Talented Genius

Chapter 1623: temper

After slapped Leiqin, who Zhang Ya Wu Claw wanted to fight, Ye Tianlong quickly ran away from the scene with Lei Shijing.

You don't need to think about it to know the next scene, that is, Reschen hysterically goes crazy, calling his companions, security guards, and parents to deal with Ye Tianlong.

How could Ye Tianlong give his opponent a chance to vent? What's more, it was still in the turf of Leschen, so it was as far away as possible in the first time.

Not even going to the luncheon.

"Son of a bitch!"

When Leisqin yelled at a dozen security guards and more than 30 companions to come out, Ye Tianlong had already stepped on the accelerator and led Lei Shijing to break through the railing and ran away.

Seeing Ye Tianlong's disappearance in an instant, and thinking of the marriage certificate and a slap, Leistchen was so angry that he kicked the car next to him and shouted:

"Find! Find me, find that **** for me."

Reischen screamed frantically, "And that **** Lei Shijing, find them all for me."

The dozens of people moved quickly and tried every means to get Ye Tianlong back.

Reischen also took out his cell phone and dialed a number and shouted, "Mom, your daughter was beaten by that bitch. You must let her get out of the house."

"Also, she married a **** without our permission..."

She complained to Lei Shijing to the other end of the phone like chicken blood...

At this moment, Ye Tianlong was turning the steering wheel calmly, and instead of approaching Ancheng University, he chose a road out of the inner city.

Lei Shijing looked behind her for a while, and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw no one was chasing, then she heard the phone's "buzzing" vibration.

She glanced at the caller's number, put her finger on it and did not answer, and looked a little struggling, then gritted her teeth to answer...


Ye Tianlong reached out and avoided her mobile phone, hung up the call that said "Little Mom", and then turned it off skillfully.

Lei Shijing asked subconsciously: "What are you doing?"

Ye Tianlong said in an angry voice: "You have a great insight into economics. You should not be stupid. Why do you want to answer the phone?"

"Don't you know, this phone call is to vent? She will make your scolding dog gooeyed and utterly incomplete."

"We just let out a nasty breath, and we were beaten back at this time. It's very embarrassing, OK?"

He threw the phone back to Lei Shijing's body: "From now on, I will shut it down for two days, and will not go back to the home to be familiar with, and hold them back for two days."

"As long as they can't vent their breath, they will not eat well and sleep well."

"You have been bullied by them for so long. It's time to add blockage to them, otherwise they will only think you are weak and bullied."

Ye Tianlong is going to make Lei Shijing more thorns: "All respect is not obtained by patience."

As we spoke, the car quickly left the city and entered the moat landscape avenue. The clear river and grass were very eye-catching.

Lei Shijing was taken aback, released her finger to turn on the phone, and then looked at Ye Tianlong and said:

"Thank you today. Not only did you talk to me, but also saved my hotel. It's just that you don't want to hit someone next time..."

She sighed faintly, "Your slap is too violent."

"I'm protecting you. Didn't you see Leschen preparing to scratch your face? If I don't slap that, you will be disfigured now."

Ye Tianlong said: "What's more, your sister said that the elder is the oldest. I am her brother-in-law and the elder, so she seems to be okay?"

"Furthermore, I am also good for her. She has such a blasting character. I don't teach her. When I meet a young man, I will die."

Not to mention meeting people like Confucius and Bai Shikang, even if they hit Lan Xiaomo, they were 80% of the time.

"Strong words are unreasonable, but beating people is reasonable?"

Lei Shijing bit her lips slightly: "Forget it this time...Don't do it casually in the future, I don't like it anyway..."

"Beautiful poetry, are you okay?"

Ye Tianlong looked at her puzzledly: "Your father forced you to marry you, your mother suppressed you, your sister snatched you, and you still want to sell you..."

"They have done this to you, won't you tell me, you still have to protect them?"

Lei Shijing said coldly: "That's our Lei family's business. I just asked you to pretend to be my husband, not to let you intervene in my family's business."

"Although I don't like my little mother and Leischen, I am still my father's wife, daughter, and my nominal mother and sister."

"And my father forced me to marry me, because the old man coveted me, so he lured my father to marry me to him."

"My father's company happened to be in a difficult situation. He was in a hurry to go to the doctor and agreed to the marriage."

There was a firm voice in her voice: "In his heart, he absolutely doesn't want me to marry that old man."

Ye Tianlong was noncommittal: "You understand your father this way, so you still ask me to get married?"

Lei Shijing worked hard to defend her father: "I understand my father's difficulties, but it doesn't mean that I will marry Xiao Kuangjian."

"I married you just to dispel Xiao Kuangjian's thoughts."

She was a little hopeful: "When he saw that I was married, he might not mention marriage again, and instead negotiate with my father on other terms."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Don't you worry that the fake marriage will make Xiao Kuangjian angry. Not only do you not help your father, but you also stabbed your father?"

Lei Shijing squeezed out: "Xiao Kuangjian is not a fool, as long as it is profitable, he will not refuse to cooperate, nor will he turn his face on a woman."

Ye Tianlong stepped on the gas pedal: "It seems that you know businessmen quite well. You know that businessmen are seeking profits, but you have overlooked one thing."

"Xiao Kuangjian is not a businessman in the true sense."

He unceremoniously gave a blow: "You don't understand, your father understands, so he wants to marry you to Xiao Kuangjian from the bottom of his heart."

Lei Shijing's pretty face sank: "My father is only impulsive, he will not force me when he calms down, I believe him..."

She can only hope that her father can believe it in the future.

Ye Tianlong heard the words and revealed a touch of joking: "XingXingXing, your father and daughter are deeply affectionate, and the love is deep enough to sell your daughter to save the company..."

"Ye Tianlong!"

Hearing this, Lei Shijing became angry: "You are not allowed to humiliate my father. Anyway, he is always my father."

Ye Tianlong sneered: "If your father really loves you, let him quickly make you the first heir instead of cheeky snatching your hotel."

"Shut up!"

Lei Shijing slapped the car door angrily: "Stop, I want to get off, I don't want to see you."

"There is still my business, my family's business, you don't care about it anymore."

Her pretty face flushed: "You are not allowed to humiliate my father anymore, otherwise I will be rude to you."


Seeing that Lei Shijing was so unconscious, Ye Tianlong also let out an unknown fire, turned the steering wheel and rushed out more than ten meters and stopped on the moat grass.

"Get out of the car if you want to get off, as if I beg you to see me."

"Do you think that I like to take care of your housework? I hate you for iron and steel, and you have a temper."

"Take care of yourself—"

Ye Tianlong let Lei Shijing get out of the car, then stepped on the accelerator and turned away...

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