Talented Genius

Chapter 1705: The fourth reason

For the next three days, Ye Tianlong continued to stay in Ancheng to deal with Shouwei.

Although Lei Yueting turned from a boss to a senior working emperor, after experiencing his wife's betrayal, he began to take care of the Lei Group in a down-to-earth manner.

The change in his temperament also made his men be merciful. Not only did he not get rid of Mrs. Lei, but he also sent Leischen to study abroad.

After experiencing the baptism of a birthday party, Lei Shijing became daring to fight despite being strong and independent. While studying hard, he was marketing the Imperial Hotel.

Even she herself does not know that one day in the future, she will become the most influential economic adviser of the Huaxia official and Tianmen Group.

After Ye Tianlong dealt with Lei's affairs, he and Shangguan Xiaozhi participated in the celebration banquet of Longmen in Ancheng, marking the end of Longmen's unification of the south.

Ye Tianlong also accompanied Han Jing, who had signed an endorsement contract with Lei Shi, to shoot four commercials, and then sent her on a flight to Hengdian Studios.

She is going to make a film of Zhang Qingmen this year.

For her safety, Ye Tianlong asked Jiang Qianxue to follow her to protect her, to prevent the Chu family from attacking Han Jing again.

After sending Han Jing away, Ye Tianlong followed Xu Mingmen and Lan Xiaomo around Ancheng, helping them sweep seven or eight buildings and four or five plots of land.

At the same time, the Tianlong Supercar Ancheng branch was established, and Lan Xiaomo's camp has grown again, with the number of members reaching 2,000, becoming China's No. 1 race.

The Ancheng affairs were settled, and Ye Tianlong was also preparing to fly back to Mingjiang. The night before leaving, Lei Shijing invited Ye Tianlong to eat at the Imperial Hotel.

At six o'clock in the evening, Ye Tianlong's car parked at the Dorsett Hotel. The security guards were the same security guards, and the waiters were also the waiters.

It's just that everyone's mentality has changed, and he is no longer the same as last time.

The security guards who had followed Leiqin to beat Ye Tianlong were even more respectful and personally led Ye Tianlong to the place where Lei Shijing invited to eat.

Ye Tianlong didn't have a stand. After patted their arms, he knocked on the door of the room. Lei Shijing's voice soon came from the open door:

"Please come in."

Ye Tianlong smiled and pushed the door in, a pleasant fragrance poured over, making Ye Tianlong take a deep breath, and then closed the door.

As soon as the door was closed, a sweet-smiling Lei Shijing appeared in Ye Tianlong's vision, and she whispered to herself sweetly:


Ye Tianlong smiled, and found that today's Lei Shijing was dressed very sexy, and her well-dressed pink face was even more impressive.

Lei Shijing definitely belongs to the kind of natural beauty. Her delicate features can never be bored. The most terrible thing is her figure, which is curvy and smooth.

The good-textured blouse is tightly attached to Auran, and above it is the waist wrapped in the short skirt, which reminds Ye Tianlong of the heroine in the Nanhan movie.

Feeling Ye Tianlong's scorching gaze, Lei Shijing's pretty face was a little embarrassed, and she concealed the past with her chuckle, and then flashed a bunch of roses and said:

"Dragon, give it to you."

Lei Shijing red lips lightly said, "I wish you a safe journey tomorrow."

Ye Tianlong retracted his gaze, took Lei Shijing's flower, and smiled: "Thank you, the flowers are beautiful, and you are also beautiful."

He also glanced around this room, the best guest room in the Dorsett Hotel, the decoration tonight is very festive, and it also reveals a sense of warmth.

The middle table is full of food and drinks, as well as two white candles.

Ye Tianlong smiled and added: "The room is also very beautiful."

"There is no way, in order to catch you, it must take a lot of hard work."

Lei Shijing plucked up the courage to take a step forward and took the initiative to take Ye Tianlong's arm and smiled happily: "As the saying goes, sincere is the best way to go."

"I don't believe it, can you still not touch your heart with sugar-coated shells and my beauty?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and walked forward with her, slowly came to the table, looked at the exquisite food and drinks, said: "I always want to be reserved."

"Under my beauty, you can't be reserved."

Lei Shijing was joking with Ye Tianlong, then she pressed him on the chair, she dimmed the lights and lit two white candles.

The atmosphere became ambiguous.

Then, Lei Shijing filled their goblets with red wine: "Tianlong, invite you to dinner tonight, four reasons."

Ye Tianlong smiled curiously when he heard the words: "There are four more reasons to have a meal? You deserve to be studying economics."

Lei Shijing looked at Ye Tianlong with scorching eyes: "First, do it for you, I wish you a safe journey tomorrow."

"Secondly, thank you for your company these days and everything you have done for me. You have changed my life and made me decisive."

She sat at the dining table close to Ye Tianlong: "Third, I want to tell you again, I like you, I must capture your heart."

There was a touch of touch on Ye Tianlong's face, and then he raised the wine glass in his hand: "Shi Jing, thank you for your love, it is my honor."


Lei Shijing touched Ye Tianlong, then drank a clean one, and then poured a full glass for them, her pretty face blushing:

"I know I am not worthy of you now, but give me a little time, I can definitely close our gap."

Lei Shijing's beautiful eyes have a glow: "I will let you know that I am not a beautiful vase."

Ye Tianlong gently shook his head, his eyes were sincere: "I have never treated you as a vase. On the contrary, I always think that you will be outstanding in the future."

He also took out the book of Economics from his arms, the one that Lei Shijing left in the cafe. Every page on it was full of notes and experiences:

"This is my greatest confidence in you."

Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand and touched the woman's pretty face: "At most three years, the name Lei Shijing will be heard in Ancheng."

There was a sparkle in Lei Shijing's eyes, and she raised her wine glass and said softly: "Tianlong, you are the first person to affirm my value, thank you."

She was ridiculed by her mother and sister for eating plain rice since she was a child, but now she has received Ye Tianlong's affirmation and understanding, and Lei Shijing is indescribably moved.

She didn't speak, but clinked glasses with Ye Tianlong again, and then finished it in one sip.

Ye Tianlong wanted to stop, but in the end shook his head, a rare release, let her have a good drink, and he accompanied him to a glass of red wine.

It's just that I don't know if I'm too tired or the amount of alcohol is too small. After the two bottles of wine, Ye Tianlong felt a heat in his heart, and he had fantasy in his mind.

He inexplicably thought of the eyes of the old man in Tsing Yi, the deep sea in his eyes, the sea in the nightmare, and the isolated island...

Ye Tianlong shook his head hard, wanting to become more sober, but his mind showed more fragments...

Dry wells, laboratories, zombies, and screams could not stop Ye Tianlong's heart from pouring into his heart, causing him to fluctuate in spirit, and his body was instantly tired.

"Tianlong, what's wrong with you?"

At this moment, Lei Shijing's low voice called Ye Tianlong back. She looked at Ye Tianlong with care on her face: "Why are you sweating?"

Ye Tianlong came back to his senses and replied with a warm smile: "It's okay, maybe the wine is drunk quickly, so it's a bit hot."

At the same time, there was a sense of solemnity in his heart, why did the nightmare suddenly come? And how can you feel the original scenes in your dream when you are awake?

Did the old man's hypnosis in Tsing Yi touch those dreams?

A thought flashed in his heart, and then he recovered calm again, lest she worried Lei Shijing with a strange expression, and asked with a smile:

"You only said three reasons, what is the fourth reason?"

At this moment, Lei Shijing didn't speak, she suddenly slipped from the dining table, sat on Ye Tianlong's lap, and took a sip of the red wine.

She bulged her little mouth close to Ye Tianlong's lips.

The rich aroma of wine, such as orchid-like musk perfume, more seductive and charming body fragrance, the intertwining of various flavors makes people seem drunk.


The candle cracked and the flame became stronger, shining on the cheeks of the two.

Ye Tianlong lowered his head, Lei Shijing looked up, and the faces of both of them approached and expanded infinitely in each other's eyes.

In the flickering candlelight, Lei Shijing's red lips suddenly kissed Ye Tianlong...

Ye Tianlong froze first, then responded enthusiastically.


When Ye Tianlong's hand touched Lei Shijing's skin, Lei Shijing could no longer bear it, closing her eyes and making a vague sound.

This sound was undoubtedly a fatal temptation to Ye Tianlong. He turned over and pressed Lei Shijing on the chair... Omit 10,000 words...

All clothes are gone.

The fourth reason!

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