Talented Genius

Chapter 1595: Solve the knot

Grandma's funeral was not handled with great care, but dozens of acquaintances gave her a ride.

On the third day after grandma's death, Canshou sent the ashes into the cemetery.

That night, Ye Tianlong and Canshou hosted a banquet for the dinosaurs in the hotel and set up six tables to thank everyone for their help.

Canshou didn't know whether it was sad or thankful. He was so drunk that night, it was Han Qinhu and Tian Mo who sent him back in the end.

Ye Tianlong stayed with him until the end as a family member. After the dinosaurs sent everyone away, he leaned on a chair to pick up the meal he hadn't touched.

"Brother, let me let someone cook two more dishes for you."

Seeing Ye Tianlong, who had had a drink for a night, had a meal, the dinosaur who returned from the delivery hurriedly shouted: "Moreover, the rice is cold, let's serve a hot bowl."

Ye Tianlong shook his head lightly: "No, everyone will only drink tonight. I borrow the wine to relieve my sadness. The food doesn't move much, it's enough for me."

"As for the cold meal, the stomach can support it, so don't waste it."

He reached out and turned the last two lion heads around, put them in a bowl and ate them with big mouthfuls. After eating, he ate the remaining half of the fish.

The dinosaur knew Ye Tianlong's character, so he didn't insist anymore. He even ran to other tables and brought the dishes that he hadn't touched.

"Bai Lihua has received news from Snow Wolf."

The dinosaur let people close the door, and then sat beside Ye Tianlong and said, "Snow Wolf, according to your instructions, sneaked into the Monster Killing area and fired a shot."

"That shot broke Niu Manqing's throat and shot into the chest of Monster Butcher."

He told Ye Tianlong the result.

Ye Tianlong smiled: "That arrogant woman, indeed has proud capital." Then the conversation turned around: "Snow Wolf is okay?"

The dinosaur poured a cup of black tea, took a sip, and added: "She's okay, she escaped the triple raid and four bombings, and is now safe."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "It's all right."

The dinosaur hesitated for a while: "The snow wolf originally burst at the heart of the Monster Butcher, but was blocked by Niu Manqing, who was looking for death."

"So the warhead is afraid of deviation."

"Snow Wolf ran away after firing. She said that she could only guarantee a shot, but the Monster Killer was not dead, she was not sure."

"The news should have been told three days ago, but the eight wolves wanted to confirm the life and death of the Monster Butcher, so they didn't pass the news until today."

There is a touch of regret on the dinosaur's face: "The eight wolves have tried hard to inquire for the past three days, but there is still no result."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback: "No result?"

The dinosaur nodded: "Yes, there is no result."

"After the Monster Killer was hit, all news was immediately blocked, there was no news of death, no serious injuries, and no rescue."

"It can be said that Monster Slaughter has not seen anyone or a dead body. No one knows his specific situation."

The dinosaur said the status quo: "Even the vassal forces of the Butcher Monster don't know."

"The old guy is good at playing."

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a touch of interest on his face: "I thought about many results, but I didn't expect it to be like this."

The dinosaur whispered: "What should we do now? Send someone to visit again?"

Ye Tianlong spit out a fishbone in his mouth: "That would be very dangerous. Right now, the Tu's defense zone is secretive. Whoever sniffs may be caught."

The dinosaur questioned: "The life and death of the Butcher Monster..."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "The news is blocked by the Slaughter Monster, let's spread the news, let Heimeng go around and declare that the Slaughter Monster was shot dead."

"As long as this matter spreads across the Black Triangle, if the Monster Killer is still alive, he must stand up and quell the rumors."

There was a gleam in his eyes: "Otherwise, he will not only panic the Tu family members, but also make the Tu family lose the cooperation of other allies."

"Of course, when this news spreads, let Fu put on a full offensive posture to scare the **** to death."

The corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth conjured up a joke: "Let me see when he can hide?"

The dinosaur had doubts in his eyes: "Brother, depending on what you mean, do you think that the Monster Killer is still alive?"

"80% alive."

Ye Tianlong made a judgment: "It's really dead, there is a vacuum in power, it is impossible to seal the news so dead without a person who makes a decision."

"And given the arrogant character of Monster Tu, would he allow another person to make the decision in the Tu's defense zone?"

The dinosaur shook his head: "No."

"That's not right, he is manipulating the situation now."

Ye Tianlong ate a lion head: "The purpose is to dig out the murderer who inquired, and by the way, examine the loyalty of Tu's backbone."

The dinosaur nodded: "Understood." Then he sighed: "He is not dead. It is a pity that the Snow Wolf shot."

"It's no pity. Although Xuelang's shot didn't kill him, it definitely caused serious injuries to his body."

Ye Tianlong knows enough about the fighting power of Snow Wolf: "As long as a sniper bullet passes through the chest, it will definitely kill the person who gets shot."

"The reason why Monster Slaughter was able to survive was because he had a bulletproof vest on his body, which is still extremely effective."

"The body armor blocked the bullets and saved his life, but it would also cause the Butcher Monster to be severely impacted."

Ye Tianlong made a judgment: "At least three ribs are broken, and the internal organs may also be displaced. Maybe there are heart problems."

"In less than half a year, Monster Slaughter can't get out of bed."

He raised his head and looked out the window: "It's just that when he can get out of bed, the outside world may change again..."

After discussing the life and death of Slaughter Demon, after eating, Ye Tianlong passed his judgment to the Iron Powder Snow Wolf, and asked them to withdraw from the Slaughter Demon defense area.

Otherwise, the Monster Killer would be relieved from the serious injury and cause damage to the Snow Wolf and the others.

The dinosaur was very impressed by Ye Tianlong's analysis, and then remembered something and said, "Shangguan Xiaozhi called a few times and sent someone to give away a white gift package."

"She originally wanted to attend today, but Ancheng's recent fighting has been very tight, and the Brotherhood began to unite with other gangs to counterattack our stronghold in the afternoon."

"The brother in front suffered two losses in a row and was a little bit too much, so she personally went to Ancheng to take command."

The dinosaur told Shangguan Xiaozhi's words: "So I can't attend the funeral, please bear with Canshou."

Ye Tianlong frowned, thinking of the masked man and Yanhuang. He held a cup of tea: "How is the war now?"

"I heard that it is not optimistic."

The dinosaur had a solemn expression: "The masked warrior of the Brotherhood is too abnormal. Not only does he have abnormal skills, he can also domesticate monkeys and dogs to attack."

"Brothers in front often suffer. They have lost three strongholds these days. Shangguan Xiaozhi feels that this will not work, so he personally ordered."

He could feel the pressure of Shangguan's filial piety. If Longmen couldn't even take the place like Ancheng, how could he talk about competing with the 13 Leagues for hegemony in the Chinese underworld?

"Let Shangguan Xiaozhi send me all the battle reports tomorrow morning."

Ye Tianlong looked out the window: "Perhaps, I should go to Ancheng."

Solve the grievances between Longmen and the brotherhood, and solve the knot between himself and Yanhuang...

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