Talented Genius

Chapter 1605: sleeping Beauty

At dusk, Ye Tianlong received good news, that is, Wei Ji's dragon ball has been obtained.

He didn't talk nonsense, and directly sent the four Dragon Balls and Seven Kings Ding to West Lake City, so that Dai Hulang could properly arrange the convening of the Tianmen Conference.

Then Ye Tianlong detoxified Wei Ji again, but it took two months for the poison to be completely eliminated, so Wei Ji was still locked in Tianlong Garden for this period.

During the period, Wei Ji was eager to talk several times, but Ye Tianlong didn't give her a chance to speak out. After she was recuperating, she went to drink with the dinosaurs.

Maybe because of practice or maybe because of happiness, Ye Tianlong and the others drank six boxes of red wine.

Seeing the dinosaurs, they were seven minutes drunk, Ye Tianlong stopped fighting for alcohol, and then asked everyone to go back to the room to sleep.

Ye Tianlong sat in the dining room and drank two cups of tea to clear his mind, and then got up and went back to the room to sleep.

When passing the flower-like rain room, Ye Tianlong saw that the door was not closed tightly, and he smelled a pleasant fragrance.

Could it be that flowers are here?

Ye Tianlong was looking for a question from the guard, but involuntarily crashed into the bedroom. He closed the door with his backhand and whispered, "Ru rain?"

He also bowed his head and sniffed the fragrance in the air, which was exactly the perfume smell that Hua Ruyu should have.

There was a trace of doubt in Ye Tianlong's eyes. Chen Linger was on a business trip this week, so Hua Ruyu went to accompany Zhao Keke after get off work, and would not usually return.

But he didn't think about it carefully, thinking about it later and asking about Huaruyu.

The room was dimly lit and fragrant, and Ye Tianlong circumvented the small hall separated by his car and walked towards the depths of the bedroom.

The darkness of Guangxu and the effect of alcohol made Ye Tianlong completely ignore the suitcases and suits in the corner, just whispering forward:


Soon, Ye Tianlong was on the comfortable bed and caught a slender woman with her hair scattered on the cheek side pillow.

She is wearing Huaruyu's favorite hollow pajamas. The pajamas are wrapped in a very graceful body, and her legs are staggered and superposed in a sultry posture.

The air-conditioning cold wind of about twenty-five degrees is continuously circulating through the skirt of the hollow pajamas, and a corner is loomed to show the style.

On the floor next to the bed, a bottle of perfume was poured, the lid was opened, and the perfume kept flowing out, filling the room.

There was still a scent of alcohol in the bedroom, but Ye Tianlong didn't care, thinking it was from his body.

After sniffing for a while, Ye Tianlong's sense of smell lost his sharpness, and the breath in the room was like a special medicine in a martial arts novel, numbing his nerves.

It got into Ye Tianlong's nose after another.


At this time, the flower on the bed twisted like a rain, and the whole person curled up like a prawn, showing the exquisite curve completely.

When any man sees this temptation, he is afraid that it will be difficult to control himself to jump on him, picking up his pajamas and feeling lingering.

Ye Tianlong is certainly not a saint, not to mention that he had a relationship with Hua Ruyuzao. He felt that his head was dizzy and his legs were soft.

It's just that he didn't rush forward in a hurry, because the abrupt and beautiful woman has never been his style.

He stretched his waist and shouted, "Like rain, I slept here tonight."

Hua Ruyu did not answer, but hugged a doll tightly.

Ye Tianlong shamelessly found a reason to stay: "If you don't answer, I will assume that you agree."

He picked up the perfume and put it back on the table, then turned to the bathroom and took a shower. Within five minutes, he walked out wrapped in a bath towel.

In this gap, Hua Ruyu was still not awakened by Ye Tianlong's movement.

"Girl Flower, will you sleep too hard?"

Ye Tianlong lay on the bed, stroking the woman's body, and muttering to himself: "I have been tossing for so long, you haven't responded?"

Hua Ruyu just hummed and still did not wake up.

At this time, Ye Tianlong's phone vibrated slightly, and a message poured in.

While checking on his cell phone, he continued to feel the warmth of the woman. The message came from the Black Widow, telling the Four Gods of Wealth that they would meet Dai Hulang this week.

The black widow asked Ye Tianlong to say hello to Dai Hulang.

Ye Tianlong knew that they were going to meet to discuss the convening of the Tianmen Conference, so he agreed without hesitation and sent a message to Aunt Wa to arrange.

Aunt Wa responded quickly, telling that meeting is a happy thing, which means that everyone can get together better.

It's just that she hopes that the Four Gods of Wealth will go to the West Lake because Dai Hulang is not in good health and needs to reduce going out.

Ye Tianlong dealt with it, and quickly made arrangements for the four gods of wealth to go to West Lake City in five days, which meant that Tianmen had taken the first step towards unification.

During the message, Ye Tianlong's left hand never stopped, smashing the city and looting the ground, enjoying the softness.

But no matter what the action, Hua Ruyu did not wake up, but the hum sound increased and his body became hot.

Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand and brushed the hair on the woman's face: "It's really a sleeping pig..."

Ye Tianlong leaned on the bed and turned the woman upside down. It was okay not to turn. Ye Tianlong was shocked when he turned his head.


This young woman is not like flowers like rain, but Chen Ling'er who hasn't seen her for some days. In her vision, the delicate girl has her eyes closed and her brows are drunk.

There is no doubt that Chen Ling'er was drunk, and not all the alcoholic breath just came from Ye Tianlong.

"Ling'er, why did you come here?"

Ye Tianlong was shocked. He was about to release Chen Ling'er out of bed, but saw Chen Ling'er turn over and hugged him directly.

A pretty face moved up with drunkenness.

Seeing the attractive little mouth coming towards him, the warmth of his body, and the drunken charm, Ye Tianlong's heart swayed.

But he quickly stabilized his mind and blocked that pretty face.

Not knowing whether it was a sleep talk or a soberness, Chen Linger murmured: "Group leader, why do you hate me so much?"

Ye Tianlong was taken aback, and subconsciously replied: "Nonsense, why would I hate you?"

Chen Ling'er sighed like orchid: "Don't hate me... why do you only linger with cocoa and rain?"

Ye Tianlong was speechless and didn't know how to explain...

He gave a wry smile, gently trying to push Chen Ling'er away, only to find that Chen Ling'er didn't push away, but instead adhered more tightly.

The bath towel on her body was also torn off mercilessly by her.

Ye Tianlong, who had been tossing for a night and drank wine again, his body was now fragile, and his physical needs quickly defeated Ye Tianlong's will.

Ye Tianlong began to feel dizzy, and gently brushed his fingers across that pretty face.

The two fell again, and Chen Linger suddenly turned over.

Hooking Ye Tianlong's neck with her legs, her legs were so smooth and soft, but so full of elasticity.

The snow-white skin, the breath of orchids, the intoxicating pretty face...

The night, tonight, seemed too short.

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