Talented Genius

Chapter 1592: Does she have a way to go?

When Zhen bandaged Wei Ji's wound, Wei Ji's panic and vomiting had subsided, and she spoke indifferently to Ye Tianlong:

"give me a cigarette."

Ye Tianlong did not refuse, and waved a hand to bring a bag of "Lady Noble", and then took one out of it and placed it on Wei Ji's lips.

He also lit Wei Ji himself.


Wei Ji spit out a puff of smoke while sitting on the chair, her expression was a bit decadent and lonely, and then whispered: "I am the old man of Rong!"

"Although Mr. Rong had a close relationship with Tianmen back then, and had some shallow in-laws, he always regarded it as a sharp sword."

"In order to better control this sword, the Rong family not only kept an eye on the movement of Tianmen, but also arranged many chess pieces to join Tianmen."

Wei Ji looked at Ye Tianlong and admitted, "I am one of them."

"Lao Rong saw that I was loyal and smart, not only gave me enough money to manage the surrounding area, but also created a lot of high-level opportunities for me."

She gave a wry smile: "So before Tianmen was suppressed by the authorities, I was already close to the core high-level staff, and there were a group of diehard loyalists such as Wei Zhongcheng."

"You don't have to ask me how to recruit them, my body will always be the biggest killer."

She made no secret of her methods.

Ye Tianlong gave an objective evaluation: "I admit this, now that they are all so seductive, I was afraid that it would do harm to the country and the people 13 years ago."

Wei Ji flicked the soot: "I don't know if you are mocking or complimenting..."

"After the remnants of Tianmen withdrew from China, because an old monster who owed the master of the door intervened, the veteran society survived abroad."

"Hua Xia saw that Tianmen had fallen apart, and the remnants had basically fled abroad, so there was no further suppression."

"Of course, there is another reason. Zhao Ditian is able to stand against the crowd. He has done a lot of things for Huaxia, and he can't kill them all."

Wei Ji glanced at Ye Tianlong: "The first question is already very clear. As you might expect, I am the **** that Rong Lao placed in Tianmen."

Ye Tianlong smiled and nodded: "Thank you for your cooperation, Madam."

Wei Ji sighed quietly: "The second question, you actually got it right."

"The Rong family gave me fifteen injections of Tianyao No. 1 in the hope that I would take it to the actual combat site to see the effect."

"The reason why I was asked to test the effect is because Lin Chenxue has never agreed to use living people and normal people for experiments."

She put the cigarette to her mouth, with a joke in her eyes: "She thinks that is very inhumane."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect it to be related to Lin Chenxue's attitude, but it was indeed her style.

Wei Ji said what she knew: "The effect of the potion can't be fully demonstrated by experimenting with people with terminal illnesses."

"Unable to demonstrate the powerful power of the potion, Elder Rong will not be able to persuade members of the Rong family and veterans to invest heavily in Tianyao No. 1 again."

She exhaled a long breath: "And don't take a few more experiments with normal people, and the progress of the potion is very slow."

"In other words, Lin Chenxue is going to perfect Tianyao No.1 in three to five years, and Lao Rong hopes that it can be used in batches in one year."

The two sides seem to be a time gap, but in fact there is a difference between a bottom line and no bottom line. The most important thing is how many lives are sacrificed.

Ye Tianlong was silent for a while, then curiously asked:

"The Rong family asked you to experiment. With so many people under your hand, why don't you try it yourself? Instead, test it for Heishan?"

He didn't give Wei Ji a chance to deny it. The box brought back from the black triangle was placed in front of Wei Ji intact.

Wei Ji smiled bitterly when she saw it, and there was not much emotion, she responded to Ye Tianlong softly:

"Because I have seen scenes out of control and know the horror of the testers going crazy, so I dare not experiment on my own site."

She was worried about ruining herself.

Ye Tianlong nodded, this is indeed a reason.

"I gave Black Mountain Carving ten potions."

Wei Ji pointed to the box with her finger: "I hope he can experiment with those desperadoes, but unfortunately he was killed by you before using it."

"When I was in Linhe Garden, I was chased too tightly by you, and there was no way to inject two people."

Wei Ji sighed: "You must have seen the horror of the bald boy."

Ye Tianlong counted it up: "You gave Black Mountain Carvings ten, you used two, Wei Zhongcheng has one, and whose hands are the other two?"

Wei Ji was taken aback for a moment, surprised Ye Tianlong's carefulness, hesitated for a moment, and then squeezed out: "Xiang Bohu's hands."

"He has always been curious about these things, but he also has fears, so he didn't dare to use them indiscriminately."

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed slightly, and there were two medicines in Xiang Bohu's hands. The kid was his own enemy and had to try to destroy the medicine.

Afterwards, he returned to calm and asked casually:

"You took the Rong family's fifteen Heavenly Medicine No. 1, but only the data of the bald boy, the Rong family didn't plan to kill you?"

The Rong family paid so much and gained so little, that he would vomit blood after thinking about it.

Wei Ji bit her lip: "I just know that Elder Rong will be angry, so I hope to kill you and give him an account."

Ye Tianlong smiled and replied: "You can only say that your life is not good. I am the hardest person to kill."

"By the way, I heard that you are forming troops in the African enclosure and are planning to intervene in the local government?"

He looked at the woman playfully: "The ambition is big enough."

Wei Ji sighed: "Actually, I don't have that ambition. There is a mixture of armed fish and dragons in Africa. It looks vulnerable, but it is as difficult as a locust."

"Smart people know that it's easy to fight the country, but it's hard to keep it, especially in Africa."

"Those sporadic weapons bombard you from time to time, and you can't even go to bed."

Wei Ji explained the nature of her involvement in Africa: "The reason why I enclosed and built the army was the order of Elder Rong."

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed instantly: "Where will it become the first batch of improved Tianyao No. 1 bases?"

Wei Ji nodded: "Exactly."

"Anyway, lives there are worthless, and there are many plagues every day. As long as there is no big data change, it will not attract international attention."

"If Tianyao No.1 fails to be used, the re-improvement is, if the use is successful, then continue to invest, and at the same time use those people to fight the world."

There was a gleam in her eyes: "Think about it, if there are 100,000 bald boys who are forbidden by orders, who else in Africa can match?"

The picture of the Rong family is huge!

Ye Tianlong's heart was shocked, and then he faintly said: "Don't say 100,000, it's 10,000, the whole Africa is yours."

With 10,000 Heavenly Medicine soldiers, even Wei Xuan's armed forces couldn't resist that combat power.

Wei Ji put out the cigarette in the ashtray: "Unfortunately, you messed up all the plans."

"Very well, I understand."

Ye Tianlong took out another cigarette and handed it to Wei Ji Lit it, with a calm smile on his face as always:

"I know the answers to both questions. Thank you Madam for your cooperation. If you take out the Dragon Ball, it will be more perfect."

Of course he will not forget the important matter of Dragon Ball.

Wei Ji looked a little ugly, but in the end she sighed: "Dragon Ball is hidden in a bank in Ruishi. You can take the key and card to retrieve it."

She confessed the bank's name, the key and the whereabouts of the card, and Zhen recorded everything.

After Wei Ji handed over her dragon ball, she looked up at Ye Tianlong and said, "Do you really have the Seven Kings Cauldron and Three Pearls?"

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Of course."

Wei Ji squinted her eyes to examine Ye Tianlong: "I always thought that in this life there would be no one to dominate the Tianmen. After all, the seven kings are too far apart and they have their own shelter."

"Especially after the death of Qi Ba, the most promising and fierce one, I thought Tianmen would be divided by the princes forever."

"I didn't expect that you would win the Three Pearls and Seven Kings Tripod. It seems that it is true that the two words are artificial."

Wei Ji has her own emotion: "Now it seems that my eyes are too shallow."

"It's just that although King Qin has the Seven King Ding and four Dragon Balls, he still needs to work hard if he wants to become a real leader."

She carefully reminded Ye Tianlong: "After all, the veterans have always been displeased with King Qin."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Thank you for reminding us, we will work hard."

"You have been here for a good rest these few days. When I get the Weishi Dragon Ball, I will treat you and let you go."

He also wanted to ask about the Senate Association and the old monster, but he felt that haste is not enough. Today I have gained enough, so I will ask Wei Ji the next day.

"Madam, from now on, you are not a prisoner, you are our distinguished guest."

Ye Tianlong made a friendly attitude: "What do you need, just give an order."

Wei Ji nodded, but did not say anything again, there was a sense of melancholy in her eyes...

Ye Tianlong waved Zhen to send Wei Ji back.

"Ye Shao, are you really going to let her go?"

After Wei Ji disappeared, Bai Lihua stepped forward and asked: "A woman like her is invisible to murder. Letting her go is like letting a tiger go back to the mountain."

"And we should take over everything about Wei's. That's tens of billions of net worth. Wouldn't it be too cheap for her as long as a dragon ball?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Rather than asking for it cheeky, it's better to wait for Wei Ji to give it."

Bailihua was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "I am willing to let her go, but does she have a way to go?"

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