Talented Genius

Chapter 1604: Fast?

On the day that Ye Tianlong decided to go to Ancheng for a personal campaign, the entire dragon gate was put into operation, and the Dragon Bu and Feng Group quickly mobilized elite to intervene.

In the afternoon, Cao Qiankun laid out thirty eagle suits. The suits were thinner than the last time they saw, but their toughness was much stronger.


Ye Tianlong put a battle suit on a wooden stake, and then took a knife to cut it personally, spit it out with 60% force, and the knife was completely rolled.

With a sound, the stake broke, but the suit was fine, there was only a faint knife mark. If the stake could be maneuvered, the knife mark would be shallower.

"Yes, a lot better than last time."

Ye Tianlong threw away the machete, let Mai again draw a sword, Mai stepped forward and pierced the heart.

As soon as the tip of the sword touched the battle suit, the battle suit snapped and wrapped the sharp tip of the sword, which greatly reduced the sharpness of Mai's sword.

This is also the biggest feature of the eagle's suit. The clothes will wrap up the sharpness that comes in contact, giving the force points a few more layers of protection.


Ye Tianlong had another shotgun and fired a shot at the clothes. Numerous iron shots blasted up, none of them penetrated, and they fell to the ground.

Ye Tianlong was very satisfied: "Old Cao, the clothes are okay, and they have all the defensiveness they should have. They can reduce the biggest damage to the brothers."

"How much is it, how many people, just speak up."

He admired the eagle jersey very much: "You have to prepare for mass production. At least, 500 pieces will be produced this year."

Although the cost is more expensive than the body armor, but it is light and easy to use, and the performance is first-class. Ye Tianlong thinks that the money should be invested.

"Ye Shao don't worry, I will try my best to arm my brothers."

Cao Qiankun raised a smile, and then added: "Ye Shao, he has another function, which was inspired by Red Arrow to improve."

Not far away, Hong Jian smiled: "I just made a suggestion, but it was Mr. Cao who realized it. His hands are unparalleled in the world."

Although Cao Qiankun is old, his thinking is never pedantic, and his hands are even more dexterous. As long as he can tell and the theory is feasible, he can make it out.

Ye Tianlong showed interest: "Is there another function?"

Cao Qiankun waved to the Dalmatians: "Dalmatians."

Dalmatians came over curiously.

Cao Qiankun put on a battle suit for the Dalmatians, and then pointed to the top flagpole of Tianlong Garden: "Go to the top."

Everyone was on the first deck at this time, the flagpole was on the seventh deck, and there were almost smooth steel plates between the decks.

There are very few focus points that can be touched, and it is almost equal to a seven-layer slide.

The dinosaur frowned: "Although the Dalmatians are good at climbing and jumping different from ordinary people, but getting on the flagpole here is not easy, right?"

Canshou also nodded: "Yes, even if he walks to the end of the ship, he can only run up to the second or third deck."

"There is no run-up strength in the back layers, and the shoes are not specially made, so it is impossible to go up."

Han Qinhu also chuckled, "Old Cao, what are you playing?"

Cao Qiankun laughed and patted the Dalmatian on the back: "Dalmatians, don't pay attention to them, just climb as you used to be."

Ye Tian longan is interested: "Try it."


The Dalmatian stepped back five or six meters, then opened his eyes, and rushed towards the second deck like a parkour boy, his feet as fast as a meteor.

"Swish swish!"

With the help of running power, the Dalmatian rushed to the second deck with no effort. He didn't even touch the steel plate with his hands, so he went directly to the second deck.

Although there is a platform on the second deck, the distance is not long enough to run up to the third deck, but the Dalmatian still does not stop, and rolls up again.

Just when Han Qinhu and the others decided that the Dalmatians were about to turn back, the Dalmatians maintained their speed and rushed to the third level as if they were being assisted...

While everyone was stunned, the Dalmatian flipped over again, using his hands and feet together to reach the fourth floor...

Then came the fifth and sixth floors. Finally, the Dalmatians were even more exaggerated. They jumped directly from the sixth floor to the seventh floor, and climbed onto the railing.

Flying over the wall, nothing more than that.

"How is this possible?"

Han Qinhu and the others were taken aback for a moment, and then subconsciously stepped forward to try. Although they tried their best, they eventually rushed to the two decks and turned back.

Flying over the wall has always been no match for gravity.

Ye Tianlong was even more interested. He looked at Cao Qiankun and smiled: "Old Cao, does this dress have a booster?"

Cao Qiankun waved his hand to let the Dalmatian slide down, then smiled and said to Ye Tianlong: "Ye Shaoyingming, I got 80% of my guess."

At this time, the Dalmatian slid back to the first deck, and everyone found that his suit was swollen a lot more than when he stepped forward, and the whole person was light and light.

"I liquefied some kind of gas in my clothes."

Cao Qiankun pointed to a thumb-sized button on the back: "It will be released slowly by pressing it, and then fill the entire eagle suit."

"It's like a hydrogen balloon, which makes the body lighter and also makes the jumping ability stronger."

Everyone immediately understood that it was equivalent to tying a bunch of hydrogen balloons to the body, so getting on the deck was indeed much easier.

Cao Qiankun took off the eagle suit from the Dalmatians: "This feature is particularly useful for Dalmatians."

Everyone nodded, the dog camp's bounce has reached the level of parkour, and having such a battle suit is definitely even more powerful.

Cao Qiankun further explained to Ye Tianlong and the others: "Moreover, there are two speeds of gas release."

"Slowly, as the Dalmatian showed just now, slowly lighten the body, just like a spacewalk and go straight to the seventh deck."

"When it is activated, whether it is flying a wall to get rid of the enemy's pursuit, or going straight to the enemy camp in the dark, it will be twice the result with half the effort.

Ye Tianlong praised it very much: "This function is very good." He also looked at Red Arrow: "Red Arrow, you also have the credit."

He felt that he should give Red Arrow more encouragement so that he could feel his own value.

Hong Jian's face was hot: "Thank you Shao Ye."

Han Qinhu was very interested, and grabbed Cao Qiankun and shouted, "How about you?"


A smile bloomed on Cao Qiankun's face, and then took a battle suit and put it on Han Qinhu: "You will know if you try it."

Han Qinhu's eyes lit up: "Will it hang in the air like the oriole?"

"However, the equipment of the oriole and the others are all high-tech worth millions."

Han Qinhu attacked Cao Qiankun as always: "Can your little workshop have that effect?"


Before he finished speaking, Cao Qiankun pressed a button on his back and only heard a loud bang, Han Qinhu flew out in an arc.

He flew out of the deck instantly, over the railing, flying into the sky, flying to the vast river surface, so fast that it made people unable to react.

In the next second, Han Qinhu made a'plop' and plunged into the vast river...

Cao Qiankun explained: "Quick, that's it..."

Ye Tianlong and the others suddenly realized, they all praised, and then they dispersed to eat...

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