Talented Genius

Chapter 1704: The porridge is too clear, add some dishes (four more)

Don't die!

This sentence could not be more appropriate for Mrs. Lei. If she doesn't do any small actions, Ye Tianlong will probably not move her for a year or a half.

Because Ye Tianlong needs the Lei Shi Group to smoothly transition, he will not be a last resort, and he will not easily deal with the second largest shareholder.

If she can return Lei Yueting's shares and assets, Ye Tianlong will really give her and Leschen a chance to spend the rest of their lives.

Unfortunately, Mrs. Lei chose the stupidest path, hoping to use the old man in Tsing Yi to turn things around again and get to the point where she is now in jail for murder.

But if you think about it in the depths, you can understand how she lost her mind, and what she had dreamed of for eighteen years was taken away by Ye Tianlong.

How can I feel better in my heart?

Seeing a large number of policemen appear, Mrs. Lei's heart is completely ashamed, just as desperate as Lei Yueting lost everything last night.

Everyone knows that if there is no Ye Tianlong, Mrs. Lei, relying on her relationship and contacts, might be on parole for medical treatment in three to five years.

Now that Ye Tianlong is suppressing it, she may not be able to get out in this lifetime. Even if Ye Tianlong is willing to let her go, it will take a heavy price in exchange.

After understanding the situation, the police inspected the scene carefully, and then tortured Mrs. Lei away.

Song Haochun personally led the team.

When Mrs. Lei was taken away, the atmosphere of the Lei Group was a little more dull, but Ye Tianlong's status and power were also invisibly established.

Ye Tianlong did not stay in the group. After letting Lei Yueting take full responsibility for the matter, he got into the car and went to the sweet potato porridge shop of Ann University for lunch.

He once wanted to send a message to Lei Shijing, but thinking that she was busy with the planning of the Imperial Hotel and Mrs. Lei's changes, he took back the phone.

Ye Tianlong didn't want to disturb her.

He also wanted to be called Han Jing, but finally gave up the idea. Han Jing came here and was recognized as a sensation.

When Ye Tianlong appeared in the porridge shop, a group of girls with crisp laughter were walking away from the shop. Looking at the youthful and energetic faces, Ye Tianlong smiled slightly.

It's nice to be young.

"Dragon, are you here?"

Ye Tianlong found a corner and sat down. The old man walked up quickly and asked with a smile, "Where is Shi Jing?"

Ye Tianlong smiled softly: "She has too many things to be busy recently, so I came to drink the porridge by myself. After drinking, I pack it back and give it to her."

"Be busy, be full."

The old man smiled and served Ye Tianlong a bowl of porridge, and then brought some delicious side dishes: "Human, don't toss a little bit, the bones will break."

The old grandma also walked out of it and brought a plate of cut eggs: "Tianlong, is Jing Jing in a better mood?"

"Thank you grandma for caring."

Ye Tianlong smiled and took the topic: "She is better, all the unhappiness has disappeared. She had a wonderful birthday last night."

The grandmother was very happy: "That's good, that's good, I'm still worried about her sadness."

Grandpa patted Ye Tianlong's shoulder and smiled and said, "Tianlong, you have to treat her well.


Ye Tianlong was about to respond with a smile. The phone rang and put on the Bluetooth headset, and soon came the voice of a handicapped: "Ye Shao, the airport is hiring."

"We showed him the photos and asked Zhen to video with him, and then he said everything."

"They are indeed disabled soldiers. They received instructions from Chu Zizhong of the Chu family to kill Han Jing and set the blame on Mr. Dai at all costs."

Canshou quickly informed the situation: "I just didn't expect the airport operation to be sabotaged by you, and you would know their origin."

Ye Tianlong picked up a spoon and stirred the sweet potato porridge gently: "What else did he say?"

"We are lucky."

Canshou whispered: "This Huokou happened to be the leader of the first team. He gave the orderer's name and mail, and also recruited the stronghold."

"They belong to the Southeast Asian branch, and they are in the same rank as the Zhao family's hairy lion, and they are based in a welfare church in Xincheng."

Ye Tianlong nodded in satisfaction: "Very well, you record all these confessions, and then pack a copy for Han Jing and pass it on."

"I think she will pass this video to King Han."

He believed that Han Jing would remind the Han family to be careful.

Canshou nodded: "Okay, when the recording is over, I will pass a copy to Miss Han."

Hanging up, Ye Tianlong was silent for a while.

He had a deep gaze. If King Han knew that the Chu family had attacked Han Jing and blamed the Dai family, would the long-standing relationship with the family be broken?

He hopes from the bottom of his heart that the two families will be torn apart, not for the benefit of the fishermen, but for the importance of Han Jing to King Han.

After thinking for a while, Ye Tianlong couldn't confirm King Han's attitude, so he gave a wry smile and took a spoon to drink.

He didn't know if the food was delicious or was too hungry, so he swept away all the porridge in front of him.

When he finished eating, Ye Tianlong had an extra person in his field of vision.

An old monk in grey clothes slowly approached the porridge shop, his expression was soft, his eyes were kind, and his behavior was indifferent, so low-key that he almost didn't feel his existence.

Ye Tianlong was about to pay to leave, but when he saw the old monk in gray, he opened his eyes. He felt as if he had seen him somewhere, thinking about it and patted his thigh:

"Master, master, long time no see, do you still know me?"

Ye Tianlong was very happy: "We have seen that little temple twice in the capital. Do you remember me? I asked you to give me some advice."

Allowing Ye Tianlong to be happy, the gray-clothed old monk calmly took out a porcelain bowl, and then picked up the kettle to pour a bowl of water.

He is harmless to humans and animals like a baby, but he gives Ye Tianlong an unfathomable feeling that he will never be able to ascertain the details of the old monk in gray.

Then, he slowly drank the tea, not hurriedly, not surprised or surprised, showing Ye Tianlong's masterful demeanor.

"Master, haven't you eaten yet?"

Ye Tianlong waved his hand very boldly: "I invite you to drink sweet potato porridge, the sweet potato porridge here is first-rate."

He ran to the operation room, said to the grandfather, then scooped out a large bowl of sweet potato porridge and placed it in front of the gray-clothed old monk.

The sweet potato porridge at noon is sold out, so this bowl is a bit thin, the wind blows, the ripples gradually rise.

"Master, you are welcome, I have already paid, and you are delicious."

Ye Tianlong pulled a chair away and sat down beside him: "I didn't expect to meet you here, it's really fate."

The old monk in grey clothes smiled lightly, but did not respond to Ye Tianlong, then poured the sweet potato porridge into his rice bowl and took out his chopsticks.

"Master, thank you very much for your advice last time, allowing me to find my way, but I'm a bit lost recently."

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath and complained to the old gray-clothed monk: "I don't know what's wrong lately. I'm always impatient and often go crazy."

"This makes me look at things and do things, always incomplete, often omissions, and sometimes misunderstandings."

Ye Tianlong was very distressed: "You said, what should I do?"

The gray-clothed old monk glanced at Ye Tianlong, then stirred the porridge three times with his chopsticks, and then looked at the side dish area not far away...

Ye Tianlong was stunned for a moment, and looked around before the porridge, saw his shadow, and then turned to look at the side dish area of ​​sauerkraut and radish.

He patted his forehead: "Master, you mean, you have to recognize yourself before you can see long-term and considerate?"

"A word to wake up the dreamer, take it, thank you Master, I know how to do it."

Ye Tianlong threw his five bodies to the ground, and then ran away.

"Guawazi, I mean, the porridge is too clear, add some dishes..."

Looking at Ye Tianlong's back, the old monk in grey clothes sighed slightly: "You are like this, how can you be a new master..."

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