Talented Genius

Chapter 1597: One thousand

"What did we do? What did we do?"

Seeing Ye Tianlong's arrogance, the Liu Hai girl became excited: "We robbed? We fought? We killed?"

"Why don't we just take a few photos here to entertain ourselves and the public, without hurting ourselves or hindering others, why did we let you do it?"

"What age is it now, is it interesting to go online?"

She pointed to Ye Tianlong and cursed fiercely: "Even if we are wrong, we won't have your turn to teach you. I want to bully us outsiders, no way."

Several female companions also raised their eyebrows, accusing Ye Tianlong of rudeness.

Ye Tianlong stepped forward slowly: "I'm sorry, I was bullied, what's the matter? Do not accept to fight?"

"I'm not going to tell you the big things. After all, you don't understand people no matter how you say it."

"I will use your words to return it to you. Living waste is a waste of resources. It should be dead or evaporated."

Ye Tianlong's eyes showed contempt: "Look at you, five people, if you can't beat me, one hundred percent is a waste, you should take the initiative to die."

"Eight grid--"

Xiao Quanlin was so angry that Ye Tianlong almost vomited blood. He endured the pain and shouted angrily: "Boy, today I will let you see who is trash."

"Dog raise, call people."

He shouted to the young man with a long nose: "Call me everyone who can, and let this kid see. We outsiders are not easy to bully."

Garlic nodded vigorously, then took out the phone with one hand, and stared at Ye Tianlong murderously at his friends.

The other fashionable female companions are also called people, and they seem to give Ye Tianlong a heavy blow.

Seeing his companions full of vigor, Xiao Quanlin showed a sense of superiority and pointed his finger at the girl with bangs: "Call my uncle here too."

Ye Tianlong joked: "If I were you, I would never call this..."

The girl with bangs is excited to dial the number.

Xiao Quanlin still had some energy. In less than fifteen minutes, there were more than 20 cars, all of them Oriental cars, of which jeeps were the main ones.

Although the car didn't fly the ointment flag like Xiao Quanlin, it had the marks of the Eastern military either explicitly or implicitly, and it was undoubtedly the same circle.

The door opened, and forty or fifty half-uniform young men and women emerged. They slammed the door closed and leaned toward Xiao Quanlin and the others:

"Xiao Jun, what's the matter? Why are you injured?"

"Bageya Road, who dares to touch our Dadongyang elite?"

"As expected of Jun Xiao, I don't shout when I'm so hurt, long live Bushido."

Looking at these people, Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes. Shen Tianmei used to chat with him in his free time, that Huaxia has such a bunch of scumbags whose brains are flooded.

They adore Oriental culture, are passionate about Oriental history, and they also fantasize that they are flowing with Oriental blood, and their daily lives are often occupied by Oriental people.

They even participate in a co-prosperity meeting once a month. When they meet, they must shout ten long live Dongyang, and they are often organized to defile the martyrs.

Ye Tianlong thought that Shen Tianmei was telling a story, but he did not expect that he would really see it tonight, and there were still a large number of them.

Seeing the Chinese-clothed men and women whose costumes are close to the East and saying hello in Japanese, Ye Tianlong's eyes jumped with light, cold, cruel...

A little girl with bangs Ye Tianlong: "It's that bastard."

Hearing that Ye Tianlong started beating, dozens of people all stared at Ye Tianlong, their faces were straightened, and they were full of strong hostility towards Ye Tianlong.

"Boy, take a look at our circle, know who is the trash, right?"

Xiao Quanlin got up with the help of a woman with bangs, and he laughed wildly at Ye Tianlong, with so many people, "Is it enough to step on you?"

When he was speaking, more than 20 female companions stepped back, and more than 20 young people stepped forward, first rolling up their sleeves and then pulling on the collar buttons.

Then they shook their right foot, making their leather shoes snap, fiercely and wickedly, learning enough of the Dongyang scum on TV.

Ye Tianlong handed the phone and bracelet to the dinosaur, twisted his neck and said, "I will fight a thousand for you trash."

"Eight grid!"

Xiao Quanlin roared angrily: "Move him."

More than 20 flat-headed youths rushed forward.


The slender body pulled out a shadow, and Ye Tianlong instantly got close to his opponent.

A big young man who rushed to the forefront and the fastest speed collided directly with Ye Tianlong face to face.


With a loud noise, the fierce man who collided with Ye Tianlong felt an instantaneous pain in his whole body, like hitting a rock, and his skeleton was about to fall apart.

Before he could react, Ye Tianlong had already raised his hand, grabbed his neck, and slammed his forehead.

There was a dull sound, and Ye Tianlong threw him into the crowd behind.

Suddenly, seven or eight people were knocked down by their companion's body when they were caught off guard.

The few passersby who stopped were stunned. If they hadn't witnessed everything, they thought they were making a movie.

The dinosaur didn't worry about Ye Tianlong, but was startled when he watched Ye Tianlong's phone ringing, and an unfamiliar number called in. He hesitated for a while and answered...


At this moment, taking advantage of the chaos of his opponent, Ye Tianlong rushed up again, kicking one person easily, and the thick human wall was blown over by this human shell again.

Without stopping, Ye Tianlong bullied himself and approached him, knocking on a volley knee, and knocking over a few somersaults of a tall man, tripping a whole group of people.

Then, he rushed into the crowd arbitrarily, kicked his fist and kicked his leg.

Suddenly, screams, collisions, and shouts were intertwined, and the scene was chaotic to the extreme.

Some people fall, some bleed, and some people make up, as if moths are fighting the fire.

The imposing Ye Tianlong leaned over with a grinning smile, his domineering sweeping legs overturned the four of them, and then made another quick jump, condescending and elbowing fiercely.


A sinister guy who attacked from the side, also considered a hunky hunk, spurted blood and fell to the ground, convulsing all over...

Destroyed, mighty and invincible.

The so-called Bushido, in Ye Tianlong's eyes, is nothing like a fart.

Many spectators, including Xiao Quanlin, were dumbfounded, and Ye Tianlong's mightiness was beyond their imagination.

The girls with bangs even covered their mouths, worried that they would scream out of control. There were a few girls who had to lean on the jeep softly.

The one-to-twenty battle quickly came to an end, and the scene was chaotic for five minutes. As the besiegers all fell to the ground, it suddenly became quiet.

"Kacha, Kacha!"

Ye Tianlong patted his hands, not hurriedly or slowly, and stepped on all the right hands of more than 20 people: "I said, I'll beat a thousand pieces of trash like you."


More than 20 people broke their right hands, and the screams of killing pigs continued one after another.

Not far away, Xiao Quanlin, who was slowly retreating, looked up at Ye Tianlong who was like a **** and a devil, with panic in his eyes, but even more anger:

"Ba Ge Ya Lu, dare to humiliate our Sun Warrior, I will never let you go."


Ye Tianlong moved his footsteps and shot a burst of body, instantly appearing in front of Xiao Quanlin who was panicked.

When several female companions screamed instinctively, Xiao Quanlin thought that he was dazzled and subconsciously rubbed his eyes, and Ye Tianlong's hand had already pinched him.

"Bushido...Let me see if your Bushido will let you call it."

In the next second, Ye Tianlong pinched Xiao Quanlin's neck and hit the windshield of the jeep with a bang.

With a loud noise, the windshield burst, and thousands of transparent particles shot in all directions. The violent scenes were exciting.

The **** and cruel scene did not know how many companions were frightened, and everyone present, both men and women, had forgotten to exclaim, their expressions were just as dull.

Xiao Quanlin broke his blood and let out a scream: "Ah—"

Ye Tianlong directly threw Xiao Quanlin on the ground: "Trash."


At this moment, three more off-road vehicles with military and police license plates rushed over like a rainbow, and blocked the entrances and exits on both sides.


Afterwards, three off-road vehicles opened their doors one after another, closed their backhands, and banged. The noise on the scene seemed to stagnate and idlers retreated.

Eight hunk men in uniforms who didn't know how to buckle appeared surrounded by a middle-aged man with a round face.

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