Talented Genius

Chapter 1596: How many come, how many steps

After making the decision to go to Ancheng, Ye Tianlong drank two cups of tea and looked at the clock pointing to twelve o'clock. He and the dinosaur left the hotel and went home.


The car quickly started and drove slowly towards Tianlong Garden. Ye Tianlong dropped a car window and looked at the fading lights of thousands of houses.

After sending off his grandmother, Ye Tianlong's feelings for cherishing the people before him became deeper, and he made up his mind to protect the big family of Tianmen.


When passing through the resistance of the Eighteen Eastern Warriors, Ye Tianlong's eyes flashed and he caught a few dazzling figures and clothes.

So he asked Dragon Bu's son to stop the car.

The dinosaur was taken aback for a moment, and reached out to the base for a knife: "Brother, what's the matter? Is there an enemy attack?"

Ye Tianlong did not speak, just stared at the group of people in front, and the dinosaurs also looked over——

In front, is a memorial residence that resisted the East.

During the period of resistance against the East, the soldiers invaded the Mingjiang River, burned, killed, and looted. Eighteen Chinese troops relied on that residential house to fight against a hundred enemies.

When they ran out of ammunition and food, they never forgot to go shopping, and finally gave more than a thousand people to evacuate to win time.

The government and the people admired their bravery, so they left this destroyed residential house as a memorial site, and also cast 18 statues.

Over the past 80 years, countless Chinese people have come here to pay their respects. Tourists from all over the place often visit here. Dinosaurs have also been here three times.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for people to appear at this moment, but the costumes of the five youths made the dinosaurs eyes widened instantly.

Military boots, uniforms, and military caps are all right for soldiers to come here to pay tribute. The problem is that these five personnel are dressed as Oriental soldiers, and they have katana in their hands.

They either stepped on the head of the statue or put the samurai sword on the neck of the statue, yelling a few oriental words during the period:

"Yours, surrender greatly, otherwise, you will die."

"Xi Xi, the flower girl, lie down greatly."

Some even slashed their throats with a knife.

Distributed near them are five fashionable and beautiful girls, holding their mobile phones, smiling and taking pictures of their male partners, and constantly shouting:

"Mighty! Mighty!"

At the door of the residence, there are also three foreign-licensed Toyo jeeps, each with an ointment flag stuck on it.

Ten people unscrupulously trampled on the relief of the martyrs, and they continued to laugh and laugh. Ye Tianlong recognized at a glance that they were the same group they saw in the hospital.

Among them, the bearded young man who likes to be called Xiao Jun instead of Xiao Quanlin can see at a glance.

Seeing them so rampant and provoking national sentiments, a few angry passers-by were driven away with a knife just after they shouted a few words.

Lu Renheng could only avoid it after he was in strength, but he did not disperse immediately. Some people watched it, some were broadcast live, and some people called the police...

It's just that these five people still don't care. On the contrary, the desire for performance rushes to their heads, pointing at passers-by with a samurai sword and insulting: "Sick East Asian man."

The five female companions giggled and cheered: "Daddy!"

"Oh shit!"

The dinosaur was angry: "Forget the little beasts of the ancestors, they will be sorry to his father if they don't kill them."

The dinosaur was about to get out of the car, but found that Ye Tianlong had gone down...

When the five flat-headed youths posed to take a photo, Ye Tianlong had already walked up to them and kicked his feet.

A young man with glasses holding a katana saw a shock in his abdomen, and the next second he fell and flew out like a cannonball, spurting blood on the ground.

Passers-by shouted subconsciously: "Good fight."


After Ye Tianlong kicked a person, he slapped his right hand again, and the loud noise rang again. A young man with a flat head could not dodge and was directly slapped to the ground.

Three of his teeth fell out and he lay on the ground, wailing.

"Bageya Road!"

The other three flat-headed youths saw their companions being beaten up, and saw the gathered passers-by excited and angry, brandishing katana and rushing towards the dinosaur.


Ye Tianlong didn't get used to them, and instead of retreating, he rushed forward. When he fisted one person, he also hit another person back, and all fell to the ground and vomited blood.

It shows how ferocious Ye Tianlong is.

In front of the last bully, Ye Tianlong jumped up to the young bearded man who rushed forward and kicked and swept the opponent's body with a domineering roundabout.


In the screams of five beautiful female companions, Xiao Quanlin flew out more than ten meters like leaves swept by the wind, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen...

Ye Tianlong didn't stop there, he made up for the fallen youth, and slammed their katana hands one by one.

The screams were repeated, but the passersby were happily dripping.

After Ye Tianlong stepped on the four of them, he walked to Xiao Quanlin, who was swayingly standing up.

"Long live Toyo!"

Xiao Quanlin roared, and then reluctantly rushed towards Ye Tianlong, trying to show the Bushido spirit.

Ye Tianlong sneered, and stepped forward two steps, his left leg kicked straight, with a dazzling amount of action, and he stepped on Xiao Quanlin's chest impartially.


Xiao Quanlin crashed into the Dongyang Jeep, the glass shattered with a click, fell to the ground and rolled continuously, and then screamed, "Ah, it hurts—"

Obviously Ye Tianlong hit him hard.

"Fight well, kill these scumbags."

Passers-by shouted, and they didn't forget to shoot the video. Those who didn't contribute, felt guilty, so they didn't forget to raise Ye Tianlong in the video.

What national hero is beating the scum, what contemporary black man is showing great power, in short, let Ye Tianlong's image tall and mighty, for the country and the people.

At this time, the five beautiful women and the male companion who got up, rushed to the bearded young man, shouting again and again:

"Young Master Xiao, Young Master Xiao!"

"Young Master Xiao, what's the matter with you? Ah, bleeding."

"What's wrong with your arm? Call a doctor!"

Five beautiful women screamed, and at the same time they picked up their phones to seek rescue...

Ye Tianlong glanced at the **** Xiao Quanlin. The heavy blow just now caused Xiao Quanlin to break two ribs, which was a lesson he deserved.

"How do you hit someone?"

At this time, a girl with bangs shouted angrily at Ye Tianlong: "Why are you hitting my Xiao Quanlin, do you know who he is?"

Another Guazilian girl also echoed loudly: "A lot of people hurt people, does Mingjiang still have Wang Fa?"

The young man with garlic nose even wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, while holding back his broken right hand and shouted:

"Boy, let me tell you, you're done, Shao Xiao is the first deputy mayor of Ancheng, and his uncle is the quartermaster in Mingjiang. You're done."

He roared sternly: "Don't go if you have the ability."

Several companions and five beautiful girls were also aggressive: "Don't go if you have the ability."

"Really not long eyes?"

The corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth evoked a joking: "Why should I beat him, you know it well, put it in Bai Guo, you don't talk about being in prison for five years."

"My meal is already very cheap for you."

Ye Tianlong pointed at Xiao Quanlin and the others: "But you want to seek justice for him. Okay, I will give you a chance to comeback."

"The gangsters and the white roads just call, as much as you come, I step on as much."

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