tianmen, but I'm a small character. I'm working for King Qin."

Ye Tianlong smiled and took the topic: "I can't compare to Madam, you are one of the seven kings, and I am a soy sauce."

He had reservations about Wei Ji's words, after all, she might be from the Rong family.

Wei Ji sneered: "Soy sauce? Can someone like you be soy sauce? I'm curious, what on earth does Dai Hulang use to attract talents like you?"

Ye Tianlong said softly: "It doesn't matter what King Qin uses to solicit me, what is important is that King Qin hopes his wife will be beautiful in adulthood."

"King Qin already has three beads in his hand, and he has taken down the Seven Kings Cauldron, and with the dragon ball of his wife, he can ascend to the top of the sect master."

His words became very sincere: "Madam, I hope you make it happen."

The corner of Wei Ji's mouth kept moving, and then he said coldly: "I hand over the dragon ball, and you will give me a way out."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Hand over Wei's Dragon Ball, and answer my two questions honestly, and I will let Mrs. leave here."

Wei Ji's eyelids twitched: "What's the problem?"

Ye Tianlong picked up the soy milk and smiled: "The first question, I want to know, what is the relationship between Madam and the Rong family?"

Wei Ji shook her hand, her eyes were shocked, and then she said coldly, "Ye Tianlong, why don't I understand what you mean?"

Ye Tianlong sighed: "Madam should be clear. When I ask this, it means that I know a lot, so there is no need to pretend to be deaf."

"If the first question is difficult to answer, just answer the second one."

He uttered a shocking sentence: "The Rong family gave Tianyao No.1 to his wife. Is his purpose to test the actual response?"


Wei Ji's soy milk was all spilled on the table, her face was incredulous: "Ye Tianlong, who are you?"

Ye Tianlong sighed, "I said, I belong to King Qin."

"Madam, I answered your question, shouldn't you also take it easy and answer my two questions just now?"

He compared his fingers to the two: "How are you, me, and everyone."

Wei Ji's expression became cold: "Ye Tianlong, I won't give you Weishi Dragon Ball, and I won't answer your questions, you kill me."

Ye Tianlong smiled bitterly: "Madam, I treat you so kindly and give you a way to survive. You answer me like this, I am very sad."

Wei Ji replied in a deep voice again: "My attitude has been decided, and I will never cooperate with you."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Your resolute attitude is actually equivalent to giving me an answer, but I still hope to know the answer from your mouth."

"Stop dreaming."

Wei Ji snorted: "If you want to kill or torture, let's do it now. Wei Ji, my brow, is raised by animals."

"Also, although I was taken by you this time, I was 10,000 in my heart. I just underestimated the enemy and caught your trick."

Wei Ji stared at Ye Tianlong rebelliously: "Give me another chance, you are definitely the one who died."

"Don't say give you one chance, give you ten chances, you will also lose to me."

Ye Tianlong smiled noncommitantly: "Because you still don't know, your fate was controlled by me when you were poisoned."

Wei Ji's pretty face changed: "What do you mean?"

Ye Tianlong waved his finger lightly: "Zhen, tell her."

Zhen Shang, who had been standing behind, took two steps forward and came to Wei Ji's side and showed a small knife. One of his subordinates quickly brought a glass of white wine while still beckoning.

Wei Ji wanted to evade subconsciously, and gritted her teeth to stabilize her body. There is no need to dodge anymore, she should straighten her back to face her.


Zhen grabbed Wei Ji's slender arm, and then cut off a nail-sized piece of meat on it.

Wei Ji suffers a little bit, but bites and does not cry out: "Ye Tianlong, this is torture? Will you underestimate me?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and said nothing.


Zhen threw the cut meat into the white wine, and the white wine instantly rolled up, like a drop of water falling into the sulfuric acid.

Wei Ji's body shook, and she focused her gaze on her, and saw her own piece of flesh, with countless white worms pouring out, like egg whites falling into the water.

Wei Ji couldn't tell whether the creature was one hundred, one thousand, or ten thousand. Only seeing the liquor was active, which made her creepy.


In less than a minute, all the white insects stopped moving, floating like a dead fish, spreading all over the surface of the liquor.

Ye Tianlong looked at the stiff woman: "You thought that Dragon Snake Yin had detoxified you, but in fact, he was giving you the last ride for me."

"These white worms are parasitic on your body, and they are constantly multiplying, laying eggs and spreading. Now you have a lot of these white worms if you cut a piece of skin at random."

"In the last half a month, the first batch of white worms will begin to eat away, and you will also be in the pain of death."

His words made Wei Ji shudder: "If you don't get my cure or antidote, your body will be swallowed by these white worms."

"Think about it, your eyes, your nose, your ears, your mouth, what will it be like when white worms crawl out every day?"

Ye Tianlong snorted: "Fight with me, ten chances are not enough..."

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