Talented Genius

Chapter 1702: within Temptation

At the Lei Shi Group's expanded meeting that day, Ye Tianlong appeared strongly in front of everyone.

He has fifty-one shares in his hand, so he can decide everything with one vote.

After a brief introduction and procedures, Ye Tianlong sat in the chairman's seat and made five decisions in one breath.

The first decision was to expel the key members of Attorney Jin and Assistant Wang, and at the same time remove the four members of Lei's from participating in any affairs of the group.

The second decision is to restrict the power of the mother and daughter of Retzyn. You can intervene in group affairs or participate, but there is no final decision.

The third decision is to introduce a large amount of capital to expand and dilute Madam Lei's shares, so that they will gradually become a minority shareholder from a major shareholder.

In the fourth decision, Han Jing became the spokesperson of Lei Shi Group, and all product advertisements were signed with Han Jing.

In the fifth decision, Lei Yueting became the acting chairman, fully operating the Lei Shi Group, while continuing to be responsible for the research and development of the Bahrain autonomous driving project.

The Sixth Sense decided that Lei Shi Group will be renamed in three months, Tianmen Smart will replace the original name, and the future focus will be on Smart.

The rest of the business will gradually integrate with Tianmen Group.

Ye Tianlong decided to throw it out one by one, leaving many participants stunned, and at the same time feeling Ye Tianlong's arrogance and domineering.

This kind of madness is blatant, just like he wants to deal with Mrs. Lei, he doesn't even bother to cover up, and directly and unceremoniously targets.

Especially Lei Yueting's return, like a sharp sword against Mrs. Lei's throat.

What surprised everyone was that not only did Mrs. Lei attend today's meeting, there was no objection or challenge, she sat quietly.

She accepted everything on the scene as if she had accepted her fate.

Until Ye Tianlong finished speaking and Lei Yueting assigned the task, Leifu left the meeting room with a cold face.

Calculating that Lei Yueting would take at least an hour to finish the meeting, Ye Tianlong found an excuse to go out and rest, and at the same time secretly calling himself really wise.

If it hadn't been for an acting chairman, I guess I would have to stay there and hold a meeting until suffocated.

After coming out, Ye Tianlong took the phone and sent a few WeChat messages, then went to the pantry and made a cup of coffee.

Just as Ye Tianlong was blowing hot coffee, a young woman in a work skirt came up with a cautious look on her pretty face:

"Ye... Chairman, President Lin invites you to the office."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback first, looked around, then looked at the young woman and asked, "Are you talking to me?"

He glanced at the other party's badge, Miao Sangsang, the second-level secretary.

Miao Sangsang nodded awkwardly: "Yes, chairman."

Ye Tianlong is still not accustomed to his status as chairman, and then he smiles at the young woman holding coffee:

"Knowing that I am the chairman, don't you know that I am the biggest one? Which President Lin is so big and dare to ask me to go to her office?"

Ye Tianlong took a sip of coffee and almost sprayed it out. The water was too hot.

Miao Sang Sang Khan is about to come down: "Chairman, I'm sorry, but... Mr. Lin told me like this."

Ye Tianlong did not embarrass her, and asked: "Who is Lin always? Which office?"

Miao Sangsang hurriedly responded: "Mrs. Lin is Mrs. Lei, she is in 806."

Ye Tianlong wanted to say that she didn't have time to talk to her. Mrs. Lei had something to come out to see her, but suddenly she wanted to see what the woman was playing with.

So he smiled at Miao Sangsang: "Okay, I'll go find her."

He went out carrying hot coffee.

Ye Tianlong quickly appeared at the door of 806, with two large wooden doors closed, fingerprint locks at the door and surveillance cameras above his head.

Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand and knocked gently, then glanced at the probe again, and Mrs. Lei's voice came from the intercom at the door: "Please come in."

Ye Tianlong pushed the door in and found that the room was very large, with a desk and chair in the middle, bookcases on both sides, a sofa in the corner, and a separate toilet.

Almost caught up with the chairman's pattern.

The room is very fragrant, like perfume and herbal medicine, but it smells intoxicating.

Ye Tianlong glanced around the room, stayed at the desk for two seconds, and then landed on Mrs. Lei.

Mrs. Lei did not sit on the office chair, but leaned back lazily on the sofa.

What made Ye Tianlong's eyes squinted even more was that she took off her high heels and put her slender legs on the sofa casually.

The most striking thing is that her white toes are painted with pink nail polish, which looks like an infinite seduction.

I have to admit that Mrs. Lei looks good, with fair skin, long legs and breasts, and with proper care, it will always make ordinary men dreamy.

When she looked at Ye Tianlong with beautiful eyes, she did not have the strength and hatred of yesterday, on the contrary there was a touch of indescribable coquettishness.

But Ye Tianlong didn't have any desires, and smiled faintly: "Mr. Lin, I don't know if something big is calling me over?"

"If you return Uncle Lei's twenty-two points of shares, then it would be worthwhile for me to come over today."

He hides the needle in the cotton: "Otherwise I will be very dissatisfied with your attitude."

Perhaps because of being close to Mrs. Lei, the aroma has become more intense and even more intoxicating.

Mrs. Lei smiled: "He did transfer my 22 points of shares, but five of them were legally mortgaged to Alligator Bank by him."

"So what I really got is 17 points, Ye Tianlong, you can't buckle me a hat at will."

Mrs. Lei added her legs to give Ye Tianlong's eyes a little more welfare: "That's five hundred million for nothing."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "No matter it's twenty-two, seventeen, or villas and other properties, they are all things you let the old guy hypnotize Uncle Lei to take away."

"If I were you, I would return these things, and then go abroad with the remaining shares and Lexyn."

He slowly stepped forward: "In this way, everyone won't get rid of their skin, and you can also divide a lot of money every year.

"Tianlong, Lei Yueting is a rascal, you should let him out instead of letting me out."

Mrs. Lei smiled, and her voice was soft and soft: "Make a deal, if you let him go, I will be your acting chairman."

"Not only did I give you half of his 17 shares, but I also want to listen to you."

Mrs. Lei was still leaning there lazily, her eyes staring at Ye Tianlong all the time, which was different from the coldness before. At this time, her mouth was smiling.

Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes: "Everything listens to me?"

"Well, everything depends on you."

Mrs. Lei picked up a remote control and slowly closed the two doors to isolate the room from the outside. Then the corners of her mouth curled up:

"As long as you let me control the Lei Shi Group, you can do whatever you want me to do."

Her eyes became like spring water, giving people a feeling of infinite love, and people couldn't help but want to sink deeply with every move.

When he touched her eyes, Ye Tianlong's eyelids twitched, and suddenly he felt his heartbeat speed up, and his spirit became a little trance.

"Tianlong, promise me, let me control Lei Shi, are you willing?"

Mrs. Lei saw Ye Tianlong's look blank, her pretty face was filled with joy, and then she walked down from the sofa barefoot.

Her voice is soft and gentle, and more romantic, and at the same time her eyes are charming, which makes people fascinated.

Ye Tianlong said weakly, "Of course I would..."

"Tianlong, you are so kind."

Mrs. Lei chuckled, and while leaning forward to Ye Tianlong, she continued to make a gentle voice: "Or, transfer your shares to me?"

Her posture gives people a sense of nobility and dignity, but there is an indescribable sway in her bones. This contrast is extremely tempting.

She came to Ye Tianlong, then pulled his buttons and slowly came to the front of the desk, where there were a bunch of contracts, and her red lips lightly opened:

"Give them all to me, and I will treat you well..."

"it is good--"

Ye Tianlong said blankly, then poured hot coffee into the wire hole of the desk, and went through the hole of the computer wire and power strip.


A scream was uttered, and then, under the table, a person swooped in. It was the old man in Tsing Yi, holding a burning wood incense in his hand...

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