Talented Genius

Chapter 1622: Good family style (five shifts)

Sorry, I do not sign!

Ye Tianlong's simple sentence not only made the leopard-print girl startled, but even Lei Shijing was startled, not knowing what Ye Tianlong meant.

"You don't sign? Who are you?"

The leopard girl reacted in a daze, and Liu brows raised her eyebrows and shouted, "What does the Lei family matter have to do with you, a dog, a cat?"

"You also feel good about yourself, get out of here, don't block this lady's eyes."

Several female companions also looked at Ye Tianlong, all of whom thought this guy was a weird person.

Lei Shijing frowned: "Siqin, don't talk like that."

The leopard girl got angry when she heard the words, and said directly: "How do you say if you don't speak like this?"

"A passer-by who didn't know where he came out said inexplicably that he didn't sign. What is it that is not in the head?"

She was full of momentum: "Also, Lei Shijing, don't use such a reprimanding tone, you are not qualified to teach me Lei Shijing."

Lei Shijing squeezed out: "I am your sister, and I didn't scold you, just remind you."

Reischen's rebellious posture: "What about my sister? You weren't born to my mother. Besides, you are the least contributing person in the Lei family."

"I did a few supercar races in the first two months, which not only made the Lei family's reputation even stronger, but also generated more than five million in revenue."

"I have also contacted the two top supercars, Mingjiang and Huaxi, and I am going to invite them to Ancheng for a round of city competition."

"The profit is at least ten million, how about you?"

She shook her head over her face and shouted: "Only nerds, only spend money, and have never made a steel pin, so you are not qualified to teach you."

When Lei Shijing's face was ugly, Ye Tianlong stepped forward: "My kid, if you make a little money occasionally, it doesn't mean you are a business genius."

"Your sister is not making money now, it does not mean that she has no achievements in the future."

"With your bluffing character, five million is estimated to be the biggest income in your life, and your sister, the future is absolutely limitless."

Ye Tianlong looked at Leiqin and smiled: "So you better respect her, not to mention that she is still your sister."

"To shut up!"

Seeing Ye Tianlong hitting him, Leiqin's pretty face changed, and he yelled, "What are you? What qualifications do you have to call me?"

"Also, why are you still here?"

"I tell you, whether you are a passerby or a visitor, I don't welcome you, you just get out of here."

Reschen is fierce: "Get out."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't welcome me. I just welcome myself. By the way, forget to tell you that I am your brother-in-law."

"This Dorsett Hotel, I also have half of the property rights."

He reached out and held Lei Shijing's hand, slightly hard, suggesting that she was following her rhythm.

Lei Shijing hesitated for a moment and looked at her sister and said, "Yes, Ye Tianlong is my husband, Si Qin, you'd better be polite."

Several beautiful women were shocked when they heard the words. Looking at Ye Tianlong in disbelief, it is hard to imagine that this guy would hold the flower of Ancheng?

And they were surprised, isn't Ye Tianlong afraid of being suppressed by the Xiao family?


Reischen was also extremely shocked: "Lei Shijing, are you married? Married to this passerby?"

Lei Shijing said firmly: "Yes."

When she came, she was still a little uneasy, but now she was determined. Ye Tianlong helped herself, so she couldn't sell her teammates.

Reischen looked at Ye Tianlong for a while, then looked at her sister with a sneer:

"Lei Shijing, don't act, don't use the part of the president's novel, it's vulgar."

"Don't say I know your mental and clean personality, I only like that leaf singer..."

Reischen looked through: "You can't fall in love for such a short period of time, let alone get married, even if you don't have mental hygiene."

Lei Shijing's face changed slightly, it was not the anxiety of being seen through, but the fact that her sister said that she liked the Ye Zi singer.

It was seen by my sister prying open the notebook while occupying her large bedroom at home.

Seeing that Ye Tianlong was still calm and calm, she regained her calm and said, "Believe it or not, and I won't convince you."

Reischen ignored her sister, put her hands on her chest, circled Ye Tianlong, and then came to the front again:

"You must have been hired by my sister, pretending to be my sister's husband against the forced marriage at home."

She sneered: "This kind of trick, I read too many novels, it's useless."

Several beautiful girls nodded together, all looking at Ye Tianlong with playful eyes.

Lei Shijing said coldly: "I'll say it again, he is my husband."

Reischen didn't talk nonsense, waved his handbag, took out five large stacks of cash, and slammed it on the ground: "Take it, get out."

"Boy, let me tell you, the water here is deep, don't run in, or you won't know how to drown."

She confided in threats: "If you are acquainted, get out with the money on the ground, otherwise, you will definitely regret playing this scene."

Lei Shijing said coldly, "Say it again, Ye Tianlong is my legal husband."

At this time, Ye Tianlong said in a disharmonious voice: "This money, am I going to die, it's mine?"

Seeing Ye Tianlong staring at the banknotes, Leschen smiled triumphantly and glanced at her elder sister triumphantly, as if to tell the pig teammates to love money:

"Yes, you're going to **** off now, the money is yours."


Ye Tianlong quickly picked up the money, patted the dust in his pocket, at least 50,000 yuan, then sat on the ground and moved a bit, then stood up and laughed:

"Okay, I'm already fucking, the money is mine."

Ye Tianlong yelled to Reischen: "Thank you, little girl, it's so generous to meet. You can get 50,000 yuan if you **** off."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, uncle, this is really a veritable "get out".

When Lei Shijing gritted her teeth to hold back her laugh, Leischen was furious: "Bad son, are you playing with me? Don't you go away, believe it or not, I'll destroy you?"

"Little sister, I'm not a bastard, but really your brother-in-law, like a fake brother-in-law.

Ye Tianlong packed the money in his pocket: "If you don't believe it, you can look at the marriage certificate."

"If you don't believe it anymore, you can go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to check."

"Your sister married me. The assets of both parties will be shared regardless of whether they were married before or after marriage."

He smiled brightly: "So you drove me away. Without my signature, this Imperial Hotel will never be yours."

Lei Shijing flashed out two marriage certificates.

The red is very dazzling.

At this moment, seeing the big heads of the two people on the marriage certificate and the stamp of the Civil Affairs Bureau of the China Republic, Leith's body couldn't stop shaking.

Ye Tianlong also hugged Lei Shijing: "Although we don't need to prove it to others, it doesn't matter in front of our sister."

He tilted his head and kissed the corner of Lei Shijing's lips.

Lei Shijing's body trembled, her head blank, unable to react for a while, and then she wanted to push Ye Tianlong away, knowing that it would be exposed.

And Ye Tianlong was helping himself.

"Now, should you know it's not acting?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and looked at Leischen: "Believe it, our bridal chamber at night, you can come over to listen and learn some postures."

Then he hugged Lei Shijing again and said: "Wife, go, go in and see what the hotel with half of my shares is like."

Seeing the marriage certificate and seeing the two people close, Reischen completely believed that they were married.

"Lei Shijing!"

In the next second, Leiqin's pretty face became extremely distorted, like a ferocious beast: "Who made you get married? Who made you get married?"

"How can you get married without our consent?"

Reschen became hysterical: "We don't agree with this marriage, you have to divorce him immediately."

Once Lei Shijing gets married, it will not only bring changes to the Lei family, but also make the transfer of the hotel full of variables, especially when Ye Tianlong is half, she suffocates.

"It doesn't matter if you agree or not, the person who married Ye Tianlong is not you."

Lei Shijing bit her lip and said, "Okay, I'm going to our hotel."

Reischen shouted angrily: "In Lei's family, the elders are the oldest, and you can't tolerate your mischief..."


Before the voice fell, a slap was slapped on Leschen's face, clear and loud, Leschen staggered back two steps, his face was shocked.

"The oldest? The family style is really good."

Ye Tianlong waved his hand and smiled: "It's so good to teach the younger generation..."

Afterwards, he hugged Lei Shijing and walked away.

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