Talented Genius

Chapter 1703: Really over

The coffee is hot, so the old man in Tsing Yi's face is red, and the skin around his neck is burned. It makes people uncomfortable to look at.

He pulled open the collar to allow the wound to ventilate better, while gently wiping the coffee juice with a tissue.

On his torn apart chest, Ye Tianlong's glasses were slightly narrowed, and there was a tattoo on it, a black cuckoo.

Seeing that Ye Tianlong was okay, Mrs. Lei subconsciously stepped back two meters and shouted, "Are you not confused by me?"

When the old man in Tsing Yi glared at Ye Tianlong, Ye Tianlong flicked his cup and hummed, "Confused?"

"With the little charm you just learned and the level of his second-level hypnotist, you want to confuse me as a genius. Will it be a bit tricky?"

Ye Tianlong rubbed his nose and looked at the woody fragrance in the hands of the old man in Tsing Yi: "This fragrance is not bad, but it's a pity that there is too much room for it to perform miraculously."

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, the old man in Tsing Yi instantly sank: "Do you know my level?"

"You are not so good at your level. I know that your level is normal."

The corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth evoked a touch of joking: "I also know that you are 80% organized from ‘God Control’."

God-controlled, mind-controlled, is a very mysterious and evil organization in the West. It is good at hypnotizing and brainwashing, and often infiltrates the church to make money from its members.

The most famous crime is that a veteran of the God-controlled organization once brainwashed a thousand church members for money and then hypnotized them to commit suicide collectively.

So it's notorious in the West, Ye Tianlong didn't expect that he would run into a member of God Control in Ancheng.

The symbol of this organization is the black cuckoo on the chest.

The old man in Tsing Yi shook his body, then stared sharply at Ye Tianlong and shouted: "Who are you? How do you know my identity?"

Mrs. Lei trembled. The old man in Tsing Yi was her biggest trump card and her biggest assassin. There was no disadvantage, but Ye Tianlong didn't expect to know him.

This means Ye Tianlong is strong.

Ye Tianlong didn't answer, but instead asked, "Lei Yueting and Lei Shijing were hypnotized by you. They told me how to get married and transfer their shares?"

The old man in Tsing Yi stared at Ye Tianlong: "Yes, they are my hypnotized, kid, how do you know the brain control organization?"

"I don't know much. I have killed many of your members. I have warned you not to do bad things, otherwise you will die."

There was a gleam in Ye Tianlong's eyes: "Who knows that not only did you not run away last night, you also hid here to repeat the old tricks with Mrs. Lei."

"It looks like it's hard to keep you."

If you don't take this old man in Tsing Yi today, I'm afraid that Lei Yueting and Lei Shijing will have trouble in the future, so Ye Tianlong is going to kill the old man.

The old man in Tsing Yi yelled, "Boy, don't be mad in front of me."

Feeling the danger, Mrs. Lei hurriedly stepped back to the sofa and reached into the back of the sofa.

She has seen the power of the old man in Tsing Yi and is very confident in him. Lei Yueting and his daughter are the best masterpieces, but facing Ye Tianlong, she is a little uneasy.

Mrs. Lei had to add a guarantee.

At this time, Ye Tianlong looked at the old man in Tsing Yi lightly: "I remember, the Vatican hates you very much, and there is a permanent reward order."

"Killing a member of the control of God, not for the origin, regardless of the history, as long as the authenticity is verified, and the reward is 100,000 to tens of millions, dollars."

He gradually smiled: "You are at the second level, and you should not be in a low position in God Control. If you kill you, you should have a million?"

Hearing the Vatican, the old man in Tsing Yi changed his face again.

"Boy, go to hell."

The old man in Tsing Yi suddenly took a step forward and groaned heavily. Accompanied by this voice, his momentum rose sharply and suddenly pressed towards Ye Tianlong.

A trace of joking flashed across Ye Tianlong's face. This is a mental power fluctuation that can make people with weak mental power feel dizzy.

It was like an ordinary person who was suddenly dizzy by the roar of a tiger.

Unfortunately, it was useless to Ye Tianlong.

Not only did Ye Tianlong fail to evade, but instead slammed the table at the old man in Tsing Yi.


The old man in Tsing Yi drew away with a low shout, then fell on the window sill and looked at Ye Tianlong again.

His eyes were deep, and they were like the sea, slowly absorbing Ye Tianlong's spirit, letting Ye Tianlong sink into the deep sea.

Ye Tianlong's eyes slowly closed, but when his eyes were about to be completely closed, his eyes suddenly turned pure black.

Even the whites of his eyes disappeared instantly.

Ye Tianlong's eyes seemed to have directly turned into black crystals.

Mrs. Lei didn't feel anything, but the old man in Tsing Yi trembled with bloodshot eyes and roars in his mind.

A feeling of dizziness surged into my heart, and he could not stand firmly, and fell directly from the window sill.

It felt like he was dragging Ye Tianlong into the deep sea with a rubber band, but not only did Ye Tianlong not move on the way, but the rubber band broke.

The tight rubber band still tucked **** him.


The old man in Tsing Yi spouted a mouthful of old blood, and the whole person seemed to be tens of years old. He pointed to Ye Tianlong and shouted in panic, "Who are you?"


Ye Tianlong's eyes gradually returned to normal, and his smile reappeared on his face. He picked up a vase on the ground and hit the old man Tsing Yi directly on the head:

"Who am I, who am I, I am the chairman of the board, asking so many times, is it not annoying?"

He kicked again unceremoniously, kicking the bloodied old man in Tsing Yi against the corner.

He also took a look at the opponent's black flower, and captured a string of codes: L, Z, S, B.

"why why……"

The old man in Tsing Yi held his head and knelt on the ground, watching Ye Tianlong said with difficulty: "Your mental power is so strong?"

Ye Tianlong sneered: "I can bear the temptation of beautiful women, let alone you little second-level hypnotist?"

His willpower and mental power are far beyond ordinary people. Ye Tianlong has always thought that he was born brave, but he didn't know that he was hypnotized and immune to a young age.


The eyes of the old man in Tsing Yi were deep again, but he lost his original agility, only unspeakable dullness and violence.

He suddenly struggled from the ground and blasted Ye Tianlong with a punch.



There was a sonic boom with a punch, and the scenes only found in martial arts movies happened in front of Ye Tianlong.

It's just that Ye Tianlong looked at the rushing fist, not only not afraid, but also faintly smiled, he calmly raised a hand and clenched the fist that rushed forward.

The moment his fist was held by Ye Tianlong, the old man in Tsing Yi sprinted like a roar, bursting out the power of his body.

However, Ye Tianlong was not blasted out, but was slid backward by the old man in Tsing Yi.

"It's nothing more than self-hypnosis."

Ye Tianlong smiled and disapproved, then his body froze, and his hand holding the fist of the old man in Tsing Yi twisted.

An unmatched force rushed out!

The old man in Tsing Yi wanted to retreat and hide, but it was too late, and his fists and arms were twisted.


The old man in Tsing Yi screamed, his eyes returned to normal, and his expression became more painful.


At this moment, Ye Tianlong's body turned slightly, almost as soon as he escaped from the old man in Tsing Yi, a bullet shot over.

The bullet hit the eyebrows of the old man in Tsing Yi, and a burst of blood burst out.

The old man in Tsing Yi was shocked, his body shook, and he couldn't squint...


Before the old man in Tsing Yi fell to the ground, Ye Tianlong took his arm and flicked it back. He only heard a loud noise and knocked Mrs. Lei, who had shifted his muzzle, to the ground.

Mrs. Lei screamed and fell to the ground, her nose was blue and her face was swollen, and her guns could only fall off her palms. She wanted to get up and take the gun, but was firmly suppressed by the body of the old man in Tsing Yi.

She was very angry and aggrieved. Why did the winning game end like this again?

"What happened?"

At this time, the two wooden doors were blasted open, and Lei Yueting rushed in with a bunch of people, looking at the mess all over the floor with surprise.

"Ye Dong, what's the matter?"

"How come there are gunshots?"

Everyone looked around at all this.

"Madam, you killed someone, but it was a member of God Control."

Ye Tianlong walked slowly in front of Mrs. Lei and smiled: "Now, you are really over..."

Mrs. Lei's face was completely pale.

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