Talented Genius

Chapter 1598: I'm not free (five shifts)

The middle-aged man looks in his forties, his sideburns are slightly bald, his eyebrows are thick and neat, and his eyes are gleaming fiercely.

The middle-aged man walked forward with eight men next to Ruo Ruo. On the way, he stepped on the mobile phones of several flat-headed youths.

The momentum is amazing.

The wounded who fell to the ground hurriedly moved away from the road, and more than 20 female companions also leaned to the sides, breathing invisiblely stagnant.

The middle-aged man walked all the way, as if he was the only king.

An embarrassed, flat-headed youth licked his lips: "Wow, the garrison!"

"A garrison? It really is a garrison! Why are they here too?"

A gorgeous girl slapped her thigh: "I remember, Xiao Jun has someone in the military!"

"Yes, I forgot that Xiao Jun's uncle was in the garrison! The official position is not small!"

"Yes, he was the one who helped Kameda-kun to find a bicycle last time. He found it in half an hour. The energy is huge."

"Garrison, Xiao Junniu, let the military come to help!"

"At this time, that kid is going to be finished, no one can be a garrison."

When the wounded and his female partner were discussing in a low voice, the middle-aged man had already stepped forward, with his head high and his chest tall and majestic.

The girl with bangs smiled with joy, and ran over to hold her thighs: "Uncle Xiao, you are finally here."

Xiao Quanlin also stood up, holding his head, with a wave of grievance: "Uncle, someone bullied me."

He pointed his finger at Ye Tianlong.

The young man with a garlic-to-nosed nose also echoed: "He also said that the underworld and the innocent scream together, come and step on as much as possible."

Seeing the miserable appearance of Xiao Quanlin's bloodshed, the middle-aged man looked at Ye Tianlong with a cold face, and smiled:

"How many come, how many steps? Boy, the tone is not small!"

He pointed his finger at Xiao Quanlin: "Come, in front of me, move him to try again?"

"it is good!"

Ye Tianlong responded calmly, and then slapped Xiao Quanlin over...


Xiao Quanlin spurted blood from his mouth and fell heavily to the ground...

The audience was silent.

Whether it was the injured group or the group of Xiao Guizhong, they all looked at Ye Tianlong in surprise.

It never occurred to me that Ye Tianlong slapped Xiao Guizhong in the face like this, doesn't this kid know who is here?

Although Xiao Guizhong was just the munitions section chief who was just transferred, he was also a man with real power, far from ordinary people can afford.

So they all looked at Ye Tianlong in a daze, wondering if he said he was courageous or his brain was flooded.

Xiao Quanlin, who was being supported by someone, yelled out: "Uncle, let him go."

He is a dignified Minister of the Remnant Sun Club. He was beaten in the face one after another tonight, or in front of so many members. He didn't ask for face.


At this moment, Xiao Guizhong smiled furiously, pointing his finger at Ye Tianlong: "Boy, there is a kind, there is a kind! You are the best person I have ever seen in my life."

"I dare to move my nephew in front of me, it seems that the energy is not small."

His eyes became blood red: "Okay, either you kneel down tonight or I kneel down."

Ye Tianlong is so disrespectful, it is really hateful, in his tilted head, eight uniformed men twisted their necks and leaned forward, and there was a fierce look in his eyes.

"You want to move me?"

Ye Tianlong glanced at the eight military-style soldiers, pointed Xiao Quanlin and they sneered:

"These declining days, in front of the martyrs' ruins, want to provoke any Chinese people with a conscience. I will teach them, shouldn't I?"

As soon as these words came out, the actions of the eight machos were slightly stagnant, and the corners of their lips moved uncontrollably.

Ye Tianlong took a step forward: "The eighteen martyrs who died here, in order to defend the Chinese people 80 years ago, they died with one enemy and ten."

"Today, you have to **** these wastes. Are you worthy of the clothes on your body?"

The eight hunks stopped completely, and looked at each other with a trace of shame.

Xiao Quanlin yelled: "You trash, listen to his nonsense, and kill him for me, or I will ask my uncle to fire you all."

Xiao Guizhong's expression also sank: "What are you doing? What's wrong with me?"

Ye Tianlong ignored the yelling of the two, and took a step forward, standing in front of a uniformed man with his eyes like a knife:

"I'm standing here tonight. If you don't fight back, your conscience will be wiped out. Just do it."

He stood with his hand in hand: "I am willing to use my blood to let you take a look at your face."

Righteousness is awe-inspiring.

The eight bowed their heads.

"What? You trash, how do you usually teach you? Orders and prohibits."

Xiao Guizhong's face was completely gloomy: "I don't listen to me now, believe it or not my military law will deal with you?"

Xiao Quanlin also shouted hysterically: "Move him."


Before the eight people could react, another line of military jeeps came on the road.

Driving on the road, it was dusty and arrogant, and the Lu's brand hanging in front of the car irritated everyone's face.

Seeing the convoy approaching the location of the incident, the Liu Hai woman and the others moved a few steps subconsciously, as if avoiding a military vehicle.

The convoy stopped in front of Xiao Guizhong and them.

"Boom bang bang!"

Three jeeps opened their doors one after another, and nine uniformed soldiers emerged.

After landing, they scattered around with their gun bags, looking around like a goshawk!

The man who came out first had a metal-like luster on his face, and his figure was tall and straight, showing the cleanliness of a soldier in his gestures.

This imposing posture instantly fascinated many women, but Ye Tianlong just glanced at Lu's license plate curiously.

"Adjutant Lu is here? How does he know that I have something to do? Is there anything to ask me?"

When Xiao Guizhong saw the incoming person, he was taken aback for a moment, and then overjoyed: "That's great, you don't need the eight trashers, Adjutant Lu is better."

When Xiao Quanlin and the others heard this, they all opened their eyes with excitement. They didn't expect Xiao Guizhong to have rescuers. It seemed that he was really a high-powered person.

The women with bangs even shouted ‘Daddy’ in their hearts.

"Adjutant Lu!"

Xiao Guizhong greeted him: "Why are you here?"

He leaned forward lightly, and the others nodded and bowed to meet him.

Ye Tianlong just glanced at it, calmly.

The man in uniform just nodded to Xiao Quanlin, but didn't say anything to respond, let alone the **** that was salivating close to him.

After looking around, he strode directly towards Ye Tianlong. At a distance of two meters, he stopped and shouted in salute:

"Ye Shao, my name is Lu Qianjin! I finally found you. General Lu just called you and didn't answer the phone personally, so I asked me to come over and say something."

He respectfully said: "I don't know if Ye Shao is free tomorrow, he wants to talk to Ye Shaoxu?"

Xiao Guizhong's uncle and bangs woman were stupid, completely stupid, General Lu asked Ye Tianlong? Also ask if he is free?

All of them opened their mouths wide, and all bowed their heads like a lamb meeting a wolf, and the initial clamor had long since turned into anxiety and fear.

Xiao Guizhong struggled to squeeze out a sentence: "Adjutant Lu, who is he?"

Before Lu Qianjin could respond, Ye Zixuan scanned the shocked Liu Hai woman and others, and then smiled at Lu Qianjin slightly:

"Tell General Lu that he is not strict in governing the army..."

The next second, he kicked Feixiao with a kick.

"I'm busy!"

PS: The five shifts are hit, and the brothers I like easily click like to vote for a monthly pass HO.

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