Talented Genius

Chapter 1594: Incident

When Xuelang fired a shot at the Monster Killer, Ye Tianlong was walking into the intensive care unit of Mingjiang Hospital.

Canshou's grandmother was at the last moment, so Ye Tianlong came to send her the last time.

The old man was weakly leaning on the head of the white bed, with his eyes nostalgic for every object, and when he saw Ye Tianlong coming in, a light suddenly lit up:

"Dragon, are you here?"

Seeing this, Ye Tianlong walked quickly two steps, then grabbed the thin hand and said softly: "Yes, grandma, I'm coming to see you."

"Sorry, I should have come here earlier."

Ye Tianlong didn't make any excuses, but revealed a touch of self-blame. He always felt that the time was still long, and who knew that half a year would pass in a flash.

Of course, there is another factor, that is, Ye Tianlong is very afraid of the death of people around him, so the life of resisting grandma in his heart is slowly ending.

Grandma shook Ye Tianlong's hand and squeezed out with a smile: "Your business matters, business matters, and besides, you have helped enough."

"If it weren't for you, I would have died of gas poisoning. If it weren't for you, the car crash would have killed me."

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't live today."

"It's Xiaojun...I can't possibly eat, let alone the good days now."

Grandma looked at Ye Tianlong gratefully: "You are our benefactor, Tianlong, you have given us enough."

"Grandma, don't say that."

Ye Tianlong shook the old man's hand vigorously: "Can... Xiaojun is my brother, who am I not going to help him?"

With tears in her eyes, grandma gently stroked Ye Tianlong's face: "My child, I really want to thank you, even if I knock a few heads."

"It's just that I only have the last breath, I can't do anything, and I don't have the strength to do it."

Grandma suddenly raised her head and looked at the silent hand by the door: "Xiaojun, come here."

Canshou walked over quickly: "Grandma!"

Grandma grabbed a hand of Canshou: "Canshou, Tianlong is our benefactor and your nobleman, he has nothing to say to you, brother."

"From now on, you have to follow Tianlong. If he has anything to do, you must do your best to help, stop the knife and the gun, don't blink."

She looked at Canshou and shouted: "This is also grandma's last wish. Can you do it?"

Before Ye Tianlong could respond, Canshou thumped and knelt down, grabbing grandma's hand and swearing: "Don't worry, grandma, I will do it."

"Ye Tianlong will always be my eldest brother. I am willing to be loyal to him throughout his life."

Canshou landed and said: "If you violate it, your bones will be frustrated."

Grandma was very pleased and shouted again and again: "Okay, okay, okay, you have to remember your words, or grandma will die."

Ye Tianlong said hurriedly, "Grandma, don't say that."

Canshou exhaled a long breath: "Don't worry, grandma, I will remember it."

Grandma coughed slightly, a trace of blood flowed out, and her breath began to become confused: "It looks like it's really not working..."

Ye Tianlong hurriedly took a tissue and wiped it off: "Grandma, don't worry, your injury is just a small matter. I have called a good doctor..."

"They will be there later, you will be fine!"

Grandma squeezed out a smile, but did not speak.

The dinosaurs also leaned over, quietly comforting grandma that nothing will happen, in fact, everyone knows that the latter may not last an hour.

So even though the hand remained calm, the red and swollen eyes showed tears again. He wanted to cry but couldn't lose his appearance.

Because grandma doesn't want to see him like this.

The cannibal took a cup of glucose and poured it in slowly for grandma: "Grandma, you will be fine, you will be fine."

Ye Tianlong also knew that he was pale in comfort just now, and his grandmother knew his life and death far better than outsiders, so the conversation changed:

"Grandma, don't worry, I will always treat Xiaojun as a brother."

"In the future, I will not only take care of him, but also marry him and have children, so that your blood will be passed on."

Having said that, Ye Tianlong's eyes were calm: "And I won't let Xiaojun be bullied again!"

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, grandma's eyes that had been half-closed and half-closed suddenly opened, emitting a rare light.

Although these eyes were muddy, they were full of caring and loving kindness and expressing gratitude.

She seemed to want to engrave Ye Tianlong's appearance in her mind. After a while, grandma grabbed Ye Tianlong and Canshou's palms.

She squeezed the palms of the two with difficulty, and then squeezed out with difficulty: "Be the brother of the first life!"

After all, grandma died with a smile!

Canshou didn't howl and cry, but was sobbing fiercely with his grandmother. Ye Tianlong wanted to comfort but couldn't find the words, not to mention that he himself was very sad.

At this time, Zheng Xiaolan and Bailihua also rushed over. Grandma has lived in Baishizhou for almost six months, so she knows Xiaolan and the others very well.

Zheng Xiaolan and the others sobbed when their grandma passed away.

Ye Tianlong patted them on the shoulders, and then pulled the dinosaurs out, feeling down to discuss funeral arrangements.

"Damn, why are you so unlucky today?"

When the two walked to the door, a harsh voice came into Ye Tianlong's ears: "Come to the hospital for a shot, and I also met a dead person."

Ye Tianlong and the dinosaur looked up together.

In the field of vision, five flat-headed youths wearing white shirts and five fashionable and beautiful young girls are embracing and walking past the door of the ward.

They looked sideways at the ward and the crowd where the grandmother passed away, showing disdain.

A young man with glasses turned his nostrils into the sky: "It's really bad luck, but it's okay. I'll use our plaster flag to sweep it and it will be fine."

A young man without ears: "What's so bad about this? Back then, our ancestors killed people every day, and they used them as postgraduates and treated them as pigs and dogs."

The five beautiful girls covered their mouths and smiled and seemed to agree with them.

Plaster flag? Ancestor? Biochemical?

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed slightly, and his first consciousness determined that this was an Oriental, but their accent made him wonder, the tone of Huaxia Ancheng.

The dinosaurs are also a little confused. Are they beasts or half-humans and half-beasts?

"It makes sense."

A stubborn nose also snorted: "It's really an inferior person. The dead should be happy. Give the living people resources. This is a good thing. Cry a ball?"

"It can only be said that it is inferior."

Another bearded young man echoed: "Unlike our fatherland, people who are old and useless, either commit suicide or leave home, so as not to waste resources."

Upon hearing this, the other four youths all gave thumbs up: "Xi Xi! What Xiao Jun said!"

The bearded young man laughed, and then he was satisfied: "You finally got used to calling me Xiao Jun instead of the three words Xiao Quanlin that I hate."

The four young people replied in unison: "These are all Xiao Jun edified, let us change the bad words."

They had a charming smile on their female partners, and they used the words of a sweet smile to cater to their male partners...

Hearing this, the dinosaur looked furious, and no longer cared about anyone on the other side, he would kick them flying.

Just moved, but saw Ye Tianlong stretch out his hand to hold him, and gently shook his head: "For grandma's sake, don't do it today."

"Make a note of these five boys, and you will have a chance to meet them another day, so take a good breath."

He didn't want to make a mess in front of his grandmother, these bastards, sooner or later, there will be a chance to clean up.

The dinosaur nodded unwillingly, and slowly dispersed his fists:

"Let me meet again, I must blow those bastards."

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